So you want better paying jobs?

How can price increase the supply of something?

Dear, in Econ 101 they teach that if the price of bananas drops to 1 cent the supply will decrease since farmers can make a profit at that price, and if the price rises to $100 the supply will go up because there would be a huge profit to be made at that price.

You are talking about two completely different things and trying to context them the same. There are X number of bananas available and X number of consumers who want to buy bananas... the price doesn't change those variables and neither does profit. If you have 5 million tons of bananas they don't suddenly turn into 1 ton of bananas because you adjusted price. If a million people want to buy bananas, you can't change their desire for bananas by changing the price. You can change how many you sell or how many they purchase but that isn't changing supply or demand.

And we're talking about a FREE MARKET system... not a closed market system where a universal price is set by an authority. In a FREE MARKET system, when you increase your price your competitor will keep his price low and meet the demand for bananas which isn't changed by your price increase. Same with supply, it doesn't matter what your price is, there is always someone with a supply of bananas to meet demand. You may temporarily have more bananas but soon your bananas will rot and you won't have any supply.

Profit is totally unrelated to supply or demand, it is the amount realized after expenses. We may both be selling bananas at the same price, my location might be better than yours and I may pay lower rent for my banana stand... my profit will probably be higher. Or maybe I lower the price and take less profit per sale but still make more overall profit because more customers buy my cheaper product? Or maybe I have a higher price and make less profit but my bananas are a better quality than yours and I capitalize on a market demand for high quality bananas? There are all kinds of SALES variables in play... none of them have beans to do with supply and demand in an economic context. It seems you are confusing causation with result.
How can price increase the supply of something?

Dear, in Econ 101 they teach that if the price of bananas drops to 1 cent the supply will decrease since farmers can make a profit at that price, and if the price rises to $100 the supply will go up because there would be a huge profit to be made at that price.

You are talking about two completely different things and trying to context them the same. There are X number of bananas available and X number of consumers who want to buy bananas... the price doesn't change those variables and neither does profit. If you have 5 million tons of bananas they don't suddenly turn into 1 ton of bananas because you adjusted price. If a million people want to buy bananas, you can't change their desire for bananas by changing the price. You can change how many you sell or how many they purchase but that isn't changing supply or demand.

And we're talking about a FREE MARKET system... not a closed market system where a universal price is set by an authority. In a FREE MARKET system, when you increase your price your competitor will keep his price low and meet the demand for bananas which isn't changed by your price increase. Same with supply, it doesn't matter what your price is, there is always someone with a supply of bananas to meet demand. You may temporarily have more bananas but soon your bananas will rot and you won't have any supply.

Profit is totally unrelated to supply or demand, it is the amount realized after expenses. We may both be selling bananas at the same price, my location might be better than yours and I may pay lower rent for my banana stand... my profit will probably be higher. Or maybe I lower the price and take less profit per sale but still make more overall profit because more customers buy my cheaper product? Or maybe I have a higher price and make less profit but my bananas are a better quality than yours and I capitalize on a market demand for high quality bananas? There are all kinds of SALES variables in play... none of them have beans to do with supply and demand in an economic context. It seems you are confusing causation with result.
dear you are all over the lot with a dozen different subjects. Why not tell us what your subject is and what your point on that subject is.
You are talking about two completely different things

sorry, talking about supply and demand as it has been taught in Econ 101 for 100 years!

Well... NO... you're not. SUPPLY is the amount of something that is available. It doesn't change when price changes, the same amount of it still exists. DEMAND is the number of people who want something. Again, this doesn't change when price changes, the same number of people still want it. In a closed market, they may not purchase it because the price is too high... that isn't a change in demand for the product. In a FREE MARKET (which is what we're talking about) the price is set by competition in accordance with supply and demand along a "PRICE EQUILIBRIUM" which is the optimal price most closely representing the value of the product to the consumer. Setting a higher price than the price equilibrium does not have ANY effect on demand in a free market system... it only effects sales and as a result, profit. Another capitalist keeps the price closer to the price equilibrium and gains the market share, increasing sales and profit.

You've obviously never taken Econ 101... I doubt you had any basic high school level economics.
SUPPLY is the amount of something that is available. It doesn't change when price changes,

dear stupid, the supply curve curves along the x, y axis

What??? You're not making any sense, Ed.

Look... You keep trying to argue that the price can determine supply and demand. But in a free market system, there is no such thing as "the price." There can only be "the price" in a closed system where an authority determines "THE" price. In a free market, the capitalist is free to set price wherever he thinks is best. So "the price" cannot influence supply or demand because there is no such thing in a free market system. Were you studying Socialist Econ 101? :dunno:

Now there may be some circumstances within a free market system whereby the capitalist controls a monopoly on supply. In those cases a capitalist can influence the average price and thereby influence demand at his price. For instance, you can only buy an iPhone from Apple. In that case, "the price" for an iPhone is whatever Apple says. But now we're not talking about free market capitalist economy. We've removed the element of competition.
so then show a quote from a text book

Everything I am saying is in a textbook.
so then show a quote from a text book

lets not forget jobs pay better today than in the stone age thanks to the supply of new inventions

Innovation is partly driven by demand. You destroy most of your middle class with allowing unregulated capitalism = most people will be poor and unable to buy the products. sadly, the urge for new innovation will go way down. We can thank the unions, regulations and minimum wage for the higher pay as you won't find it in any country that don't have those things.

It is a cycle and as the rich few take up more and more our society will slowly spin down.

What's funny is from 1940 to 1970 the government played a huge role in research in development and made it possible for many small businesses to take the product of such to the consumers. So it isn't just the private sector that makes wealth.
Innovation is partly driven by demand..

of course that's 100% stupid and liberal since the demand for food clothing and shelter was a given in nature for 1 million years and so does not need to be encouraged or applauded while the supply of food, clothing, and shelter was a miracle of Republican capitalist supply that 100% idiotic liberals oppose pretending that some fool who wants a house is as important as the guy who finally figured out how to make one after living in caves for a million years!!

Way way over a liberals head!!
We can thank the unions, regulations and minimum wage for the higher pay as you won't find it in any country that don't have those things.

the stupid liberal has learned 45 time now that capitalism forces you to provide the highest wages and best products possible to survive. If the liberal doubt it go into business with a lower wage and lower quality products and see how well you do!!

When will the liberal tire of being stupid
We can thank the unions, regulations and minimum wage for the higher pay as you won't find it in any country that don't have those things.

the stupid liberal has learned 45 time now that capitalism forces you to provide the highest wages and best products possible to survive. If the liberal doubt it go into business with a lower wage and lower quality products and see how well you do!!

When will the liberal tire of being stupid

No. Not really. I'm not a big fan of Michael Moore because he has put some BS in his documentaries sometimes, but in "Capitalism: A Love Story" he did give a pretty good explanation of the mechanics of Capitalism. I think it's worth watching. Look into "radical Capitalism" to understand how and why Capitalism has gone awry. Also, "Inside Job" is essential viewing if you want to know what goes on in the whacky world of finance and banking.
he did give a pretty good explanation of the mechanics of Capitalism.
dear, Moore is generally considered a huge huge idiot. Why not tell us the explanation or admit this format may not be right for you? I suggest you read for while then take a crack at participation once you think you can contribute. Gook luck.
so then show a quote from a text book

Everything I am saying is in a textbook.
so then show a quote from a text book

lets not forget jobs pay better today than in the stone age thanks to the supply of new inventions

Innovation is partly driven by demand. You destroy most of your middle class with allowing unregulated capitalism = most people will be poor and unable to buy the products. sadly, the urge for new innovation will go way down. We can thank the unions, regulations and minimum wage for the higher pay as you won't find it in any country that don't have those things.

It is a cycle and as the rich few take up more and more our society will slowly spin down.

What's funny is from 1940 to 1970 the government played a huge role in research in development and made it possible for many small businesses to take the product of such to the consumers. So it isn't just the private sector that makes wealth.

It's ONLY the private sector that makes wealth. Governments have no mechanism by which to create wealth. Government can do only two things in regulation of capitalism... Disrupt the mechanics of supply and demand and destroy them entirely. For all the liberal whining about "unbridled capitalism" there has never been any time in American history where no capitalism of any kind was regulated by government. In fact, you can go back to the colonial days and before... government has always regulated capitalism. You keep complaining about a unicorn, something that simply has only existed in myth.

Even though ANY regulation disrupts or destroys the mechanics of free market supply and demand, there are legitimate reasons we need certain regulatory limits. It is not a quest for "fairness" however, as most liberals seem to assume. The legitimacy is found in the protection of unsuspecting consumers or general public.

Innovation has absolutely NOTHING to do with demand. NOTHING. Not only can it not, it's impossible for it to. How can something be demanded that doesn't exist yet? You are talking about DESIRE... Desire drives innovation, not demand. I may WANT a product that does x,y,or z... I can't DEMAND that product until it becomes innovated.

The "rich few" will be an integral part of any economy or system. It doesn't matter. You will never rid the world of "the rich few" no matter how much you try. You can only change who "the rich few" are within your society. Even in a totally closed socialist/anti-capitalist system like China under Mao, where the stated goals and objectives centered around wealth equality of the people, there were still "the rich few" who also controlled the government, media and power. They became even more wealthy and powerful and the people starved...or, were just outright executed.

In fact, the ONLY successful system in terms of opportunity for the general public to become "the rich few" is the one we created here, with free market capitalist principles and free enterprise. It is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man.
Innovation is partly driven by demand..

of course that's 100% stupid and liberal since the demand for food clothing and shelter was a given in nature for 1 million years and so does not need to be encouraged or applauded while the supply of food, clothing, and shelter was a miracle of Republican capitalist supply that 100% idiotic liberals oppose pretending that some fool who wants a house is as important as the guy who finally figured out how to make one after living in caves for a million years!!

Way way over a liberals head!!

There is no such thing as "Republican" capitalist supply. And no miracle. In a free market system, the guy who demands a house is as important as the guy who can supply the house. You cannot have one without the other.
We can thank the unions, regulations and minimum wage for the higher pay as you won't find it in any country that don't have those things.

the stupid liberal has learned 45 time now that capitalism forces you to provide the highest wages and best products possible to survive. If the liberal doubt it go into business with a lower wage and lower quality products and see how well you do!!

When will the liberal tire of being stupid

No. Not really. I'm not a big fan of Michael Moore because he has put some BS in his documentaries sometimes, but in "Capitalism: A Love Story" he did give a pretty good explanation of the mechanics of Capitalism. I think it's worth watching. Look into "radical Capitalism" to understand how and why Capitalism has gone awry. Also, "Inside Job" is essential viewing if you want to know what goes on in the whacky world of finance and banking.

Anything by Micheal Moore is Socialist propaganda and should be dismissed as such without further examination needed because that's what the man does. He is a radical Socialist pushing radical socialist ideology. This man is NOT enlightening you, he is BRAINWASHING you with one-sided propaganda, prepared and intentionally designed for the dumbed-down masses.

Learn to enlighten yourself with information from someone who isn't driven by agenda of their ideology. John Locke would be a good source to start. Thomas Hobbs and Rene Descartes are a couple more. These are brilliant men of which Moore is not worthy to sniff the jock straps of.
. You cannot have one without the other.

100% stupid strawman of course. You can't have a brain surgeon without a brain but that does not mean the patient is as important as the surgeon!!! Patients got sick and died naturally for 1 million years until the surgeon suddenly learned to supply the cure.

We don't need to encourage patients to get sick or people to demand food clothing and shelter. It happens naturally. What we must encourage is the Republican supply of surgeons.

Simple enough for you?
There is no such thing as "Republican" capitalist supply. And no miracle.

100% stupid of course. Republicans are supply siders while Democrats are demand siders. Mankind had no supply of anything for 1 million years then the Republican supply side miracle took place 250 years ago and today we have everything supplied.

Do you understand??

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