So You Know How All The Conservatives Are Saying Obamacare Will Hurt Small Business?

Hmm. "Safe to say" is a pretty way of saying, "I have no actual evidence of this, but I'm going to frame it in such way where I at least feel like I know what the fuck I'm talking about."

You don't know fuck-all, Skippy. I trust the people whose job it is to run these numbers more than I trust a party sycophant to interpret them. Thanks for playing though, Champ.

well when they let you off the bench I'll give ya some help junior.

100% of my business is other small companies ya I do know what I am talking about.
while your mom is cooking your next meal I am out making a living.

Oh, it's the old "You don't agree with my fiscal ideologies so you must be a kid" routine. Look, Gramps, I'm a 60+ hour a week earnin' motherfucker. It's just that I have an educated and historically accurate picture of what the economy in this country has gone through and been. Right now, we're suffering through the death throws of under-regulation and greed gone mad.

Wall Street was behaving (and sadly still is), just like they did before the crash in 1929. When Glass-Steagall was killed, it was only a matter of time. Therefore, I know that in order to really right the ship, we need to look at the time period that followed, where regulation was strict, and taxes weren't at record lows. I'm not suggestion top marginal rates of 90%, or even 60%. 39-40% would be super-dandy and would make a massive dent in our deficit.

It feels good to be educated. It really, really does.

Then use it, no more taxes they don't spend what we give them now worth a shit,why would anyone think more would be better,now you talk spending you might have something.

Do you own a small business,do you know anyone well that does?
well when they let you off the bench I'll give ya some help junior.

100% of my business is other small companies ya I do know what I am talking about.
while your mom is cooking your next meal I am out making a living.

The small business model (P&L, etc...) just isn't designed to accommodate the added expense, except as just expense.

Then they have to try to absorb it elsewhere.

You're still not getting it. There won't be an added expense because of the tax credits, which is why 96.5% won't pay the tax. It's kind of simple, and I'm kind of sad for you that you don't get it.

I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.
well when they let you off the bench I'll give ya some help junior.

100% of my business is other small companies ya I do know what I am talking about.
while your mom is cooking your next meal I am out making a living.

Oh, it's the old "You don't agree with my fiscal ideologies so you must be a kid" routine. Look, Gramps, I'm a 60+ hour a week earnin' motherfucker. It's just that I have an educated and historically accurate picture of what the economy in this country has gone through and been. Right now, we're suffering through the death throws of under-regulation and greed gone mad.

Wall Street was behaving (and sadly still is), just like they did before the crash in 1929. When Glass-Steagall was killed, it was only a matter of time. Therefore, I know that in order to really right the ship, we need to look at the time period that followed, where regulation was strict, and taxes weren't at record lows. I'm not suggestion top marginal rates of 90%, or even 60%. 39-40% would be super-dandy and would make a massive dent in our deficit.

It feels good to be educated. It really, really does.

Then use it, no more taxes they don't spend what we give them now worth a shit,why would anyone think more would be better,now you talk spending you might have something.

Do you own a small business,do you know anyone well that does?

Yes. I do. A few people actually.
The small business model (P&L, etc...) just isn't designed to accommodate the added expense, except as just expense.

Then they have to try to absorb it elsewhere.

You're still not getting it. There won't be an added expense because of the tax credits, which is why 96.5% won't pay the tax. It's kind of simple, and I'm kind of sad for you that you don't get it.

I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.

Dude. The idea is that those 3.5% don't NEED the tax credits because they CAN afford the added costs of the insurance.
the Right counts on their supporters not questioning what they're fed.
Oh, it's the old "You don't agree with my fiscal ideologies so you must be a kid" routine. Look, Gramps, I'm a 60+ hour a week earnin' motherfucker. It's just that I have an educated and historically accurate picture of what the economy in this country has gone through and been. Right now, we're suffering through the death throws of under-regulation and greed gone mad.

Wall Street was behaving (and sadly still is), just like they did before the crash in 1929. When Glass-Steagall was killed, it was only a matter of time. Therefore, I know that in order to really right the ship, we need to look at the time period that followed, where regulation was strict, and taxes weren't at record lows. I'm not suggestion top marginal rates of 90%, or even 60%. 39-40% would be super-dandy and would make a massive dent in our deficit.

It feels good to be educated. It really, really does.

Then use it, no more taxes they don't spend what we give them now worth a shit,why would anyone think more would be better,now you talk spending you might have something.

Do you own a small business,do you know anyone well that does?

Yes. I do. A few people actually.

So you don't but you know some that do? They are all good with it?
You're still not getting it. There won't be an added expense because of the tax credits, which is why 96.5% won't pay the tax. It's kind of simple, and I'm kind of sad for you that you don't get it.

I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.

Dude. The idea is that those 3.5% don't NEED the tax credits because they CAN afford the added costs of the insurance.

Oh yea!!

That's right!

Because they make more than that magic threshold of $250K.
I forgot.

$250K may be a shitload of money in, say, Kansas. But how far does it go in Manhattan?

Will the Tax Credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

Just because I can afford a Widget doesn't mean I want or need one.
Just because these businesses can afford the added costs of insurance doesn't mean that they SHOULD.

This added expense will just get passed on to their consumers or taken away from other expenses.

What portion of a human's brain thinks that this is acceptable for their government to do?
You're still not getting it. There won't be an added expense because of the tax credits, which is why 96.5% won't pay the tax. It's kind of simple, and I'm kind of sad for you that you don't get it.

I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.

Dude. The idea is that those 3.5% don't NEED the tax credits because they CAN afford the added costs of the insurance.

Someone else assuming what a company can or can't afford,when was the last time anything set forth by DC came in on time and on budget??
You're still not getting it. There won't be an added expense because of the tax credits, which is why 96.5% won't pay the tax. It's kind of simple, and I'm kind of sad for you that you don't get it.

I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.

Dude. The idea is that those 3.5% don't NEED the tax credits because they CAN afford the added costs of the insurance.

Who's going t pay for all those tax credits given out?

One of my customers the guy that started the company years ago,told me they just got a notice their health plan is going up 18.7 % this year,the credits will soon be out paced by the increase in costs.
I'm still talking about the 3.5% "on the bubble".
Or, on the Edge, actually.

Are you okay with witnessing the demise of 3.5% of our small businesses?

Ok. It's great that 96.5% will get tax credits.
Will these tax credits be enough to absorb 100% of the added cost?

And the ones that don't get the tax credits will, simply, fade away.

I'm sorry you don't see the sadness in that.

Dude. The idea is that those 3.5% don't NEED the tax credits because they CAN afford the added costs of the insurance.

Who's going t pay for all those tax credits given out?

One of my customers the guy that started the company years ago,told me they just got a notice their health plan is going up 18.7 % this year,the credits will soon be out paced by the increase in costs.

The taxes paid by the health insurance companies and the people who don't buy insurance and pay the mandate penalty/tax/whatever word you Right Wingers are using to bash it now.

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