Zone1 So, Why Is This Okay?

Name one created by whites against blacks, and no IDs are not voter suppression.
Voters ID's are indeed part of it and every state that has initiated so called voter integrity measures are examples of voter suppression. And I haven't even started with the racism in law enforcement or criminal justice that has been admitted to by LE and CJ professionals.
LOL you call whites racist in every thread you post in repeatedly.
I have posted way too many times that not all whites are racists. I use the term white racists to denote a specific type of white person who exhibits racist behavior. So if you're too stupid to understand the difference, that is not my problem.
Voters ID's are indeed part of it and every state that has initiated so called voter integrity measures are examples of voter suppression. And I haven't even started with the racism in law enforcement or criminal justice that has been admitted to by LE and CJ professionals.
Yup blacks are just too stupid to get free ids
That’s funny.

Sure looked like a riot to me.

We’ve lost any common ground for a discussion when we cannot even agree that a riot is a riot regardless of partisan affiliations.
It wasn’t a riot no one is charged with that. Except in the msm where you seem to have gotten your ‘legal’ info. Do you also think that the protesters killed cops as the msm has lied about?
I have posted way too many times that not all whites are racists. I use the term white racists to denote a specific type of white person who exhibits racist behavior. So if you're too stupid to understand the difference, that is not my problem.
And I called you racist not every black person,

It sounds like there are many who think the Jan 6 rioters should not have been prosecuted.

On the other hand, I can’t find many (if any) who think that those who engaged in rioting during the Floyd protests should not have been prosecuted.

The biggest difference to me is NO ONE called the Floyd rioters Patriots or Political Prisoners (despite the fact that tbe administration at the point want law enforcement to focus only on the leftist agitators and participants).
They are supporting their Jan 6 ‘riot’ lie with another lie. That’s the way the Democrat controlled msm rolls.
Yup blacks are just too stupid to get free ids

The Brennan Center for Justice published a report called “The Truth About Voter Fraud.” Here is what the study says about voter I.D:

"The most common example of the harm wrought by imprecise and inflated claims of “voter fraud” is the call for in-person photo identification requirements. Such photo ID laws are effective only in preventing individuals from impersonating other voters at the polls — an occurrence more rare than getting struck by lightning.

By throwing all sorts of election anomalies under the “voter fraud” umbrella, however, advocates for such laws artificially inflate the apparent need for these restrictions and undermine the urgency of other reforms.

Moreover, as with all restrictions on voters, photo identification requirements have a predictable detrimental impact on eligible citizens. Such laws are only potentially worthwhile if they clearly prevent more problems than they create. If policymakers distinguished real voter fraud from the more common election irregularities erroneously labeled as voter fraud, it would become apparent that the limited benefits of laws like photo ID requirements are simply not worth the cost."
They are supporting their Jan 6 ‘riot’ lie with another lie. That’s the way the Democrat controlled msm rolls.
Jan 6 was a riot. Claiming differently is the lie.
There you go...........doing what Nazicrats do best........projecting what YOU do onto everybody else!!!

Thats ok. We understand the constraints and extreme limitations of your mental capacity......or lack thereof.
Incorrect. I stated what whites have done.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the constitution.
You probably assume that everyone that was at the Capital on Jan 6th is a rioter.
I'm willing to bet that the riot that took place outside the WH May 2020 you don't consider that a riot.

They never address that because Trump being threatened is fine with them. They are filled with hatred.
Name one created by whites against blacks, and no IDs are not voter suppression.
Apparently, they think blacks are incapable of getting and producing a valid ID. OR they are making excuses so illegals can vote. Or both. They really want to dilute the legal vote.
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They never address that because Trump being threatened is fine with them. They are filled with hatred.
That's because they're bad people who do bad things.
Many of them are sociopaths with narcissistic personality disorder.
They feel no guilt over accusing others of the crimes they are guilty of.
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That's because they're bad people who do bad things.
Many of them are sociopaths with narcissistic personality disorder.
They feel no guilt over accusing others of the crimes they are guilt of.
Ain't that the truth!! Typical 'Rules for Radicals' strategy and a tenet of Marxism.

The Brennan Center for Justice published a report called “The Truth About Voter Fraud.” Here is what the study says about voter I.D:

"The most common example of the harm wrought by imprecise and inflated claims of “voter fraud” is the call for in-person photo identification requirements. Such photo ID laws are effective only in preventing individuals from impersonating other voters at the polls — an occurrence more rare than getting struck by lightning.

By throwing all sorts of election anomalies under the “voter fraud” umbrella, however, advocates for such laws artificially inflate the apparent need for these restrictions and undermine the urgency of other reforms.

Moreover, as with all restrictions on voters, photo identification requirements have a predictable detrimental impact on eligible citizens. Such laws are only potentially worthwhile if they clearly prevent more problems than they create. If policymakers distinguished real voter fraud from the more common election irregularities erroneously labeled as voter fraud, it would become apparent that the limited benefits of laws like photo ID requirements are simply not worth the cost."
I took a look at the Brennan Center’s webpage. It’s a far left advocacy group. Which doesn’t surprise me since you are using them as a source.

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