So why isn't BLM treated as a terrorist group?

There are more than a couple of posters on this forum rubbing their grimy little hands with glee over this...anyone paying attention knows which ones
Bitch, you need to get a fuckin life. I am disgusted that 3 white men who are in custody would do this.

Why did you think I meant you?
Sassy you are a hater and that's what haters do, point fingers at liberals!!
You're the hater you spew it day after day. Asshole
All this anti white hate speech is paying off for you niggas huh?
Do tell, what anti white speech are you refering to, dumb bitch and do be specific!!! And because you can't show anything, please do us all a favor and go back to blowing your black boyfriend and get off the net!!
There are more than a couple of posters on this forum rubbing their grimy little hands with glee over this...anyone paying attention knows which ones
Bitch, you need to get a fuckin life. I am disgusted that 3 white men who are in custody would do this.

Why did you think I meant you?
Sassy you are a hater and that's what haters do, point fingers at liberals!!
You're the hater you spew it day after day. Asshole

Don't be hatin on me bitch, cause I've been takin notes from maggots like yo white ass!!
Do tell, what anti white speech are you refering to, dumb bitch and do be specific!!! And because you can't show anything, please do us all a favor and go back to blowing your black boyfriend and get off the net!!
That would be the speech you spew which keeps you at the bottom of society's barrel. It's not the color of your skin but the content of your character you stupid skank.
Dopey thread.

There is no info about this shooter out at all let alone his motivations or affiliations.
Who's advocating military overthrow of the government? Killing/imprisoning the people who disagree with you? You. Who's the Nazi, again?
Marxist Wannabe Mass Murderers have been advocating the slaughter of all who oppose them for more than a century before I was even born.

We need to arrest these people and give them a trial and shoot them in order to protect the public.

They deserve it because otherwise they would slaughter millions of innocent people, without even the fig leaf of a trial.

They gave Bakunin a trial, but he only confessed after the Marxists started torturing his son. To prevent such evil scum from taking power we have to purge them from our society.

You want to protect them from their just fate because you are a typical soft headed liberal idiot.
No, I have no idea who you're talking about. Marxists here since 1850? I didn't know the Manifesto had even been written then.
Dopey thread.

There is no info about this shooter out at all let alone his motivations or affiliations.
Dallas Shooting Suspect Wanted to Kill White People, Especially White Cops, Police Said
Maybe they will when the NRA is seen as a terrorists group. Ya think?
They've got a lot more blood on their hands than the 5 cops targetted for murder last night.
Get the fuck out of here, BLM has yet to hold a violent protest against any one, its the fuckin nuts that cause all the fuckin problems and I would bet my last mf dollar the guys they have in custody are white!! White men trying to start a fuckin race war...wanna bet me? Cause if they was black, we'd know all about em by now!!

You mean except the one where BLM terrorists assassinated 5 cops and tried to kill many more.
They've got a lot more blood on their hands than the 5 cops targetted for murder last night.
Get the fuck out of here, BLM has yet to hold a violent protest against any one, its the fuckin nuts that cause all the fuckin problems and I would bet my last mf dollar the guys they have in custody are white!! White men trying to start a fuckin race war...wanna bet me? Cause if they was black, we'd know all about em by now!!

You mean except the one where BLM terrorists assassinated 5 cops and tried to kill many more.

Please stop lying. The march was peaceful until the nut started shooting with the NRA approved assault rifle.
They've got a lot more blood on their hands than the 5 cops targetted for murder last night.
Get the fuck out of here, BLM has yet to hold a violent protest against any one, its the fuckin nuts that cause all the fuckin problems and I would bet my last mf dollar the guys they have in custody are white!! White men trying to start a fuckin race war...wanna bet me? Cause if they was black, we'd know all about em by now!!

You mean except the one where BLM terrorists assassinated 5 cops and tried to kill many more.

Please stop lying. The march was peaceful until the nut started shooting with the NRA approved assault rifle.

Yes the march was "peaceful", a bunch of progressive turds wanting "social justice" for black thugs being killed by their own stupidity. Then BLM supporters open fire and kill several cops. Then "peaceful" BLM supporters show their glee on Twitter, encouraging more carnage.

Yup, that's the definition of a "peaceful protest".

14 Most Vile Tweets After Dallas Snipers Killed Police Show the Worst of BLM's Anti-Cop Rhetoric

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