So Why Would Murdock of FOX go Speak With Barr Just Prior to Smith Resigning?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is interesting.

Murdock was checking something out to make a decision, but Murdock has all the news outlets at his fingertips, so he didnt go to ask Barr about polls or news coverage.

Report: Barr, Murdoch Meet Privately as Trump Sours on Fox News

My guess is that he wanted to know if anything was going to happen to the Democrats over the Russia Dossier fiasco or was it just counter-hype. Barr likely told him that he and Durham were dead serious about enforcing the law in this case and no one is going to skate away because of Crony Network connections.

Murdock then did a little thinking and saw Trump on the rise in the future and told his sons that. His sons probably told the heads of their news division that hence forth attacking the President would not be tolerated as this will shut off their news sources in the goobermint if the Dims get rolled, which looks likely from here.

Shep could NOT stand that direction for his division and so he resigned.

Any body else care to speculate on what Murdock discussed with Barr?
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Dude. . . don't worry about it.

When all of these elites really want to talk in secret, they just face time one another, you know. . .


. . it's the 21st century, do you really not know what is going on? :71:
They are going to give Fox News the exclusive when they raid Obama's house and arrest him at 3 AM .
tRump doesn't want anyone on Faux telling the truth about him so he had him removed.
This is interesting.

Murdock was checking something out to make a decision, but Murdock has all the news outlets at his fingertips, so he didnt go to ask Barr about polls or news coverage.

Report: Barr, Murdoch Meet Privately as Trump Sours on Fox News

My guess is that he wanted to know if anything was going to happen to the Democrats over the Russia Dossier fiasco or was it just counter-hype. Barr likely told him that he and Durham were dead serious about enforcing the law in this case and no one is going to skate away because of Crony Network connections.

Murdock then did a little thinking and saw Trump on the rise in the future and told his sons that. His sons probably told the heads of their news division that hence forth attacking the President would not be tolerated as this will shut off their news sources in the goobermint if the Dims get rolled, which looks likely from here.

Shep could stand that direction for his division and so he resigned.

Any body else care to speculate on what Murdock discussed with Barr?
I sure hope you are not correct and our govt isn't once again, interfering in the constitutional, free press.... and Barr being a ''leaker'' while firing others for leaking?

Barr is the AG of the United States of America for Cris's sake!!! This has the appearance of corruption!

He should NEVER EVER EVER be involved in the kind of shenanigans in your scenario.

I sure hope you are not correct and our govt isn't once again, interfering in the constitutional, free press.... and Barr being a ''leaker'' while firing others for leaking?
Barr is the AG of the United States of America for Cris's sake!!! This has the appearance of corruption!
He should NEVER EVER EVER be involved in the kind of shenanigans in your scenario.
C4A, I know damned well you are not that naive.

This kind of thing goes on all the time in DC.

Such leaks/favors/hints are the true currency in Washington, not money so much.

I have gotten to know several people that have either worked on Capital Hill or had to provide testimony there frequently.

ALL of them became so cynical and bitter about the kind of people our leaders are.

They are not on OUR side, the Middle Class Main Street America.

They are in it for the power, the ass kisses and their name on the doors.
I sure hope you are not correct and our govt isn't once again, interfering in the constitutional, free press.... and Barr being a ''leaker'' while firing others for leaking?
Barr is the AG of the United States of America for Cris's sake!!! This has the appearance of corruption!
He should NEVER EVER EVER be involved in the kind of shenanigans in your scenario.
C4A, I know damned well you are not that naive.

This kind of thing goes on all the time in DC.

Such leaks/favors/hints are the true currency in Washington, not money so much.

I have gotten to know several people that have either worked on Capital Hill or had to provide testimony there frequently.

ALL of them became so cynical and bitter about the kind of people our leaders are.

They are not on OUR side, the Middle Class Main Street America.

They are in it for the power, the ass kisses and their name on the doors.
but Barr is our Attorney General, the highest law enforcement official in the Nation....

out of all law enforcement, he should be squeaky clean, or at least give the appearance of such...?

Going over to Murdoch's house for dinner, has an appearance of impropriety, doesn't look good, or give us confidence in our law enforcement leader...imho
Shep is a homo,, they think they can get away with sexual assault ,, he probably has numerous complaints..


He was fired for sexual assault
Smith tipped his hand when he trashed the Bush administration about people trapped in NOLA during the Katrina aftermath. All the while he was reporting with the benefit of a way into and out of NOLA without showing that passage to the people trapped there.

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