Zone1 So, Why Is This Okay?

Because these are two DIFFERENT events entirely.

A few definitions:

insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

The U.S. Capitol: the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.

The January 6th participants used violence to attack the U.S. Capitol which is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government

Black Lives Matter and their allies on the other hand were engaged in the Constitutionally protected activity of protesting the violence and crime being perpetrated against black people, particularly black men by law enforcement as demonstrated by the murder of George Floyd. As criminals often do, they used the legitimate protests as cover for their lawlessness. Additionally there were people who engaged in unlawful behavior knowing that Black Lives Matter would be blamed for the rioting and destruction of property tarnishing the work that the movement has been attempting to accomplish.

People like this: Washington State woman sentenced to prison for setting 5 Seattle police vehicles on fire during 2020 protest
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Did your teachers not EVER give you an exercise to do in Compare & Contrast?

So there is a constitutional protection to use force of arms to invade and occupy United States Territory?

Because that's what the democrat Brown Shirts did at Chaz/Chop.

Did your teachers every show you the first amendment?

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This is precisely what the protesters did at the Reichstag Fire, which is absolutely protected by the 1st.

Unlike the democrats actual armed Insurrection at Chaz/Chop.


The warlord in the picture is Raz Simone - in case our intrepid KGB can't figure it out. Oh, but of course they can, he works for them - which is why he was never arrested or prosecuted for what is in fact treason, the armed invasion and occupation of American Territory.

I get it though, there are Trump voters who need to be hunted down, the Gestapo can't be concerned with acts of war against the Republic.
Because these are two DIFFERENT events entirely.

A few definitions:

insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

The U.S. Capitol: the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.

The January 6th participants used violence to attack the U.S. Capitol which is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government

Black Lives Matter and their allies on the other hand were engaged in the Constitutionally protected activity of protesting the violence and crime being perpetrated against black people, particularly black men by law enforcement as demonstrated by the murder of George Floyd. As criminals often do, they used the legitimate protests as cover for their lawlessness. Additionally there were people who engaged in unlawful behavior knowing that Black Lives Matter would be blamed for the rioting and destruction of property tarnishing the work that the movement has been attempting to accomplish.

People like this: Washington State woman sentenced to prison for setting 5 Seattle police vehicles on fire during 2020 protest
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Did your teachers not EVER give you an exercise to do in Compare & Contrast?
BLM and ANITFA were at the Capital on Jan 6th and were allowed into the building. Many of them were wearing Trump gear till they left the scene. Many of them broke windows and some of the fighting that was going on was between Trump supporters and paid BLM & ANTIFA instigators.

And when it came to Jan 6th being compared to 9/11....the riots that were going on around the White House in May and June of 2020 were a hundred times worse than Jan 6th.. Nobody set any fires on Jan 6th....but they were setting fires around the White House and tried to break in and kill the president. They had to turn the lights off in the White House to prevent snipers from shooting people in the building.

The FBI doesn't care about possible active shooters (because they're encouraging them) but they're worried about secret documents locked up in the SCIF in Mara-lago.

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Every Republican or Trump supporter needs to clean their home real well....because the Biden adm is going to pay you a visit if you speak up about what they're doing to everyone else.

People seem to believe a white guy would get arrested so,e,y for using the N word (or equivalent hate speech). Time to put that to to the test.

Anyone got an example?
The law is very clear on it and the bar is very high. For example, if a white person assaults a black person, or a black person assaults a white person, that isn’t in and of itself a “hate crime”, there has to be some evidence of a motive that the Assault was based on the person’s race. Just using a bunch of slurs isn’t a hate crime. Free speech rights protect even hate speech, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be community pushback.
Greg McMichael. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 10 years by the Biden administration's 'justice' department for a hate crime he didn't commit. The evidence used against him was that a thorough investigation of his SON'S online history showed he had in the past used the n-word a few times, complained about black behavior a few times, had once purchased a state-issued license plate commemorating the state's historical secession over a century ago and recently mentioned to someone he wasn't happy about his daughter dating a black kid. As I said, this was all they had on his son. They found NOTHING — no slurs, no black complaints — NOTHING — in Greg McMichael's online history or elsewhere, yet he was convicted of a hate crime and sentenced to life in prison plus ten years for it.
Greg McMichael. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 10 years by the Biden administration's 'justice' department for a hate crime he didn't commit. The evidence used against him was that a thorough investigation of his SON'S online history showed he had in the past used the n-word a few times, complained about black behavior a few times, had once purchased a state-issued license plate commemorating the state's historical secession over a century ago and recently mentioned to someone he wasn't happy about his daughter dating a black kid. As I said, this was all they had on his son. They found NOTHING — no slurs, no black complaints — NOTHING — in Greg McMichael's online history or elsewhere, yet he was convicted of a hate crime and sentenced to life in prison plus ten years for it.
McMichael hunted down and murdered a man because he was black. Bad exame.
McMichael hunted down and murdered a man because he was black. Bad exame.
This is a perfect example. They're is ZERO evidence of that. That is the point. The suspect's race was irrelevant to Greg McMichael. There is no evidence of that, of hate, or assault or intent to harm the suspect because of his race. I'm talking about specifically his being sentenced to life in prison for a federal hate crime (not the state charges and trial).

There is no evidence to support your statement — or Greg McMichael's conviction. The thefts he was investigating had nothing to do with race. The first suspects he reported to the police were living under a nearby bridge — they were white.
This is a perfect example. They're is ZERO evidence of that. That is the point. The suspect's race was irrelevant to Greg McMichael. There is no evidence of that, of hate, or assault or intent to harm the suspect because of his race. I'm talking about specifically his being sentenced to life in prison for a federal hate crime (not the state charges and trial).

There is no evidence to support your statement — or Greg McMichael's conviction. The thefts he was investigating had nothing to do with race. The first suspects he reported to the police were living under a nearby bridge — they were white.
It’s sort of like the George Floyd case. There was no evidence it had anything to do with race - race wasn’t even brought up in trial - and yet the BLM Marxist hate group used it to launch massive riots through out the nation, for months, based on a lie about cops killing unarmed black men.
It’s sort of like the George Floyd case. There was no evidence it had anything to do with race - race wasn’t even brought up in trial - and yet the BLM Marxist hate group used it to launch massive riots through out the nation, for months, based on a lie about cops killing unarmed black men.
"We don't have any evidence that Derek Chauvin factored in George Floyd's race as he did what he did."
—Keith Ellison, the black Minnesota Attorney General that prosecuted the policeman for murder.

The same is true of all of the subsequent cases that they used to further fuel the hate — no evidence of race being a factor in any of them.
This is a perfect example. They're is ZERO evidence of that. That is the point. The suspect's race was irrelevant to Greg McMichael. There is no evidence of that, of hate, or assault or intent to harm the suspect because of his race. I'm talking about specifically his being sentenced to life in prison for a federal hate crime (not the state charges and trial).

There is no evidence to support your statement — or Greg McMichael's conviction. The thefts he was investigating had nothing to do with race. The first suspects he reported to the police were living under a nearby bridge — they were white.
He claimed this guy was a burglar basing it on a video showing him wandering around a house under construction. Yet that video showed other white) people also wandering around it. He decided the one black guy was a criminal based on that.

He absolutely deserves a life sentence.
He claimed this guy was a burglar basing it on a video showing him wandering around a house under construction. Yet that video showed other white) people also wandering around it. He decided the one black guy was a criminal based on that.

He absolutely deserves a life sentence.
That's idiotic. 👎🏻 I expected better. Just terrible... a disgrace. Nothing inside of you of any value, obviously.
He claimed this guy was a burglar basing it on a video showing him wandering around a house under construction. Yet that video showed other white) people also wandering around it. He decided the one black guy was a criminal based on that.

He absolutely deserves a life sentence.
Just like Uncle Fester Fetterman, then?
Nope, anyone who chased an unarmed black man down with a shotgun deserves prison time.

The only ones excusing such behavior are democrats who think Fetterman shouldn't be held accountable, He's a Reich member - so laws don't apply to him.
Why did you put the qualification "black" in there?
If a white person commits a crime against a black, and uses certain words, that is "proof" of a hate crime
Not only was there a widely-publicized case of that earlier this year, resulting in life imprisonment plus ten years (the plus ten years signafies 'without the possibility of parole'), but the convicted had only used a slur a few times in the distant past and in a context unrelated to the matter at hand, but his father, who used no slurs at all, was also convicted and given life imprisonment plus ten years for a federal hate crime without a single piece of evidence against him.

This is Leftism in our judicial system, which Josef Biden has thoroughly embedded with unqualified political hit men (and women), disproportionately non-white and full of hate (as Coyote likes it). Disgusting!

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