So You Despise Capitalism? Please Give Us Your Alternative...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.
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This is right up there with "are you still beating your wife." Nobody despised capitalism until they hoovered up all the money, and nobody will despise it again once we've returned financial health to the USA.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with? Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

UGH!!!!!!! Seriously? And how many Anti-Capitalists do you think are on this forum? Or do you just consider everyone who supports even an ounce of government regulation as being Anti-Capitalist?
We just need more honest discussion on this. It's time to hash this out. No need to hedge on your opinions here either. If you're Anti-Capitalism,just say it and then elaborate on it. And your ideas on an alternative system will be appreciated. Lets have an open & honest discussion on this.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with? Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

I don't think the Occupy Wall Street activists want to replace Capitalism, Paulitician...mostly because they expect capitalists to provide the support for their pie in the sky visions of a $20 an hour minimum wage, free college tuition, a guaranteed "living wage" even if you don't work, and the pardoning of all debts. Oh, no...the OWS folk think Capitalism is great as long as any profits can be taken away from business owners to support "the people".

You're not going to get progressives to take the bait and tell you their alternative to Capitalism because their alternative has already been tried in Europe and it's been a colossal failure. No, they've re-learned their lesson from 2008...keep your vision purposely vague, demagogue the opposition and hope the main stream media spends so much time reporting on the protests that they don't get around to asking questions about the solutions that the activists haven't proposed.
We just need more honest discussion on this. It's time to hash this out. No need to hedge on your opinions here either. If you're Anti-Capitalism,just say it and then elaborate on it. And your ideas on an alternative system will be appreciated. Lets have an open & honest discussion on this.

Why don't you start by defining what you think it means to be "anti-Capitalism" ?
The problem is that if someone were to say what they would replace it with, everyone would be very quick to point out that that particular system only looks good on paper and has failed miserable everytime it has been tried in the real world
This is right up there with "are you still beating your wife." Nobody despised capitalism until they hoovered up all the money, and nobody will despise it again once we've returned financial health to the USA.

And your recipe for returning financial health to the US is what, Betty?
Well, they want "fairness". Meaning total equality.

And since human talent and ability is a diverse scale, some will be better than others at different things in life. create "fairness", some goods, services, earnings, property, etc, will have to be TAKEN from some, and given to others.

Now, we know when it comes to money, status, etc, volunteerism doesn't usually work. So how do we take it from the top to make fairness?

Well, men with guns. Thats how historical left wing nations have done it. And OWS wants that here.
"Fairness" can only be achieved through 2 ways:

- People volunteering to give their money away.

- Men with guns taking it.
The problem is that if someone were to say what they would replace it with, everyone would be very quick to point out that that particular system only looks good on paper and has failed miserable everytime it has been tried in the real world

Yes it will take some guts and some brains to explain an alternative system in an articulate fashion. I suspect many will hedge on their opinions. They may be Anti-Capitalism but i don't think they'll admit it. Because it's very easy to complain and screech slogans but it's very difficult to come up with an idea and then express it honestly and coherently. That's why i asked for an honest discussion on this. I know most will hedge though. But i'll wait for one brave Anti-Capitalist to step up and be honest and open. It could happen.
The problem is that if someone were to say what they would replace it with, everyone would be very quick to point out that that particular system only looks good on paper and has failed miserable everytime it has been tried in the real world

Yes it will take some guts and some brains to explain an alternative system in an articulate fashion. I suspect many will hedge on their opinions. They may be Anti-Capitalism but i don't think they'll admit it. Because it's very easy to complain and screech slogans but it's very difficult to come up with an idea and then express it honestly and coherently. That's why i asked for an honest discussion on this. I know most will hedge though. But i'll wait for one brave Anti-Capitalist to step up and be honest and open. It could happen.

Guts and brains?

You accuse people of being "Anti-Capitalism" yet you yourself can't even define what that means! Well, can't define or WON'T define. Not sure yet which.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

When you say "Anti-Capitalism crowd" are you really referring to the crowd that sees Runaway Corporate Greed is causing out of control Corruption?
You accuse people of being "Anti-Capitalism" yet you yourself can't even define what that means! Well, can't define or WON'T define. Not sure yet which.


It all comes down to what is meant by "capitalism." Some of the possible definitions include:

1) Any economic system in which the means of production are for the most part privately owned.

2) An economic/political system in which all economic activity is organized for the purpose of maximizing the accumulation of capital.

3) A privately-owned economic system in which the government does not impose any regulations or restrictions beyond the protection of property rights and the enforcement of contract law.

Choose which of these definitions you mean when you say "capitalism," or supply your own, and then first ASK whether anyone wants to replace capitalism rather than fatuously ASSUMING that to be the case.

As a follow-up question, you may THEN ask what they want to replace it with. Becaue then you will have established that, in fact, they do. Otherwise, this thread is completely pointless.
Well, they want "fairness". Meaning total equality.

And since human talent and ability is a diverse scale, some will be better than others at different things in life. create "fairness", some goods, services, earnings, property, etc, will have to be TAKEN from some, and given to others.

Now, we know when it comes to money, status, etc, volunteerism doesn't usually work. So how do we take it from the top to make fairness?

Well, men with guns. Thats how historical left wing nations have done it. And OWS wants that here.

"Well, they want "fairness". Meaning total equality"

I'd say that a majority of Americans do want "fairness" and at least something closer to the wealth/income equality than we have now. They would be thrilled if their share of the National Income was like what it was 1960's & 1970's, when the Middle Class was strong. Too many, that'd would be fair, except for the defenders of today's status qua of a failing Main Street America.

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