So Who Owns the Entertainment Business Which Brought Open Satan Worship Into Our Living Rooms? Blackrock, Owned by the World's Richest Families


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
World Economic Forum, UN, Big Pharma, all bow to Blackrock/Vanguard. This is the head of the beast.

Who Runs The World? Blackrock and Vanguard

"In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution. Why doesn’t everybody know this? Why aren’t there movies and documentaries about this? Why isn’t it in the news? Because 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates.

Covid Lie asks, “Who sponsors the organization and press agencies that produce our news? With Project Syndicate, we see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundation and the European Journalism Centre. The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same elite that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them.”

Or, as George Carlin said, “It’s a small club and you ain’t in it.”

So when Lynn Forester de Rothschild wants the United States to be a one-party country (like China) and doesn’t want voter ID laws passed in the US, so that more election fraud can be perpetrated to achieve that end,what does she do?

She holds a conference call with the world’s top 100 CEOs and tells them to publicly decry as “Jim Crow” Georgia’s passing of an anti-corruption law and she orders her dutiful CEOs to boycott the State of Georgia, like we saw with Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball and even Hollywood star, Will Smith. In this conference call, we see shades of the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, the New World Order."
Lynn Forester De Rothschild with Hillary Clinton

Orsini family mansion
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World Economic Forum, UN, Big Pharma, all bow to Blackrock/Vanguard. This is the head of the beast.

Who Runs The World? Blackrock and Vanguard

"In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution. Why doesn’t everybody know this? Why aren’t there movies and documentaries about this? Why isn’t it in the news? Because 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates.

Covid Lie asks, “Who sponsors the organization and press agencies that produce our news? With Project Syndicate, we see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundation and the European Journalism Centre. The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same elite that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them.”

Or, as George Carlin said, “It’s a small club and you ain’t in it.”

So when Lynn Forester de Rothschild wants the United States to be a one-party country (like China) and doesn’t want voter ID laws passed in the US, so that more election fraud can be perpetrated to achieve that end,what does she do?

She holds a conference call with the world’s top 100 CEOs and tells them to publicly decry as “Jim Crow” Georgia’s passing of an anti-corruption law and she orders her dutiful CEOs to boycott the State of Georgia, like we saw with Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball and even Hollywood star, Will Smith. In this conference call, we see shades of the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, the New World Order."
Lynn Forester De Rothschild with Hillary Clinton

Orsini family mansion


Pretty right on.


The same rich and elites that you want to give tax breaks for. lol I agree with what they're doing that night but they need to pay their fuckking taxes!

So Who Owns the Entertainment Business Which Brought Open Satan Worship Into Our Living Rooms?​

No one AFAIC, because I'm not fool enough to bring that CRAP into my living room in the first place!

Who turns on that crap? Don't you know that the value of advertising space is BASED on the number of boxes that record their tuning in?

If half the people just had the sense not to even turn this CRAP on, these horrible companies would be practically put out of business overnight.
The suspension of reality was imposed over 3 years ago and has not been retracted
So, emotional, talent laden actors and singers now feel empowered to release their excesses upon the public with the feeling the public will lap it up like they do.
They are incorrect
Thinkers are moral people.
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You do not do coy very convincingly.

Let me guess...this referencing to 1913 has something to do with "the Jews"??

What is your claim...that European Jews messed everything up when they came to Palestine?

What racist conspiracy is this one about?

And how does that have anything to do with a guy hurting your fragile feelings at the Grammys? Is Sam Smith Jewish or something?
Its not exactly like they are in the closet about who, or what they are, most of you simply refuse to accept the in your face reality, here's some of that reality for you, its fascinating in that the fascist go to source for dumbing down the low IQ'd masses, Snopes, literally listed this as "mostly false!" They claimed it a crucifix dedicated to a guy named St Peter, which its not, but they did, so they then stated the truth was mostly false..... :banana:

The suspension of reality was imposed over 3 years ago and has not been retracted
So, emotional, talent laden actors and singers now feel empowered to release their excesses upon the public with the feeling the public will lap it up like they do.
They are incorrect
Thinkers are moral people.
That is called freedom! You really should learn about it and stop trying to dictate what other people do. Fascist.
The suspension of reality was imposed over 3 years ago and has not been retracted
So, emotional, talent laden actors and singers now feel empowered to release their excesses upon the public with the feeling the public will lap it up like they do.
They are incorrect
Thinkers are moral people.
Fret not...Woke Entertainment Ratings are in the toilet.
Its not exactly like they are in the closet about who, or what they are, most of you simply refuse to accept the in your face reality, here's some of that reality for you, its fascinating in that the fascist go to source for dumbing down the low IQ'd masses, Snopes, literally listed this as "mostly false!" They claimed it a crucifix dedicated to a guy named St Peter, which its not, but they did, so they then stated the truth was mostly false..... :banana:


Is anybody surprised?


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