So..who will get the vaccination? can move it to wherever forum it belongs. Was not sure, so went with this one.

Will you?
If not...will you if they say you cannot enter grocery stores to buy food, travel in your car, see doctors/dentists, buy gas, attend church, etc? Will that make you decide to be "vaccinated" if it is passed as a law?

I refuse to do it. Regardless. I have no idea what concoction is in that needle attached to some potion they claim is a vaccination. Could be anything. Old people get the red labeled injection tube...young people the blue.....those with skills get the green...those that are homeless get the purple, etc etc etc.

I was texting with a friend....who just bought 40 acres. Well being dug, road already paved. Only thing there is one very well insulated garage that has a new roof. She said I could come there IF this orwellian order happens because she isn't getting vaccinated either. We talked goats, chickens, solar energy in some form, and basic off grid living that is minimalistic. I said I would IF it happens. For some reason, I think it might. I know some skills from watching Naked and Afraid shows, some nature shows, some off grid shows. But there will be no money to do what those tv shows show. This will be the basics of basic. And if that is what I hafta do..then if I am still able to walk then I will do it. No electric. No tv. No internet. Just barren land with scrub trees but at least shelter in the garage and a well for water. Lots of critters around too... deer, skunks, wild turkey, coyote, bear, puma. I'll need a dog.

Meanwhile..I need a really good book or two to learn how to plant, what to plant, when to plant, what is edible that is wild (plantwise), medicinal herbs found on the land and in general...everything needed to know to survive in such limited circumstances. That is, unless they toss all us deniers for the shot in some camp somewhere guarded by whomever. Gotta catch me first! Live free...die free. Thats my plan.

Pretty sure I am not alone in thinking of this "what if" scenario. Hence my question. Will you refuse the "vaccine" or do it so you can eat, have a roof, and be slave to the government?

There is a certain irony to life.

I had been watching the financial markets, and I actually sort of expected this consolidation back in 2008. Back then I had bought a bunch of survival seeds, books, etc. when I was younger and much more able to strike out on my own. . .

After the flood, I lost all my possessions, everything. The only things that could be salvaged were my clothing and some dishes from the kitchen.

Oh, and the top shelf of my book case in my bed-room? All my survival books and stuff. .. . . lol They all survived the natural disaster. :auiqs.jpg:

These are the two best I liked, they tended to be the most popular in that community, though I can't say I ever put any of that stuff into practice. I saw there is an app. for the one book now.

The new complete book of self-sufficiency

I took my wife to a follow up Dr. visit last week.

Her Dr. was surprise that neither of us has tested positive for the Rona.

Why was the Dr. surprised?

Because SHE tested positive for the Rona very soon after my wife's earlier visit.

The Dr. (mid 60's) was down with symptoms for about two weeks. Not severe.

She asked if we would accept the vaccine.

Some folks have "bug out bags". Well..thats a temp thing..tsunami, hurricane, tornado, earthquakes, etc. I'm talking PERMANENT bug out bagS as in as much as my van can hold. I won't be able to get gas I suppose, unless I show my "papers", so once there....I either get a horse (but how to feed it?), or walk, or get a bicycle. That will be interesting. Old lady on a bicycle, falls, breaks her hip and lays there to die in the dirt. Oy.
But I'd rather die that way than have some bug jabbed into me, or a microchip.
I took my wife to a follow up Dr. visit last week.

Her Dr. was surprise that neither of us has tested positive for the Rona.

Why was the Dr. surprised?

Because SHE tested positive for the Rona very soon after my wife's earlier visit.

The Dr. (mid 60's) was down with symptoms for about two weeks. Not severe.

She asked if we would accept the vaccine.

NOPE! doc (pain management/neurologist) said he will NOT get it either, even if that means they pull his license. Same thing my general practioner said. NO VACCINE for her. She said she MIGHT after about 3 to 5 years because thats how long it takes to find out what horrors that MAY happen with such a rushed vaccine for a fucking flu. Her words...not mine.
Just about every question you have asked so far, has been covered in one of those two books I posted.

The primary thing that that SAS Manuel stressed the most? KEEP YOUR HEAD, DON'T PANIC, and be mentally prepared for when the shit hits the fan.

Just the fact that you are posting this thread, means, you are not going to fall apart when it happens. A LOT. . . and I do mean, masses of folks are going to lose their shit.

It is best not to live in a heavily, high density populated area. I don't care for where I live now. . . but, as I sleep most of the time, and I no longer take care of my kid, I have to live in an apartment. Those are only located in the city.

It was nice when I could live out in the villages. I liked living in a place with a population under 1000.

Living in a town with a population of 40,000 is. . . claustrophobic. It was so nice to watch the wildlife come and go. Here? Humans are noisy fuckers. lol

The only information I really thought I didn't think I could make work from those two books I linked, was how to make cooking oil. . . the one book's instructions were for cold pressed oil. . if I remember right. It was a long time ago. And it seems rather labor intensive, and the instructions were too complex, yet sparse. I would recommend having more detailed info on that topic.

I could be wrong.

. . . and the information from the SAS book on biological, radio-logical and chemical war? I found that to be. . . meh, not very helpful or realistic. If that were to happen, I always thought I would just be fucked anyway. :auiqs.jpg:

OTH, just about every question you can think of is answered in someway in one of those two books. . . if it is not a detailed medical diagnostic question that is. . .

I would also recommend getting a book on the edible wild plants and animals of the area you will be in as well. I had those for the Great Lakes region, for both food and medicines, that was a great book too. . .
Before white people have to get vaccinated all bipocs should get it anything less is racist. I am happy to sacrifice my place in line so some slope headed black can get it. Any idea of asserting white privilege to steal the vaccine from a deserving black or brown is white supremacy.

I want to see if they die first.
Just about every question you have asked so far, has been covered in one of those two books I posted.

The primary thing that that SAS Manuel stressed the most? KEEP YOUR HEAD, DON'T PANIC, and be mentally prepared for when the shit hits the fan.

Just the fact that you are posting this thread, means, you are not going to fall apart when it happens. A LOT. . . and I do mean, masses of folks are going to lose their shit.

It is best not to live in a heavily, high density populated area. I don't care for where I live now. . . but, as I sleep most of the time, and I no longer take care of my kid, I have to live in an apartment. Those are only located in the city.

It was nice when I could live out in the villages. I liked living in a place with a population under 1000.

Living in a town with a population of 40,000 is. . . claustrophobic. It was so nice to watch the wildlife come and go. Here? Humans are noisy fuckers. lol

The only information I really thought I didn't think I could make work from those two books I linked, was how to make cooking oil. . . the one book's instructions were for cold pressed oil. . if I remember right. It was a long time ago. And it seems rather labor intensive, and the instructions were too complex, yet sparse. I would recommend having more detailed info on that topic.

I could be wrong.

. . . and the information from the SAS book on biological, radio-logical and chemical war? I found that to be. . . meh, not very helpful or realistic. If that were to happen, I always thought I would just be fucked anyway. :auiqs.jpg:

OTH, just about every question you can think of is answered in someway in one of those two books. . . if it is not a detailed medical diagnostic question that is. . .

I would also recommend getting a book on the edible wild plants and animals of the area you will be in as well. I had those for the Great Lakes region, for both food and medicines, that was a great book too. . .
I went to amazon.....ACK! the Prices!!!...put some in my cart. Then I went to! prices great but..OUT OF STOCK. Looks like others are thinking like I am thinking.

I live in a town of 13000. But its more than that just from the 3 cities surrounding us. CONSTANT flow of people. Thankfully...95% are republicans/conservatives and most that I have spoken to won't take the vaccine either. I, too, have no kids to take care of and am stuck in an apartment complex. 6th floor, too. But, I am at the tippy top, so thats a plus. Nobody over my head and only 3 connected neighbors. And we are all over 65....most in their 80's, a couple in their 90's. Me and one other lady are the youngest with her at 62 and me at 68. Added plus is the mountains are not far (Sierra's). MrG will be fine since he goosesteps and believes all he hears on dem news channels..and will get the vaccine. Me? Nope. So he will do ok. Me? Not so much. So..I either head to Alaska to GallantWarriors place OR...I go to Anne's 40 acres in the middle of bumfuck. But, she is having the well drilled and the garage is perfect for me to settle in. I told her it would be me and my cat, lol. She said the place is mine if I want to go rustic. So....I'm gonna study up the best I can. Gonna hit the thrift stores tomorrow and look for How To books, guides, etc. Library is closed (of course. Chickenshits.)...but thrift shops are open.

I think I may need to buy a bow and some arrows, heh.

I wonder if I can do this at 70 to 72 years old. I figure thats about as much time that will take for the tyrants to insist on everone being jabbed even though its an invasion of our rights. Like, what rights? They are being whittled away and dumbfucks eager to believe all they are told don't even see it.

Being in Cali is not going to be good either. This will be the first state to instrument any bullshit demands due to Newscum and Aunty Pelosi. Argggg.

All Iknow is...I won't get that damn shot. Nope. Even if it means living rustic at 70 years old. Alone.
Last edited:
Before white people have to get vaccinated all bipocs should get it anything less is racist. I am happy to sacrifice my place in line so some slope headed black can get it. Any idea of asserting white privilege to steal the vaccine from a deserving black or brown is white supremacy.

I want to see if they die first.
Great idea!!! Whitey gets in back of the line. We can see what happens then. :auiqs.jpg: Don't wanna take advantage of our white privilege, right?
BTW..I read the reviews on amazon for the SAS book. Bad. Said alot didn't make sense, alot was confusing, alot was unnecessary. But..I might get it anyway if I can find it at a thrift shop.

There HAS to be preppers here. Any other suggestions on HOW TO's for the apocolypse? Hell, for all we know, nobody wil have to get jabbed, but a meteor could hit us and those left alive? No power. No grocery stores. No gas stations. No interent. No anything. Think of the book/movie The Stand without the monster. PEOPLE are the monsters. So being prepped is better than being a deer in headlights, right?
Note to self:
Learn how to make fire. No matches. No lighters. Hmm. Maybe a magnifying glass tucked somewhere. But still gotta learn how to do it with just a bow drill or whatever.
Honestly, if you watched the speech to the UN I posted, I don't think they are going to "force" anyone to take it.

My son and his girlfriend visited for dinner the other night. We had a discussion about this. I am actually quite proud of them both for being so educated on this subject for a couple of nineteen year olds.

Both of them know they have a statistically ZERO chance of suffering any ill affects from this disease, and both would just sooner catch the damn COVID than take an experimental drug. My kid knows I have already had it, so he knows there is no way in hell I would ever take a shot for something I have had. That is just dumb. Would someone take an experimental Chicken Pox vaccine if they had already had the Chicken Pox? Of course not.

This disease does not warrant a vaccine, not to anyone under that age of sixty, it is just dumb to get a shot. The vaccine, statistically, seems more risky than the disease. So what if you do not want one, what can the establishment do to you?

Well, as many in this thread have noted, employers are private entities, and thus, they can demand anything they want as a condtion of employment. So can different government agencies and branches of the government.

OTH, schools and other organizations will have a hard time discriminating based on who has, and hasn't had the vaccine, as there have already been court cases on this. It has to do with informed consent and vaccine safety.

I saw a link earlier from a Vatican news source, but it was reporting the same news.

The most important thing? KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. I do not think the government can force anyone to take any shorts. OTH. . . . if you are receiving any money at all from the government, medicare, medicaid, SS, etc.? They might be able to enforce it that way.

I forget what podcast I was listening to, but someone did a survey of doctors and yours is not alone, the percentage that will not get this is actually quite high. The thing about it is, they haven't done any long term studies like they do with most, b/c it is deemed a "national emergency." Those stage three trials typically take two to three years, I think most professionals know this.

It wouldn't surprise me if you have to sign something before you get the vaccination, releasing liability or stating that you understand that. . . maybe not. They are sort of pulling the wool over folks eyes on this one.

COVID Vaccine Hesitancy Widespread, Even Among Medical Professionals

". . . . Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles’ Karin Fielding School of Public Health surveyed healthcare personnel working in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. As the Washington Post reported, they found that two thirds (66.5%) of healthcare workers “intend to delay vaccination,” meaning they do not intend to get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available. They plan instead on reviewing the data once it’s widely administered and proven safe.

Seventy-six percent of the vaccine-hesitant healthcare workers cited the “fast-tracked vaccine development” as a primary reason for their concerns. Typically, vaccines take between eight to 10 years to develop, Dr. Emily Erbelding, an infectious disease expert at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN in an article titled, “The timetable for a coronavirus vaccine is 18 months. Experts say that’s risky.”

The coronavirus vaccine frontrunners — Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca — are expected to make their debut in January. The pharmaceutical giants have exponentially accelerated the average safety and review timeline for vaccine development and production, to get the vaccines to market in under a year. Erbelding admitted that the accelerated pace will involve “not looking at all the data.”

Susan Bailey, president of the American Medical Association, said in a video that the number of physicians expressing hesitancy was “unprecedented” and “posed a real risk” to public confidence in vaccines.. . . . "

The upshot?

At this point, I would be really. . . . really. . . REALLLY surprised if the government forces anyone to do anything.

At this point, it will be all Darwinian, the easily programed will be the guinea pigs first. Those who trust the most will suffer the most.
Note to self:
Learn how to make fire. No matches. No lighters. Hmm. Maybe a magnifying glass tucked somewhere. But still gotta learn how to do it with just a bow drill or whatever.
Relax. . . we aren't there yet. The government has no where near the amount that the folks that are scared out of their minds demanding a vaccine that WANT one, much less forcing one on you.

I think I heard. . . 100 million?

We have over three times that many folks.

If your doctors don't even want it, I don't think they will be pushing it on you, don't worry about it.

And if anyone asks? Tell them you already had it. :eusa_whistle:
BTW..I read the reviews on amazon for the SAS book. Bad. Said alot didn't make sense, alot was confusing, alot was unnecessary. But..I might get it anyway if I can find it at a thrift shop.

There HAS to be preppers here. Any other suggestions on HOW TO's for the apocolypse? Hell, for all we know, nobody wil have to get jabbed, but a meteor could hit us and those left alive? No power. No grocery stores. No gas stations. No interent. No anything. Think of the book/movie The Stand without the monster. PEOPLE are the monsters. So being prepped is better than being a deer in headlights, right?
hmmm. . . the reviews I read 15 years ago were stellar. It's the manuel for the British special forces.

What can I say about the reading skills for kids today. :heehee:

It probably should have kept each section to 280 characters or less.

My mistake, I thought I had left a PDF of both books, I accidentally doubled the Walmart link on the SAS manual.

Here is a view of the SAS manuel, you can check it out before you get it. Like I wrote before, the only chapter I didn't find useful was the one on disasters.

LA RAM FAN was a bit concerned a day or so ago. This thread, and the responses should be a benefit to him.
N.Y. Law Professor Addresses U.N. on Government Vaccine Policies Violating the Nuremberg Code

This video ought to be enough to put the fear of God into the masses. No animal trials? can move it to wherever forum it belongs. Was not sure, so went with this one.

Will you?
If not...will you if they say you cannot enter grocery stores to buy food, travel in your car, see doctors/dentists, buy gas, attend church, etc? Will that make you decide to be "vaccinated" if it is passed as a law?

I refuse to do it. Regardless. I have no idea what concoction is in that needle attached to some potion they claim is a vaccination. Could be anything. Old people get the red labeled injection tube...young people the blue.....those with skills get the green...those that are homeless get the purple, etc etc etc.

I was texting with a friend....who just bought 40 acres. Well being dug, road already paved. Only thing there is one very well insulated garage that has a new roof. She said I could come there IF this orwellian order happens because she isn't getting vaccinated either. We talked goats, chickens, solar energy in some form, and basic off grid living that is minimalistic. I said I would IF it happens. For some reason, I think it might. I know some skills from watching Naked and Afraid shows, some nature shows, some off grid shows. But there will be no money to do what those tv shows show. This will be the basics of basic. And if that is what I hafta do..then if I am still able to walk then I will do it. No electric. No tv. No internet. Just barren land with scrub trees but at least shelter in the garage and a well for water. Lots of critters around too... deer, skunks, wild turkey, coyote, bear, puma. I'll need a dog.

Meanwhile..I need a really good book or two to learn how to plant, what to plant, when to plant, what is edible that is wild (plantwise), medicinal herbs found on the land and in general...everything needed to know to survive in such limited circumstances. That is, unless they toss all us deniers for the shot in some camp somewhere guarded by whomever. Gotta catch me first! Live free...die free. Thats my plan.

Pretty sure I am not alone in thinking of this "what if" scenario. Hence my question. Will you refuse the "vaccine" or do it so you can eat, have a roof, and be slave to the government?

Got a printer??? I have several of those 'how-to' files saved and know of even more sites for that info. As far as I know, there isn't just 1 or 2 books to cover it all in enough depth.

and to the topic question........not if I can help it
Unfortunately...I don't have a printer. :(
Any suggestions on at least 2 or 3 books? I have never made jelly before. Or canned veggies. No clue how. I know they are clear glass jars with a sealed lid, but thats about it.
I'm pretty good at building shelters, but none are needed. Might have to build an outhouse though, lol. And add some kind of heating device, but I think I can figure that one out (air must draw up the smoke, not bellow it into the room). I am a damn good shot, so no worries there on hunting. In high school, I was very VERY good at archery too. But medicinal herbs? Nope. Home remedies..I know what book to get for that. Its called...Home Remedies, lol.
Planting, tho. Good with ornamentals but I don't know what time of year to plant a veggie, or what veggies are fall vs summer.

There is/was a book called 'Back to Basics' I think was put out by Readers Digest and another by a different author but is same book. It just gives a bit of info on several off grid/survival type subjects in one place.....but doesn't get into real depth to cover everything you need to know. Some of the topics included are raising different livestock & poultry, their basic needs (feed, water, shelter), raising a garden & orchard even the hay & feed for the critters, making rugs, tools, homemade bread, butter, cheese, laundry soap the old fashioned way with wood ashes & lye, smoking and/or salting foods for preservation as well as some canning techniques and even a wood cookstove operation & how to make candles from both wax & beeswax, building a house, buying the land and how much you'd need to be self sufficient and on & on. Not bad for beginners, but as you learn & grow with experience and have more questions, you're on your own I guess.
There is also a series of books called 'Foxfire' or something like that, that I've been told is similar to the Back to Basics but I've not read it to know.

As for gardening books....I'd recommend something like a 'Complete Gardening Encyclopedia' type. I know of atleast 2 different ones by different authors. One is by Rodale Press. Both books have a TON of info, including growing zones (areas where some things grow better than others, like Alaska vs Cali vs Mississippi vs Kansas, etc) with average frost dates, how to build, maintain and use a compost pile that enriches the soil that feeds the plants, which plants are best sown directly in soil, or started early indoors and later transplanted out, etc, etc.

You may also need to know how to save seeds from one years crop, to plant future crops. There are a couple of books on that and one is 'From Seed to Seed' (or similar name). Most veggies are pretty easy & straightforward, but some can be a bit tricky and some even take 2 years to bare seed.

Also you need to know what types you can save from and which ones don't work. Just know that you can NOT successfully save seed from hybrids. They may be faster growing, less disease & pests & give bigger crops.......but a hybrid is created by combining the best performance of 2 different varieties.........Example: say a huge round slicer tomato and a meaty Roma or sauce tomato to make a huge meaty tomato with less seeds & juice, reliable bumper crops in a shorter season with no disease or pest problems....sounds terrific if you want alot of big tomatoes with no problems in 60 days...BUT if you tried to save those seeds for a repeat next year, you'll probably be disappointed. The resulting crop will only take on either the big round ones, or the little meaty ones, get attacked by aphids or the fruit will crack and become useless or any number of other problems. In other words, plants grown from saved hybrids lose nearly all those wonderful traits by the second year and if you are depending on that crop to eat, you'll probably starve.
Heirlooms are great for saving seeds and as the name suggests, people have been doing so for generations to hand down to the next. And is usually how old varieties are still in existence hundreds of years later. The downside of heirlooms are, they can be more picky about growing conditions, weather/climate (what grows great in the north may not do anything in the south) feeding, watering, & overall care. You're best bet with these, is to find heirloom varieties that are specific to the area you live & grow in.
Then there are what's called 'open pollinated' varieties that usually fall somewhere in between hybrids and heirlooms. Not as picky or as old as heirlooms, but can sometimes produce better yields with less pest/disease, and the saved seeds will come 'true'. OP varieties were created as hybrids at one time or another (20 or 50 or 100's of years ago), but reliably produced 'true' from saved seed.

For medicinal plants, how to identify, which parts are usable, how to prepare them & how to use and even includes any warnings is called 'The Shepherd's Purse', I'm sure it doesn't cover everything, but probably does the most. Just know that most things people consider as weeds, are probably both edible and/or have medicinal uses, so be generous with weeds (after you've checked them out of course).

AND there's foraging for foods, which I don't know of a specific book just for that...though I'm sure there probably is one. There is some foraging info in the other books already listed.

As for foraging for mushrooms, I got nuttin........that is one thing I don't trust myself with and don't want to take a chance with. There are too many varieties of wild mushroom that are copycats of edibles and poison so I only buy my shrooms from the produce dept at the store.

OK I'll stop rambling, but these are some topics that I've spent many years learning about and still don't know all there is to know.
Just for funzies that are not really funny....what if that shot has some sort of tracking micro chip in it? Or dna of some kind that will fuck up your own system? After all...the more that die, the easier to control who is left.

Did you know Bill Gates, Mr. I Think I Am A Doctor, REFUSED to let his kids get vaccinated? Now why would he do that if he is front and center telling people to get vaccinated???

Gotta go to duckduckgo to get the info. Google has reports that says otherwise. I don't trust google anymore either.

Just know that while DuckDuckGo doesn't track you or your searches.......any site you do go to DOES.....and probably reports that back to Google. As in 'Gracies been here, we just don't know how she found us'

And I just remembered another good book that covers alot of what you want to know is 'The Encyclopedia of Country Living' by Carla Emery
Before white people have to get vaccinated all bipocs should get it anything less is racist. I am happy to sacrifice my place in line so some slope headed black can get it. Any idea of asserting white privilege to steal the vaccine from a deserving black or brown is white supremacy.

I want to see if they die first.

I totally agree. It's working out great to let Great Britain go first and pick up the hyper-allergic reactions. Now let's let all the blacks in America get the shot before the rest of us. We'll call it reparations.
Note to self:
Learn how to make fire. No matches. No lighters. Hmm. Maybe a magnifying glass tucked somewhere. But still gotta learn how to do it with just a bow drill or whatever.

I'd stock up on matches or those butane lighters, if I were you.

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