So Why Would Murdock of FOX go Speak With Barr Just Prior to Smith Resigning?

Obummer actively spied on news reporters he didn't like. That asshole was a third world tin pot dictator in everything but name.

I dont think that is a fair assessment.

I mean, yes, Obama was a heavy handed President, 'strong' they call that when they like you.

But he really did save our ass with QE, and at the time I was really pissed about it, but I finally realized that he was doing like I was thinking needing done to recapitalize the banks while they held a bunch of derivatives they couldnt sell because they were technically of no value.

I'll give Obama credit when it is due. He did not think of the policy himself, I'm sure, but he recognized it as a good direction to go. With all due respect to our VP Pence, Pence would have let the financial industry and our entire national economy crash, and I *like* Pence.
After the Kavanaugh debacle, I find it more and more difficult to believe accusers... Smith's Florida charge back in early 2000's was bull shit... The he said-he said is very questionable also... Seems to me it might be someone seeking financial gain in both cases...
Especially the ones that said nada about it for 30+ years then one day, in an attorneys office full of Democrats they 'oh, gosh, by golly, now I remember it!'
Reporter Jailed After Parking Spot Dispute
NOV. 20, 2000

12 AM

A Fox Network news anchor was arrested and accused of hitting another journalist with his car in an apparent dispute over a parking space.

Witnesses told police that Shepard Smith, who hosts “The Fox Report,” ran his car into Maureen Walsh, a journalist for a local cable network, when she tried to save a rare open parking spot for co-workers at the Capitol complex where the media are covering the Florida presidential vote recount.

Walsh was treated at a hospital for bruises on her legs and released.

Smith, 36, was charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle and released on $10,000 bail.

A Fox spokesman in New York, Robert Zimmerman, declined to comment.
Trump and Murdoch are really good friends - even have a weekly phone conversation about strategies and the world situation. Murdoch humors Trump, but thinks Trump is an idiot. Barr is Trump's lap dog and quite frankly nobody seems to understand Trump, but Trump.

One thing for sure: after Trump there will not be a Republican Party. And I doubt any of us could fathom a guess about what is going on with Barr and be able to say months down the road, I told you so.
You’re not very astute. It’s very clear that trump is nobody’s stooge. To a fault.

You're not very astute to make such an idiotic statement. Champ, before jumping to conclusions you should ask a few questions before making uneducated assumptions. Not doing so shows a lack of character and intelligence.
My post stands.
Obummer actively spied on news reporters he didn't like. That asshole was a third world tin pot dictator in everything but name.

I dont think that is a fair assessment.

I mean, yes, Obama was a heavy handed President, 'strong' they call that when they like you.

But he really did save our ass with QE, and at the time I was really pissed about it, but I finally realized that he was doing like I was thinking needing done to recapitalize the banks while they held a bunch of derivatives they couldnt sell because they were technically of no value.

I'll give Obama credit when it is due. He did not think of the policy himself, I'm sure, but he recognized it as a good direction to go. With all due respect to our VP Pence, Pence would have let the financial industry and our entire national economy crash, and I *like* Pence.

The banks should have failed. Now, we are sitting atop a huge bubble that when it pops is going to be catastrophic.

Had they just let them fail it would have definitely hurt, but putting it off further down the road is going to make it significantly worse.
'In 1993 Shepard Smith divorced his wife of six years, Virginia Donald, his college sweetheart, and moved to Miami. The couple did not have any children. The divorce records from the state of Florida were sealed, but basically, he’s gay.

He became a Fox News anchor but made a real name for himself when he willfully ran his car into another reporter in an act of road rage in November 2000.

While covering the Bush-Gore situation in Florida, Capitol Police arrested sexist David Shepard Smith, one of the hundreds of journalists who were in town to cover the election drama, after police said Smith struck another reporter with his car during an argument over a parking space.

The reporter he ran into was Maureen Walsh of Tallahassee, a freelance journalist for Bay News 9. She said he deliberately hit her and then stomped past her.

“He shouted some profanities at her and basically just struck her, striking her at the knees, which threw her up on the car,” said Sgt. Edwin Maxwell.

By the day’s end, Walsh was released from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital with bruises on her knees and legs, police said. Smith, 36, was charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle, a felony, and was released on $10,000 bail from the Leon County Jail.

The attack was buried and Smith suffered no consequences after the victim “settled”.


Shep’s mug shot
He’s a sexist and a harasser.
In 2011, shortly after Giovanni Graziano joined Fox News as a production assistant, the 50+-year-old Shepard Smith became romantically involved with his then-24-year-old direct subordinate.

It was tabloid fodder at the time.

In 2013, Smith physically assaulted a waitress named Katya Minskova. This was also covered in tabloid publications.

“He got up from his table, grabbed my elbow, and started yelling,” the waitress, a 30-year-old woman named Katya Minskova, told Gawker. Smith continued berating her: “Where the f—k is my drink! Where is my f—king drink! Get my f—king drink!”

Smith announced his homosexuality in 2016. He also came out of the closet with his leftist views. He went on an anti-Trump crusade that continues to this day.'

Shep Smith Trashed Trump Today But Shep Once Drove His Car Into a Woman

Shepard Smith: Why Is He Such An Asshole?
Last edited:
Trump and Murdoch are really good friends - even have a weekly phone conversation about strategies and the world situation. Murdoch humors Trump, but thinks Trump is an idiot. Barr is Trump's lap dog and quite frankly nobody seems to understand Trump, but Trump.

One thing for sure: after Trump there will not be a Republican Party. And I doubt any of us could fathom a guess about what is going on with Barr and be able to say months down the road, I told you so.
That must be why 70% of Fox News coverage goes along with Adam Schiff-face's horseshit claims that Russian Collusion is real and Trump supposedly tried to get the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Biden.

Because Murdock is Trump's fucking buddy.....

There is a game going on with Trump, Murdoch and Fox News that is way beyond your pay grade and mine too for that matter.

Donald Trump talks to Rupert Murdoch every week to discuss strategy

Trump is not what you think he is. I don't even pretend to know all about him, but he is the most anti-gun president in the history of the United States; he has no respect for private property Rights; he is a globalist in that he thinks corporations are stronger than the individual; he knows that a LOT of his immigration agenda is going to be shot down in the United States Supreme Court. So, if you presume to think you know him, you are only deluding yourself.
Trump and Murdoch are really good friends - even have a weekly phone conversation about strategies and the world situation. Murdoch humors Trump, but thinks Trump is an idiot. Barr is Trump's lap dog and quite frankly nobody seems to understand Trump, but Trump.

One thing for sure: after Trump there will not be a Republican Party. And I doubt any of us could fathom a guess about what is going on with Barr and be able to say months down the road, I told you so.
You’re not very astute. It’s very clear that trump is nobody’s stooge. To a fault.

You're not very astute to make such an idiotic statement. Champ, before jumping to conclusions you should ask a few questions before making uneducated assumptions. Not doing so shows a lack of character and intelligence.
My post stands.
Trump and Murdoch are really good friends - even have a weekly phone conversation about strategies and the world situation. Murdoch humors Trump, but thinks Trump is an idiot. Barr is Trump's lap dog and quite frankly nobody seems to understand Trump, but Trump.

One thing for sure: after Trump there will not be a Republican Party. And I doubt any of us could fathom a guess about what is going on with Barr and be able to say months down the road, I told you so.
You’re not very astute. It’s very clear that trump is nobody’s stooge. To a fault.

You're not very astute to make such an idiotic statement. Champ, before jumping to conclusions you should ask a few questions before making uneducated assumptions. Not doing so shows a lack of character and intelligence.
My post stands.

My post stands as well. If that offends you, there is always PM.
It's obvious why. A FOX poll had just shown a majority favoring the removal of Trump from office. Trump was apoplectic. He ordered his Attorney General to meet with Murdoch.

Welcome to the new normal...
Brilliant, for a Troll.
There is a game going on with Trump, Murdoch and Fox News that is way beyond your pay grade and mine too for that matter.

Donald Trump talks to Rupert Murdoch every week to discuss strategy

Trump is not what you think he is. I don't even pretend to know all about him, but he is the most anti-gun president in the history of the United States; he has no respect for private property Rights; he is a globalist in that he thinks corporations are stronger than the individual; he knows that a LOT of his immigration agenda is going to be shot down in the United States Supreme Court. So, if you presume to think you know him, you are only deluding yourself.
You haters are hysterical.

How did you get so well informed? Tarot Cards? Ouija Board?

Or did you listen to some Tin Hat and drool on yourself as he\she\it layed out this "Top Secret" information?
Maybe Shep's an interim canary. Who knows?
I'm sorry Shep's gone, but he was the lonely petunia in an onion patch. From what I hear I conclude part of the agreement of getting out of his contract is that he NOT hire on to another network. I think so because he says he will not be broadcasting.

Whenever people complained about Fox's unfair and unbalanced reporting, Fox could always point to Shep to counter the charge. Now they are left with specialized opinion pundits. We all know who they are and what their impassioned blurbs will be. The shock of their opinions is kinda fun, but the one that surprises me most is Lou Dobbs. When he was on CNN I used to stop everything at 6 PM to watch his business reports. Now he's just another mouthpiece, sort of rabid at that, like Jeanne Pirro of the troweled on makeup fame.
Maybe Shep's an interim canary. Who knows?
I'm sorry Shep's gone, but he was the lonely petunia in an onion patch. From what I hear I conclude part of the agreement of getting out of his contract is that he NOT hire on to another network. I think so because he says he will not be broadcasting.

Whenever people complained about Fox's unfair and unbalanced reporting, Fox could always point to Shep to counter the charge. Now they are left with specialized opinion pundits. We all know who they are and what their impassioned blurbs will be. The shock of their opinions is kinda fun, but the one that surprises me most is Lou Dobbs. When he was on CNN I used to stop everything at 6 PM to watch his business reports. Now he's just another mouthpiece, sort of rabid at that, like Jeanne Pirro of the troweled on makeup fame.
Having a Lefty mouthpiece doesn't balance things. Truth balances things.

When the Russian Collusion hoax was being given wall to wall coverage on the news, only 1 station told both sides.

They reported the Democrat Party talking points, and they also reported the Trump version, which included the fact that there was never any evidence to support the Democrats. When the Democrat narrative fell apart, they accurately reported that the Witchhunt exonerated Trump of all charges of Russian Collusion.

When the Democrats switched to "Trump obstructed the Witchhunt", Fox accurately reported the desperate claims of the Democrats, and the Trump version, which included the facts that proved Trump was innocent.

Now, with "Get Trump Fake Scandal 3.0", the Democrats are getting their fair share of opportunities to embarrass themselves further. But the truth is also being reported.
They are going to give Fox News the exclusive when they raid Obama's house and arrest him at 3 AM .
Vindictive little weasel, ain't you? Projecting Trump's fate onto Obama, that is!

Obama may have done some dumb things, but he wasn't a Godfather that demanded a ring-kiss from his disposable underlings to the tossed under a bus after their usefulness is spent.
This is interesting.

Murdock was checking something out to make a decision, but Murdock has all the news outlets at his fingertips, so he didnt go to ask Barr about polls or news coverage.

Report: Barr, Murdoch Meet Privately as Trump Sours on Fox News

My guess is that he wanted to know if anything was going to happen to the Democrats over the Russia Dossier fiasco or was it just counter-hype. Barr likely told him that he and Durham were dead serious about enforcing the law in this case and no one is going to skate away because of Crony Network connections.

Murdock then did a little thinking and saw Trump on the rise in the future and told his sons that. His sons probably told the heads of their news division that hence forth attacking the President would not be tolerated as this will shut off their news sources in the goobermint if the Dims get rolled, which looks likely from here.

Shep could stand that direction for his division and so he resigned.

Any body else care to speculate on what Murdock discussed with Barr?
I sure hope you are not correct and our govt isn't once again, interfering in the constitutional, free press.... and Barr being a ''leaker'' while firing others for leaking?

Barr is the AG of the United States of America for Cris's sake!!! This has the appearance of corruption!

He should NEVER EVER EVER be involved in the kind of shenanigans in your scenario.

Impeach Trump!
Maybe Shep's an interim canary. Who knows?
I'm sorry Shep's gone, but he was the lonely petunia in an onion patch.

More accurately the turd in the punchbowl. He permitted his bend toward the strange and mythological to interfere with his job as a news reporter. He was not hired as a commentator, but became one after Trump was elected. His buddy Napolitano does the same thing, and I suspect he will get the next boot.

From what I hear I conclude part of the agreement of getting out of his contract is that he NOT hire on to another network. I think so because he says he will not be broadcasting.

That is correct. Pretty standard in that business.

Whenever people complained about Fox's unfair and unbalanced reporting, Fox could always point to Shep to counter the charge.

"Fair and balanced" does not mean proffering lies and innuendo.

Now they are left with specialized opinion pundits. We all know who they are and what their impassioned blurbs will be. The shock of their opinions is kinda fun, but the one that surprises me most is Lou Dobbs.

Lou Dobbs had an epiphany. Now he is a real boy.
You haters are hysterical.
God! That's so funny coming from you..the guy who calls a Democratic candidate for President a "Ho" simply because she lawfully runs for the office held by your cult leader.
No, I call her a HO because she screwed and/or sucked her way into the office she holds.
Sez who? Lordy, youse Trumpists project a lot, defending the Ho-monger In Chief, with tapes and payoffs to prove it,against a person because she runs for his office. Or is it just because she is a woman, so she must be a "Ho"?
Sez who? Lordy, youse Trumpists project a lot, defending the Ho-monger In Chief, with tapes and payoffs to prove it,against a person because she runs for his office. Or is it just because she is a woman, so she must be a "Ho"?
You need more news sources.

Willy Brown wrote an article on his affair with your HO.

Willie Brown on Kamala Harris: 'We dated,' I 'influenced her ...
Jan 27, 2019 - Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past relationship with Sen. Kamala Harris in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle on ...

Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts

You stand corrected.

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