So you love socialism ?????

Bripiss, do tell, what is the immoral selfish infant solution (since it's not in the Constitution) to the FAA? This?


Private companies can control air traffic.
Really? Show us how that would work? Why would I, as Airline Selfish Infant, pay into something that allowed Airline Cheap Flights to compete against me? My planes, my airport, my flights, the sky would be unregulated. I wouldn't pay a dime, no good capitalist would.
Fuck socialism and the progressive jackass it rode in on...
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Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
So, what's the not unconstitutional, in your mind, way that airplanes and air traffic gets regulated? No regulations at all?

Virtually everything the FAA does is unconstitutional. If a state ruled that all flights from outside the state had to pay a fee, the FAA could outlaw that, but that's about it.
Everything is "unconstitutional." if you refuse to allow interpretation. Which is why we allow interpretation.

Virtually everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Yes, that's why goose stepping toadies like you support "interpreting" the Constitution to mean whatever you want it to mean.
So, if that so offends you, why are you still here? Why don't you go to a country who follows, in your mind, the law?

By chance, is that because there is no such nation, in the real world?
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

You belief that no one knew the value of the currency under free banking only proves that you're an economic ignoramus. They knew precisely what the currency was worth. The dollar was defined to be worth 1/28th of an oz of gold. All private currencies were denominated in dollars.

On the other hand, our current fiat currency is something no one knows the value of. It fluctuates daily. All one has to do is look at the currency markets to see that no one knows how much a dollar is worth.

You're propaganda was written by a government toady. It's pure bullshit.
That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
So, what's the not unconstitutional, in your mind, way that airplanes and air traffic gets regulated? No regulations at all?

Virtually everything the FAA does is unconstitutional. If a state ruled that all flights from outside the state had to pay a fee, the FAA could outlaw that, but that's about it.
Everything is "unconstitutional." if you refuse to allow interpretation. Which is why we allow interpretation.

Virtually everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Yes, that's why goose stepping toadies like you support "interpreting" the Constitution to mean whatever you want it to mean.
So, if that so offends you, why are you still here? Why don't you go to a country who follows, in your mind, the law?

By chance, is that because there is no such nation, in the real world?

No country follows the law. Most countries don't even have a written constitution.
That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
So, what's the not unconstitutional, in your mind, way that airplanes and air traffic gets regulated? No regulations at all?

Virtually everything the FAA does is unconstitutional. If a state ruled that all flights from outside the state had to pay a fee, the FAA could outlaw that, but that's about it.
Everything is "unconstitutional." if you refuse to allow interpretation. Which is why we allow interpretation.

In other words, Interpretation is a means to define the constitution to mean whatever you want it to mean.
Now you're getting it! Welcome to the real world, where that is how things actually happen.

Your admiration of tyranny is duly noted.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

You belief that no one knew the value of the currency under free banking only proves that you're an economic ignoramus. They knew precisely what the currency was worth. The dollar was defined to be worth 1/28th of an oz of gold. All private currencies were denominated in dollars.

On the other hand, our current fiat currency is something no one knows the value of. It fluctuates daily. All one has to do is look at the currency markets to see that no one knows how much a dollar is worth.

You're propaganda was written by a government toady. It's pure bullshit.
No, as the link shows they didn't know the value of all currencies, and therefore wouldn't do business using some. If that were true today all my clients to have to pay first, and the check cleared, before I would help them.

You fail to understand even the most basic things of economics. I can't help you.
Trust the federal government all you want, I don't care... Just don't expect anyone else to trust any part of the federal government. lemmings
Since you have no solution to life without a Federal government, not even able to praise them for winning WWII, why should anyone care what the hell you say?

You're the kind who says there should be no taxes, but can't tell us how anything would then be paid for...
These people are the ones who lack a basic understanding of a modern monetary economy. I used to be like them.
They don't understand that the US government issues the currency used by the private sector.

So? Until 1866 private banks could issue their own currency.

In the United States, the Free Banking Era lasted between 1837 and 1866, when almost anyone could issue paper money. States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless. Such organizations earned the nickname of "wildcat banks" for a reputation of unreliability; they were often situated in remote, unpopulated locales said to be inhabited more by wildcats than by people. Yet according to Lawrence H. White's article in The Freeman, "it turns out that 'wildcat' banking is largely a myth. Although stories about crooked banking practices are entertaining—and for that reason have been repeated endlessly by textbooks—modern economic historians have found that there were in fact very few banks that fit any reasonable definition of wildcat bank".[1] The National Bank Act of 1863 ended the "wildcat bank" period.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
Yeah, we definitely need thousands of different currencies handled by private banks.. God, learn to live in the real world.

We would be better off than being forced to use the worthless currency the federal government issues so it can rob us blind. Somehow thousands of banks manage to issue credit cards that everyone will take. I think they could come to a similar arrangement with currency.
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There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

You belief that no one knew the value of the currency under free banking only proves that you're an economic ignoramus. They knew precisely what the currency was worth. The dollar was defined to be worth 1/28th of an oz of gold. All private currencies were denominated in dollars.

On the other hand, our current fiat currency is something no one knows the value of. It fluctuates daily. All one has to do is look at the currency markets to see that no one knows how much a dollar is worth.

You're propaganda was written by a government toady. It's pure bullshit.
No, as the link shows they didn't know the value of all currencies, and therefore wouldn't do business using some. If that were true today all my clients to have to pay first, and the check cleared, before I would help them.

You fail to understand even the most basic things of economics. I can't help you.

You obviously didn't read the Wiki page I quoted on the subject. It says there were few banks that issued currency no one would accept.
Yes...we love the United States unique brand of socialism. We like collectively paying for infrastructure and safety (you know, like our police, firefighters and military). We would ALSO like to expand that unique brand of socialism to things like healthcare and education. We get the best "free" military in the world, why not the best "free" education and healthcare?

False premise. 1st you tell us how much we are already paying for education compared to everyone else, and since it is run by the teachers union which is basically SOCIALIST, explain why more SOCIALISM will improve it.

Maybe for one second the problem with education is not socialism... Look at the best education systems in the world they are all social programs... The countries with the best educated people in the world have the best government educations systems...

As to your comment on Teachers Unions...

Keys To Finnish Educational Success: Intensive Teacher-Training, Union Collaboration
The Hechinger Report: What roles do teacher unions play in Finland? In the U.S. right now, unions are seen as a big problem standing in the way of reform. What's it like in Finland?

Virkkunen: It's a totally different situation in Finland. For me, as Minister of Education, our teachers' union has been one of the main partners because we have the same goal: we all want to ensure that the quality of education is good and we are working very much together with the union. Nearly every week we are in discussions with them. They are very powerful in Finland. Nearly all of the teachers are members. I think we don't have big differences in our thinking. They are very good partners for us.

List of countries by student performance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government
I don't think he fully grasps that we live in a modern monetary economy with a fiat currency that the government essentially controls.

I'm fully aware of that, moron. Fiat currencies are a means for national governments to loot private wealth. There's nothing desirable about them.
Trust the federal government all you want, I don't care... Just don't expect anyone else to trust any part of the federal government. lemmings
Since you have no solution to life without a Federal government, not even able to praise them for winning WWII, why should anyone care what the hell you say?

You're the kind who says there should be no taxes, but can't tell us how anything would then be paid for...
These people are the ones who lack a basic understanding of a modern monetary economy. I used to be like them.
They don't understand that the US government issues the currency used by the private sector.

So? Until 1866 private banks could issue their own currency.

In the United States, the Free Banking Era lasted between 1837 and 1866, when almost anyone could issue paper money. States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless. Such organizations earned the nickname of "wildcat banks" for a reputation of unreliability; they were often situated in remote, unpopulated locales said to be inhabited more by wildcats than by people. Yet according to Lawrence H. White's article in The Freeman, "it turns out that 'wildcat' banking is largely a myth. Although stories about crooked banking practices are entertaining—and for that reason have been repeated endlessly by textbooks—modern economic historians have found that there were in fact very few banks that fit any reasonable definition of wildcat bank".[1] The National Bank Act of 1863 ended the "wildcat bank" period.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
Yeah, we definitely need thousands of different currencies handled by private banks.. God, learn to live in the real world.

We would be better off than being forced the worthless currency the federal government issues so it can rob us blind. Somehow thousands of banks manage to issue credit cards that everyone will take. I think they could come to a similar arrangement with currency.
Why would Citibank dollars be better than US Federal Reserve dollars?

And if Federal Reserve money is worthless, post a video of you doing this, with $100...
Bripiss, do tell, what is the immoral selfish infant solution (since it's not in the Constitution) to the FAA? This?


Private companies can control air traffic.
Really? Show us how that would work? Why would I, as Airline Selfish Infant, pay into something that allowed Airline Cheap Flights to compete against me? My planes, my airport, my flights, the sky would be unregulated. I wouldn't pay a dime, no good capitalist would.

You would pay into it because crashes are not good for business. One has to be a complete fool not to understand that. Furthermore, who says it would be your airport?
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Since you have no solution to life without a Federal government, not even able to praise them for winning WWII, why should anyone care what the hell you say?

You're the kind who says there should be no taxes, but can't tell us how anything would then be paid for...
These people are the ones who lack a basic understanding of a modern monetary economy. I used to be like them.
They don't understand that the US government issues the currency used by the private sector.

So? Until 1866 private banks could issue their own currency.

In the United States, the Free Banking Era lasted between 1837 and 1866, when almost anyone could issue paper money. States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless. Such organizations earned the nickname of "wildcat banks" for a reputation of unreliability; they were often situated in remote, unpopulated locales said to be inhabited more by wildcats than by people. Yet according to Lawrence H. White's article in The Freeman, "it turns out that 'wildcat' banking is largely a myth. Although stories about crooked banking practices are entertaining—and for that reason have been repeated endlessly by textbooks—modern economic historians have found that there were in fact very few banks that fit any reasonable definition of wildcat bank".[1] The National Bank Act of 1863 ended the "wildcat bank" period.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
Yeah, we definitely need thousands of different currencies handled by private banks.. God, learn to live in the real world.

We would be better off than being forced the worthless currency the federal government issues so it can rob us blind. Somehow thousands of banks manage to issue credit cards that everyone will take. I think they could come to a similar arrangement with currency.
Why would Citibank dollars be better than US Federal dollars?

They would be backed by gold, for one thing. They couldn't be inflated away.
These people are the ones who lack a basic understanding of a modern monetary economy. I used to be like them.
They don't understand that the US government issues the currency used by the private sector.

So? Until 1866 private banks could issue their own currency.

In the United States, the Free Banking Era lasted between 1837 and 1866, when almost anyone could issue paper money. States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless. Such organizations earned the nickname of "wildcat banks" for a reputation of unreliability; they were often situated in remote, unpopulated locales said to be inhabited more by wildcats than by people. Yet according to Lawrence H. White's article in The Freeman, "it turns out that 'wildcat' banking is largely a myth. Although stories about crooked banking practices are entertaining—and for that reason have been repeated endlessly by textbooks—modern economic historians have found that there were in fact very few banks that fit any reasonable definition of wildcat bank".[1] The National Bank Act of 1863 ended the "wildcat bank" period.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
Yeah, we definitely need thousands of different currencies handled by private banks.. God, learn to live in the real world.

We would be better off than being forced the worthless currency the federal government issues so it can rob us blind. Somehow thousands of banks manage to issue credit cards that everyone will take. I think they could come to a similar arrangement with currency.
Why would Citibank dollars be better than US Federal dollars?

They would be backed by gold, for one thing. They couldn't be inflated away.
Why would you think that? That would only be true if a law were passed making that so. And with that, you just defeated your entire argument.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

You belief that no one knew the value of the currency under free banking only proves that you're an economic ignoramus. They knew precisely what the currency was worth. The dollar was defined to be worth 1/28th of an oz of gold. All private currencies were denominated in dollars.

On the other hand, our current fiat currency is something no one knows the value of. It fluctuates daily. All one has to do is look at the currency markets to see that no one knows how much a dollar is worth.

You're propaganda was written by a government toady. It's pure bullshit.
No, as the link shows they didn't know the value of all currencies, and therefore wouldn't do business using some. If that were true today all my clients to have to pay first, and the check cleared, before I would help them.

You fail to understand even the most basic things of economics. I can't help you.
Somehow the economy functioned and thrived under free banking. That indicates you are full of shit.
So? Until 1866 private banks could issue their own currency.

In the United States, the Free Banking Era lasted between 1837 and 1866, when almost anyone could issue paper money. States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless. Such organizations earned the nickname of "wildcat banks" for a reputation of unreliability; they were often situated in remote, unpopulated locales said to be inhabited more by wildcats than by people. Yet according to Lawrence H. White's article in The Freeman, "it turns out that 'wildcat' banking is largely a myth. Although stories about crooked banking practices are entertaining—and for that reason have been repeated endlessly by textbooks—modern economic historians have found that there were in fact very few banks that fit any reasonable definition of wildcat bank".[1] The National Bank Act of 1863 ended the "wildcat bank" period.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
Yeah, we definitely need thousands of different currencies handled by private banks.. God, learn to live in the real world.

We would be better off than being forced the worthless currency the federal government issues so it can rob us blind. Somehow thousands of banks manage to issue credit cards that everyone will take. I think they could come to a similar arrangement with currency.
Why would Citibank dollars be better than US Federal dollars?

They would be backed by gold, for one thing. They couldn't be inflated away.
Why would you think that? That would only be true if a law were passed making that so. And with that, you just defeated your entire argument.

Nope. Who would use a unbacked currency from Bank 'A' when Bank 'B' is offering a gold backed currency? The federal government recently shut down a company that was issuing what essentially amounted to a gold backed currency. Your belief that it wouldn't happen without government force is obviously wrong. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case. government force is the only thing that prevents it from happening.

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