So you want better paying jobs?

price set for Rolls means lower demand than for Ford. Low priced Rolls and Ford will generate more demand than higher priced Rolls and Ford. There are 3 variables in the equation. if you change any one the other must change too.

Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price. You are trying to compare two distinctly different markets as if they are equal. This is nonsense. It's like saying that a 4-star restaurant raising it's menu prices means there will be less demand for food. That simply is not true. If it were, we could solve world hunger by increasing the price of food to that of a 4-star restaurant. Problem solved!

There are TWO variables in free market capitalism... Supply and demand. Those, along with competition (which is really supply), determine price.
Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price

you can see in standard econ 101 price changes at every point on the demand curve
Econ 101!! some competitors will elect to raise price to collect more revenue on lower sales volume.
Some competitors will have higher costs and thus higher prices and lower demand.
Nobody is looking for a self-taught ego maniac to reinvent the wheell

You really do need to stop using "Econ 101" with every lame point you make because you're not talking about free market economic principles at all. It sounds almost like Keynesian economics which is an utter failure and abomination to free market capitalist principles.

In a free market, competition drives prices. Supply is the amount of something available and Demand is the amount of people who want something. Just because something is more expensive doesn't mean people don't want it. They don't want to pay more than the value for it but the value is determined by the supply of it. If there are no cars on the planet except Rolls and VW and they are priced the same, most people are going to purchase the Rolls... it's a better value. But nothing changes the demand of consumers for a car. It doesn't matter what the price is.
Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price
View attachment 56241
you can see in standard econ 101 price changes at every point on the demand curve

*sigh* When the supply of something is greater than the demand then the price goes down. You're now trying to dismiss Supply and look at Demand vs. Price... what happened to "three variables" in your argument? Did you forget to add that?
. It sounds almost like Keynesian economics which is an utter failure and abomination to free market capitalist principles.

Keynes is not related really. He suggests that if govt spends you move down the demand curve thanks to the new money thus the supply curve moves to the right to meet the demand and the price drops with the higher supply and demand. Republicans counter that govt spending just replaces private spending so has no effect on supply demand price,
No free market economist I've ever heard has sputtered such stupidity.
dear then show an economist who disputes or admit you're in over your head. Why not use this as a learning opportunity. I'm twice your age so no worries.
You're now trying to dismiss Supply and look at Demand vs. Price... what happened to "three variables" in your argument? Did you forget to add that?

I gave you the standard graph from econ 101. it shows 3 variables: price supply demand. When one changes the others do too. Easy to test, just move the price up or down on left verticle axis and you find yourself at different point on supply and demand curve
No free market economist I've ever heard has sputtered such stupidity.
dear then show an economist who disputes or admit you're in over your head. Why not use this as a learning opportunity. I'm twice your age so no worries.

How old are you? I am BETTING you're not twice my age.

No, I am not "over my head" because I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I have a degree in Business and have made millions as a successful free market capitalist. You're just spewing absolute idiocy on a message board and now you've resorted to the oldest trick in the book, denigrate and attack your opponent when you can't make your point.

I doubt that I can find an economist who specifically refutes your idiocy. Most of them have better things to do than publish papers on the web to address moronic points. What you need to do is find some who support your idiocy because I've never seen anyone who was a free market economist, who thought price drives demand.

I think I learned about the laws of supply and demand in high school... maybe even middle school. Long before "Econ 101" in college, that's for sure. So now... it's getting about time for you to morph your argument around and try to hijack MY argument to make it your own... I'm expecting that any post now.
Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price
View attachment 56241
you can see in standard econ 101 price changes at every point on the demand curve

I can't really tell much from a 1x1 image but it looks like you are showing me price equilibrium in relation to the driving parameters of supply and demand. This is NOT supporting your argument that price drives demand. It DOES support MY argument that price is driven by supply and demand.
You're just spewing absolute idiocy on a message board .

dear I gave you standard graph that they have been using in ECON 101 for 100 years, so I"m not spewing anything but rather trying to introduce you to basic economics!
Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price
View attachment 56241
you can see in standard econ 101 price changes at every point on the demand curve

I can't really tell much from a 1x1 image but it looks like you are showing me price equilibrium in relation to the driving parameters of supply and demand. This is NOT supporting your argument that price drives demand. It DOES support MY argument that price is driven by supply and demand.

you see that as supply changes( eg, from farm drought) the price is then forced to change
Nope. There is the same demand regardless of price
View attachment 56241
you can see in standard econ 101 price changes at every point on the demand curve

I can't really tell much from a 1x1 image but it looks like you are showing me price equilibrium in relation to the driving parameters of supply and demand. This is NOT supporting your argument that price drives demand. It DOES support MY argument that price is driven by supply and demand.

once again you see price and demand changing together.
You're just spewing absolute idiocy on a message board .

dear I gave you standard graph that they have been using in ECON 101 for 100 years, so I"m not spewing anything but rather trying to introduce you to basic economics!

Problem is, your graph supports MY argument and not yours.

The other two different graphs have nothing to do with your argument. Again, they both show that when supply increases in relation to demand prices go down and when demand increases in relation to supply prices go up. That's the laws of supply and demand driving price. MY ARGUMENT... not YOURS!
when supply increases in relation to demand prices go down

dear the entire world agrees with that and always has so why look silly creating a strawman

I'm not the one looking silly here, that has been my contention all along... but you said that prices determine demand and that's not true in any free market system. Supply and demand determine price. Price does not determine demand or supply.
. Price does not determine demand or supply.

dear, if the price of bananas drops to 1 penny/lb the supply will drop since there is no profit at that price; if the price rises to $5/lb the supply will grow since there would be big profit at that price

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