So you love socialism ?????

Federal government
Bbbut Socialism works!!!!!!! Ask any left loon on this forum. LMAO
I'm sure this will come as a shock to you --- but there are many differences between Democratic Socialism and a dictatorship which is what Venezuela actually is.

The name they call it is irrelevant.

Most of the other Industrialzied Nations practice some form of Socialism and ... and ... and ...


don't like it? Move to Somalia --- you'd love it there.

Well, I've never seen you but I can guarantee you I would rather F my right hand than have to F you.
One more time:

Capitalism Requires Government
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"Americans need to realize that our economy has thrived not in spite of government, but in many ways because of government."

Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.

One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Pure horseshit, of course.
Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
The constitution is an old document that is interpreted by whoever lives today. That's how it should be.

The Constitution is supposed to be law. If we could "interpret" our mortgages they way the SC interprets the Constitution, then I would be paying 0% interest and have to pay $0.00 per month.
There's no economic reason why national governments have to issue currency.
As a capitalist, that is the last thing I would want. No capitalism could be based on a currency whose value was unknown, and undefended.
Yet again:

"A Stable Money Supply. Without reliable money, markets would be based primarily on barter and thus be extremely limited. In the U.S., before the Civil War, almost all paper money was issued by private banks – not the government. This was an unreliable and incredibly chaotic system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply – which has a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system – one in which consumers and merchants have faith. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government
I don't think he fully grasps that we live in a modern monetary economy with a fiat currency that the government essentially controls.
One more time:

Capitalism Requires Government
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"Americans need to realize that our economy has thrived not in spite of government, but in many ways because of government."

Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.

One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Pure horseshit, of course.
Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
The constitution is an old document that is interpreted by whoever lives today. That's how it should be.

The Constitution is supposed to be law. If we could "interpret" our mortgages they way the SC interprets the Constitution, then I would be paying 0% interest and have to pay $0.00 per month.
Two completely different things.
Farmers and ranchers feed the country, the federal government feeds off of the country....
Pure horseshit, of course.
Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
The constitution is an old document that is interpreted by whoever lives today. That's how it should be.

The Constitution is supposed to be law. If we could "interpret" our mortgages they way the SC interprets the Constitution, then I would be paying 0% interest and have to pay $0.00 per month.
Two completely different things.
Both are law.
And how about this one?

Think Apple did that?
American industry allowed for that, The federal government has no money just IOUs
Oh, it sometimes has lots of money, from taxes. And, do you approve of the Feds in that case, yes or no?

In other words, it has no money it didn't take from someone else.
Well, it's not a for-profit business now is it? Like all governments, it must be paid for. Imagine...

Thanks for admitting it has no money it doesn't take from someone else.
The federal government creates nothing, but iOUs.
The private sector creates all the jobs, all of the products, all of the ingenuity, all of the future...
Bbbut Socialism works!!!!!!! Ask any left loon on this forum. LMAO
I'm sure this will come as a shock to you --- but there are many differences between Democratic Socialism and a dictatorship which is what Venezuela actually is.

The name they call it is irrelevant.

Most of the other Industrialzied Nations practice some form of Socialism and ... and ... and ...


don't like it? Move to Somalia --- you'd love it there.

Another leftwing idiot who thinks Somalia is an example of capitalism.
It's an example of anarchy, which capitalism cannot function in.

Lots of people would dispute that.
A tiny few, usually upper class white males in first world countries who have no real world experience or economic knowledge.

So you think some dark skin savages digging in the dirt for grubs to eat know better?

The Idea of a Private Law Society
The only good federal government is one that is not seen or heard and most importantly not felt...
So you don't think the federal government should do anything during a recession?

Correct. More importantly, it should do anything before a recession. The federal government has caused almost every recession/depression we've had. The most recent one is a classic example.
You're an idiot. I have no words for such stupidity. You know what caused recessions? The government trying to cut the debt and not run deficits.
Think big deficits cause recessions

Hmmm, wrong, as usual. Credit expansion by the federal reserve and government lending agencies are what caused the recession. The deficit was growing by leaps and bounds all during the recession.
Absurdity. There is not one single cause for the recession that occurred recently, although we can see a failure to regulate, the feds failure to stem the tide of toxic mortages, recklessness of firms, etc.. all played a big part. The government did play a part in it, but the recession had nothing to do with the deficit. The deficit is supposed to grow during the recession, anyone saying otherwise hasn't looked at history. It's a shame the stimulus was so small, but it did what needed to be done.

That's all pure socialist horseshit propaganda. The government caused the recession, just like it caused every other recession.

Furthermore, I have never claimed the deficit caused the recession. I claimed credit expansion caused it. Credit expansion is where the federal reserved depresses interest rates below the natural rate of interest by creating money. Fannie Mae and Freddie Max also had a hand in this easy credit policy.
One more time:

Capitalism Requires Government
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"Americans need to realize that our economy has thrived not in spite of government, but in many ways because of government."

Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.

One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Pure horseshit, of course.
Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
The constitution is an old document that is interpreted by whoever lives today. That's how it should be.

In other words, you don't care what it actually says.

The stimulus was nothing but a big old pile of iOUs...
Pure horseshit, of course.
Nothing of the kind, and every real capitalist, not you of course, knows it. But, you are the guy who thinks we can't have an FAA, because the Founders, with no commercial aircraft, no planes at all, didn't write that into the Constitution in the year 1789...

That's absolutely correct. The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. Regulating passenger air travel isn't one of the power enumerated.
So, what's the not unconstitutional, in your mind, way that airplanes and air traffic gets regulated? No regulations at all?

Virtually everything the FAA does is unconstitutional. If a state ruled that all flights from outside the state had to pay a fee, the FAA could outlaw that, but that's about it.
Everything is "unconstitutional." if you refuse to allow interpretation. Which is why we allow interpretation.

Virtually everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Yes, that's why goose stepping toadies like you support "interpreting" the Constitution to mean whatever you want it to mean.

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