So why then were non-citizens counted as part of the 46 million uninsured??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Pelosi vows there will be no ObamaCare for illegal immigrants
Pelosi vows there will be no ObamaCare for illegal immigrants - The Hill's Healthwatch

that wasn't the case when they used the number 46 million "uninsured" to get the sympathy vote to pass Obamacare by just 6 votes!
The census said of their 46 million uninsured 10 million were not citizens!
Then Census ALSO wasn't aware that of the 36 million left, 14 million they counted as "uninsured" WERE only to register with Medicaid and they were covered!
That left then 22 million counted as "uninsured"..
The Census though never considered the situation of 18 million people they counted as uninsured that were under 34, made over $50k and spent less then $1,000 a year
out of their own pocket for health services. These 18 million didn't want, nor need to use employers' insurance... YET they are bogusly counted as wanting insurance!
So subtracting 18 million from 22 million leaves 4 million!

But Obama, Pelosi didn't care that the 46 million bogus... it was used to pass it so they could read it and find out we are heading for health care collapse!
Drama, they needed to pump the numbers and hide the expense. As for Pelosi's claim, do I need to say more? By now most people understand that we live in a era of fabrication.
Yeah, that is something I called bullshit on from the start.

And it wasn't that they were saying "46 million uninsured". They were saying "46 million uninsured Americans".


At the time, even some Obama supporters said privately that he might come to regret his position if he won the election; in effect, they said, he was potentially giving up an important option to help finance his ambitious health care agenda to reduce medical costs and to expand coverage to the 46 million uninsured Americans.

Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits

Health care reform is based on this assumption: there are currently 30 to 46 million uninsured Americans.

Gene Marks: 5 Reasons Business Owners Are Scared of Obamacare

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the initiative provides a new avenue of outreach, on top of a recently announced program to hire and train counselors known as "navigators" to help enroll the uninsured. There are about 49 million uninsured Americans.

U.S. unveils $150 million healthcare enrollment initiative

Those last two are from this year!
Yeah, that is something I called bullshit on from the start.

And it wasn't that they were saying "46 million uninsured". They were saying "46 million uninsured Americans".


At the time, even some Obama supporters said privately that he might come to regret his position if he won the election; in effect, they said, he was potentially giving up an important option to help finance his ambitious health care agenda to reduce medical costs and to expand coverage to the 46 million uninsured Americans.

Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits

Health care reform is based on this assumption: there are currently 30 to 46 million uninsured Americans.

Gene Marks: 5 Reasons Business Owners Are Scared of Obamacare

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the initiative provides a new avenue of outreach, on top of a recently announced program to hire and train counselors known as "navigators" to help enroll the uninsured. There are about 49 million uninsured Americans.

U.S. unveils $150 million healthcare enrollment initiative

Those last two are from this year!

Thank you for your validation as I've written here countless times but a few people like yourself comprehend the totally bogus number and with that they by 6 votes passed Obamacare! Do you think if more people especially these congress reps had understood there WERE NOT 46 million they would have passed this monstrosity? Again... MSM repeating myths. The BIG LIE theory by Hitler totally at play here. Tell a big enough lie and often enough people will believe it!!!
Yeah, that is something I called bullshit on from the start.

And it wasn't that they were saying "46 million uninsured". They were saying "46 million uninsured Americans".


At the time, even some Obama supporters said privately that he might come to regret his position if he won the election; in effect, they said, he was potentially giving up an important option to help finance his ambitious health care agenda to reduce medical costs and to expand coverage to the 46 million uninsured Americans.

Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits

Gene Marks: 5 Reasons Business Owners Are Scared of Obamacare

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the initiative provides a new avenue of outreach, on top of a recently announced program to hire and train counselors known as "navigators" to help enroll the uninsured. There are about 49 million uninsured Americans.

U.S. unveils $150 million healthcare enrollment initiative

Those last two are from this year!

Thank you for your validation as I've written here countless times but a few people like yourself comprehend the totally bogus number and with that they by 6 votes passed Obamacare! Do you think if more people especially these congress reps had understood there WERE NOT 46 million they would have passed this monstrosity? Again... MSM repeating myths. The BIG LIE theory by Hitler totally at play here. Tell a big enough lie and often enough people will believe it!!!

Dude your funny, your kind of like the Paul Revere of the American Revoloution on here. keep up the good work.
There are over 38 million illegals in this country so how are you getting your figures?
Q> Why were illegals counted in the drive for Obamacare, but not counted in the purported liabilities?

A> To keep government statisticians in practice hitting specific targets using "adjusted for..." statistics.
Yeah, that is something I called bullshit on from the start.

And it wasn't that they were saying "46 million uninsured". They were saying "46 million uninsured Americans".


Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits

Gene Marks: 5 Reasons Business Owners Are Scared of Obamacare

U.S. unveils $150 million healthcare enrollment initiative

Those last two are from this year!

Thank you for your validation as I've written here countless times but a few people like yourself comprehend the totally bogus number and with that they by 6 votes passed Obamacare! Do you think if more people especially these congress reps had understood there WERE NOT 46 million they would have passed this monstrosity? Again... MSM repeating myths. The BIG LIE theory by Hitler totally at play here. Tell a big enough lie and often enough people will believe it!!!

Dude your funny, your kind of like the Paul Revere of the American Revoloution on here. keep up the good work.

I just don't understand how this very very fundamental point seems to go over so many people's heads!

The other number is 90% of physicians say they order duplicate tests refer to specialists all because they fear lawsuits. As a result $850 billion a YEAR is totally blown just because
of fear of lawsuits. So why not do as Obama did against tanning salons against lawyers and tax 10% of their $200 billion allowing $5,000 a year premium for health insurance for the
4 million. This would reduce the $850 billion PLUS force hospitals to send the claims and NOT overcharge by 6,000% Medicare/insurance companies to make up their "un-rebinbursed" due to EMTALA!

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