So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
So the NYT was lying?

"Milo Yiannopoulos, a polemical Breitbart editor and unapologetic defender of the alt-right, tested the limits of how far his provocations could go after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests."
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Well... I only discovered him a month or so ago in earnest. I don't take him seriously anyway.

And it's hard for me even after reading his Facebook post to continue taking him seriously. A risk I'm not so willing to take. It's unfortunate that I may garner your eternal hatred for taking this position.

But my morality and ethical standards come before blind political support.

Be honest. It has nothing to do with morality and ethical standards. It's straight up fear.

The guy does a slam dunk on college students in pointing things out because they aren't aware enough to make legitimate arguments. Those kids simply repeat what has been said about him. Put him on a stage with adults that can make legitimate arguments and he acts like a star struck kid. Put him in an interview where he cites studies and books and the individual interviewing him..........clearly hasn't read a book and he does well. Many of his points stem from outdated theories. It really isn't that difficult to counter many of his arguments. As long as you aren't high as hell as in the pod cast from January 2016.

Instead it was more about taking him out by attaching him to pedophilia like the Reagan Battalion.

This has become normalized. Vote for the person we want you to vote for or we destroy your economy. Don't point out a flaw in the study or we will get your column dropped. Don't speak at an event or we will riot. Don't voice an opinion different or we will hire thugs to instigate fights at your rally. Don't go against a political party or we will use gaslighting techniques. It's a bunch of coercive crap is what it is.

The establishment right has been not a fan of his for a while, they are now running with the progressives to knock him down a few pegs. It's amazing, a nutty flagrant troll said something obnoxious, but this time he crossed one of the more established lines, and now he's gonna pay for it.

My advice to him, is to punch back, twice as hard and continue on with what he is doing. I may not agree with him a lot, but I agree with his tactics and his perseverance. I hope he doesn't lose either.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
So the NYT was lying?

"Milo Yiannopoulos, a polemical Breitbart editor and unapologetic defender of the alt-right, tested the limits of how far his provocations could go after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests."

The NYT did what every biased press sources does, spin the actual events and words to back up their views and objectives.
I most definitely did.

You can make that claim as much as you want, but I knew pretty much everything that could happen as a result of doing something like that at that time.
Just to clarify your position, are you agreeing with Milo that it's okay for adults to have sex with post-pubescent children at age 13 and up?

CPAC Blasted for Milo Yiannopoulos Invite After Pedophilia Remarks Resurface
When he’s accused of defending pedophilia, Yiannopoulos says the co-host doesn’t understand what the term means:

You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet who have not gone through puberty.
Hebephilia is the term for a sexual interest in pubescent children, roughly ages 11 to 14, and ephebophilia refers to an interest in older adolescents. The lowest and most common age of consent across the U.S. is 16.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
So the NYT was lying?

"Milo Yiannopoulos, a polemical Breitbart editor and unapologetic defender of the alt-right, tested the limits of how far his provocations could go after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests."

The NYT did what every biased press sources does, spin the actual events and words to back up their views and objectives.
Awesome. Feel free to spin it to back up your views and objectives.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
So the NYT was lying?

"Milo Yiannopoulos, a polemical Breitbart editor and unapologetic defender of the alt-right, tested the limits of how far his provocations could go after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests."

The NYT did what every biased press sources does, spin the actual events and words to back up their views and objectives.
Awesome. Feel free to spin it to back up your views and objectives.

Sorry to get in the way of your (and their) lynch mob.
I have a 12 year old son. I can just imagine him sauntering up to his teacher and saying "Hey, baby, what's shaking? You must moonlight as a traffic cop because you got "fine" written all over you."

She would whack him, and then I would chew his ass up one wall and down another. This aside from the fact that he is way too immature to try such crap.

13 is too young, regardless of how mature you think you are. As an adult you should see this. Which leads me to conclude that Inhave been trolled. Nobody can advocate such asinine positions as you and be serious. So congrats, you got me.
It is not about advocating positions, it is about acknowledging that there are 13 year olds who could effectively live as adults if given the opportunity to.

Your 12 year old has most likely been pussified by the culture to the point that he won't even hit on girls with confidence until he is in his 20s anyway.
LOL! I think your development, emotionally and psychologically, was arrested at 13. Only a 13 year old would think he is ready for the world.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
I dunno, TinyDancer. I hear what Milo was saying about 13 year olds being sexually ready for anything, and therefore the contact is consensual. However, I remember a specific case I was involved in where several men came forward to testify against a teacher who had individually plied them all with alcohol, showed them porn movies and engaged in circle jerks with them when they were 13 or 14. Twenty years later, they were still humiliated and deeply stained by that, and some were willing to travel many hundreds of miles to the trial where he was once again being accused. One fought tears on the stand. And he'd been in prison--not a snowflake.
I'm not sure that most who go through that feel as Milo did about it.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
I dunno, TinyDancer. I hear what Milo was saying about 13 year olds being sexually ready for anything, and therefore the contact is consensual. However, I remember a specific case I was involved in where several men came forward to testify against a teacher who had individually plied them all with alcohol, showed them porn movies and engaged in circle jerks with them when they were 13 or 14. Twenty years later, they were still humiliated and deeply stained by that, and some were willing to travel many hundreds of miles to the trial where he was once again being accused. One fought tears on the stand. And he'd been in prison--not a snowflake.
I'm not sure that most who go through that feel as Milo did about it.

What that teacher did in my mind was in effect was "rape" those boys even if there was no penetration involved. And by all means let that teacher stand trial.

I interpreted Milo's statements to be related to he and others after realizing they were gay finding acceptance and security with older gay men.

It's not easy to be a gay teen even in this day and age. I get where he was coming from.

ETA: I absolutely do not accept the premise that just because someone is gay that they lust for children.
And how do you know that? Is this thread about him? Is there a thread here about him? Is there a video of Milk saying he has done that and thinks it is an acceptable thing to do? Show me that video and I'll condemn him.
Yes there is a thread where Libs defend Milk's exploitation of young boys on this board.

Feel free to provide it, and then show me where *I* defended him in it.

Ferl free to use the board search functions. I'm not your secretary.

You brought it up when it is off topic to this thread and accused me of defending him. It's up to you to prove it, not mine to disprove it.
I said liberals defended him in a thread on this board. Play your word games with someone else.
Liberals defended Milo? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
A controversy emerged on February 20, 2017 following the emergence of an old interview of Yiannopoulos, from a YouTube-based talk show, in which he discussed sexual relationships between thirteen year old boys and men in their mid to late 20s. In the interview, Yiannopoulos stated these relationships can be "consensual," because a minority of thirteen year olds are, in his view, sexually and emotionally mature enough to consent to sex with adults. He also stated that adults who are sexually attracted to thirteen year old boys were not pedophiles.[

That is from his interview and can be read on his wiki page.

He's finished
If that were true this thread wouldn't exist....
Here is the actual transcript:

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopolous Video on Pedophilia

His follow up:

Milo on Facebook:

I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim.

I would like to restate my utter disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. I’ve outed three of them, in fact — three more than most of my critics. And I’ve repeatedly expressed disgust at pedophilia in my feature and opinion writing. My professional record is very clear.

But I do understand that these videos, even though some of them are edited deceptively, paint a different picture.

I’m partly to blame. My own experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, “advocacy.” I deeply regret that. People deal with things from their past in different ways.

As to some of the specific claims being made, sometimes things tumble out of your mouth on these long, late-night live-streams, when everyone is spit-balling, that are incompletely expressed or not what you intended. Nonetheless, I’ve reviewed the tapes that appeared last night in their proper full context and I don’t believe they say what is being reported.

I do not advocate for illegal behavior. I explicitly say on the tapes that I think the current age of consent is “about right.”

I do not believe sex with 13-year-olds is okay. When I mentioned the number 13, I was talking about the age I lost my own virginity.

I shouldn’t have used the word “boy” — which gay men often do to describe young men of consenting age — instead of “young man.” That was an error.

I am certainly guilty of imprecise language, which I regret.

Anyone who suggests I turn a blind eye to illegal activity or to the abuse of minors is unequivocally wrong. I am implacably opposed to the normalization of pedophilia and I will continue to report and speak accordingly.

And, 1 hour ago:

I’ve gone through worse. This will not defeat me.”

Previous tweets on pedophilia:

Brett Mac on Twitter

Well, that seems reasonable.
Yes there is a thread where Libs defend Milk's exploitation of young boys on this board.

Feel free to provide it, and then show me where *I* defended him in it.

Ferl free to use the board search functions. I'm not your secretary.

You brought it up when it is off topic to this thread and accused me of defending him. It's up to you to prove it, not mine to disprove it.
I said liberals defended him in a thread on this board. Play your word games with someone else.
Liberals defended Milo? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I sort of did. I have never heard or read one of Milo's "performances" or articles, but a poster shared a clip of him doing a Q & A after one of his talks, when a local NAACP president gave him quite a talking to. He listened to her patiently and answered her respectfully, with cogent points. I don't necessarily agree with him, but from that behavior, it seemed to me it was appropriate to allow him to speak on a college campus. Those who don't want to hear him don't have to attend.
I could be wrong passing that judgment on such thin evidence, but it seems to me the man has a working brain behind the bombastic performance which earns him his groceries.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Well... I only discovered him a month or so ago in earnest. I don't take him seriously anyway.

And it's hard for me even after reading his Facebook post to continue taking him seriously. A risk I'm not so willing to take. It's unfortunate that I may garner your eternal hatred for taking this position.

But my morality and ethical standards come before blind political support.

Be honest. It has nothing to do with morality and ethical standards. It's straight up fear.

The guy does a slam dunk on college students in pointing things out because they aren't aware enough to make legitimate arguments. Those kids simply repeat what has been said about him. Put him on a stage with adults that can make legitimate arguments and he acts like a star struck kid. Put him in an interview where he cites studies and books and the individual interviewing him..........clearly hasn't read a book and he does well. Many of his points stem from outdated theories. It really isn't that difficult to counter many of his arguments. As long as you aren't high as hell as in the pod cast from January 2016.

Instead it was more about taking him out by attaching him to pedophilia like the Reagan Battalion.

This has become normalized. Vote for the person we want you to vote for or we destroy your economy. Don't point out a flaw in the study or we will get your column dropped. Don't speak at an event or we will riot. Don't voice an opinion different or we will hire thugs to instigate fights at your rally. Don't go against a political party or we will use gaslighting techniques. It's a bunch of coercive crap is what it is.

I've seen him in debates with "adults who can make legitimate arguments" and more formal interviews, and he holds his own just as well, if not better than in his college tour.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
so sad to see this is what it comes down to, supporting a pedophile because he supports trump
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Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
so sad to see thiw is what it comes down to, supporting a pedophile because he supports trump

Gay conservatives are a rightwing treasure, for some reason, which is a mind boggling inconsistency.
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
so sad to see thiw is what it comes down to, supporting a pedophile because he supports trump

Gay conservatives are a rightwing treasure, for some reason, which is a mind boggling inconsistency.

All you just did they was expose you complete lack of understanding and the fact that you can't even imagine judging someone EXCEPT by a label.

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