So, you dislike Trump but you hate Liberals even more?

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate the tyrannical ideology known today as liberalism.

Trump is a disappointment, but not unexpected so and not nearly as bad as the sick crazed lying elitist opportunist, with a sexual predator for a husband.

I don't dislike Trump, nor do I dislike Liberals....I despise a progressive with every fiber of my being
I don't dislike Trump. He's rattling the cages of the establishment, and the cages of the media.

Love it.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate the tyrannical ideology known today as liberalism.

Trump is a disappointment, but not unexpected so and not nearly as bad as the sick crazed lying elitist opportunist, with a sexual predator for a husband.

Trump hasn't been a disappointment to me at all. He has done all he can with what he has had to work with. He killed the TPP and illegals from Mexico have slown waaaaay down and deportations are way up. 3,500 low level pedophiles and three major child sex networks have been broken up but the lamestream media isn't covering it. Federal mandated healthcare issues are way more important to the Operation Mockingbird lamestream media than covering a world wide problem of child sex trafficking....these sick fucks have their own priorities.
I hate liberals because they are physically incapable of telling the truth. They often start out with a false premise like people hating Trump less.
Does that help explain some of Trump's base support? I think it does.

Trump's okay, but the Republican Establishment is pissing me off.

The Democrats are not even an issue. They are a chew-toy. I could not hold them in lesser esteem.

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