So you want better paying jobs?

. You cannot have one without the other.

100% stupid strawman of course. You can't have a brain surgeon without a brain but that does not mean the patient is as important as the surgeon!!! Patients got sick and died naturally for 1 million years until the surgeon suddenly learned to supply the cure.

We don't need to encourage patients to get sick or people to demand food clothing and shelter. It happens naturally. What we must encourage is the Republican supply of surgeons.

Simple enough for you?

Why do you keep using the word "Republican" incorrectly? That's what I am wondering. Is anyone else here curious? :dunno:

You can have as many people who are qualified to perform brain surgery as you like, it will never create one single patient for those people to perform that skill on. If they never actually do perform their service of brain surgery because there is no supply of people who's brain needs surgery on... they are not brain surgeons... they are only people who could potentially BE a brain surgeon, IF someone needed brain surgery. Likewise, you can have every person on the planet in need of someone to operate on their brain and without that person, there is not a brain surgery patient. You can't have one without the other. You need a brain surgeon AND a patient. Supply and Demand.

You talking nonsense when you say things like "we don't need to encourage patients to get sick..." What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Patients in a hospital? Isn't a "patient" someone who IS sick? Do you mean 'we shouldn't encourage PEOPLE to get sick?' I agree! We shouldn't be letting government take over our health care. It's insanity. We will not solve our health care problem by allowing corporatists with insurance companies and health care associations, along with federal agencies out the ying-yang to lord over the system. We signed our death warrants when we took it completely out of the hands of free market capitalism.

We will be LUCKY if we EVER manage to un-fuck the mess that has been created. But it all has to start with people educating themselves about FREE MARKET CAPITALISM. You are a total embarrassment... you don't need to be out there speaking about "Econ 101" because you're a moron who doesn't fully understand free market capitalism. First principles... The Law of Supply and Demand. You perverted it into some bizarre formula that could be manipulated with prices and innovations. The Law of Supply and Demand does not change. It's bedrock.

Innovations are great... I've not contested that one bit. I believe in a free enterprise system where government not only gets out of the way of innovation but actively supports it as much as possible through grants and such. I don't have a problem with that but we can't go crazy... right now, you can go apply for a grant to study bacterial growth found in jello and vodka when slurped from the belly-button of a hot young co-ed. I don't want to waste tax dollars on that. I would rather use them to do something else... that's just me.

But free market capitalist principles are important to understand in a free market / free enterprise system like ours. First thing you have to understand is that we're not fucking Scandinavia. We have a different system. The things which work for them will not work in our system, they will gum it up and clog everything and then we're screwed. We have to forget about what Eurotrash are doing and focus on what WE do... which is free market / free enterprise capitalism.
Republicans are supply siders while Democrats are demand siders. Mankind had no supply of anything for 1 million years then the Republican supply side miracle took place 250 years ago and today we have everything supplied.

Do you understand??

Well there is nothing "Republican" about supply side economics. Right now, you have a Republican party that is highly corporatist and that's NOT free market capitalism OR supply side anything. That is government power being the picker of winners and losers on the fly. It's basically Fascism and just as undesirable as Socialism.

I think you need to read up some more on free market capitalism before you tackle supply-side economics. You're already dog-paddling over your head. Corporatism (the collusion of government and commerce) is the antithesis to free enterprise and free market capitalism. It works to detriment of the laws of supply and demand and manipulates the system to reward political cronies. It is essentially legalized corruption.
. You can't have one without the other. You need a brain surgeon AND a patient. Supply and Demand.
dear, people naturally demanded food for 1 million years but didn't get it until Republicans invented or supplied farm equipment very recently. Demand is natural and does not need to be encouraged while supply is very very rare and needs to be nurtured very steadily and carefully.

Econ 101 class one day one!! Sorry to rock your world.
Corporatism (the collusion of government and commerce) is the antithesis to free enterprise and free market capitalism.

dear, Obamacare is perfect example of this collusion and guess what, Republicans are 100% opposed and Democrats are 100% in favor.

Do you enjoy looking stupid??
. You can't have one without the other. You need a brain surgeon AND a patient. Supply and Demand.
dear, people naturally demanded food for 1 million years but didn't get it until Republicans invented or supplied farm equipment very recently. Demand is natural and does not need to be encouraged while supply is very very rare and needs to be nurtured very steadily and carefully.

Econ 101 class one day one!! Sorry to rock your world.

Bullshit! If people hadn't had food they would've starved to death, you ignorant mouth-breather. Farm equipment had nothing to do with providing food. Demand is NOT natural... DESIRE is natural. You're confusing the two. DEMAND can only happen when there is a SUPPLY. Until something is SUPPLIED it cannot be DEMANDED... (the supply doesn't exist.) It can be DESIRED... we can WANT a supply to exist... that's not DEMAND!

You're the one who needs educating... you're just spewing stupidity all over the place and acting like you have a clue.
Corporatism (the collusion of government and commerce) is the antithesis to free enterprise and free market capitalism.

dear, Obamacare is perfect example of this collusion and guess what, Republicans are 100% opposed and Democrats are 100% in favor.

Do you enjoy looking stupid??

Well that's bullshit too! Ted Cruz was practically crucified by the Establishment GOP for trying to do what he could to derail Obamacare. The Dirty Truth is, the establishment GOP cronies LIKE Obamacare and want to keep it! More Government power for them to control!

Do you enjoy being a TOOL for the Republican Establishment?
Well there is nothing "Republican" about supply side economics.

100% stupid of course since Republicans support it while Democrats oppose it

Lots of Democrats supported supply-side economics under Reagan or it would have never been passed by the Democrat-led congress. Also, did you never hear of the "Reagan Democrats?" How old are you, 12?
If people hadn't had food they would've starved to death,.

dear, I'm sure every person on the planet agrees we need to eat to survive!! If you find yourself pointing out that 1+1=2 thinking you're the smartest person in the room you have to wonder that your problem must be very serious.
dear, I'm sure every person on the planet agrees we need to eat to survive!! If you find yourself pointing out that 1+1=2 thinking you're the smartest person in the room you have to wonder that your problem must be very serious.

...people naturally demanded food for 1 million years but didn't get it until Republicans invented or supplied farm equipment very recently.... ~a truly retarded moron.
The Dirty Truth is, the establishment GOP cronies LIKE Obamacare and want to keep it!

what you say makes perfect sense except that Republicans voted against it 42 times! Sorry to rock your world. You are are easy to defeat because you rely on so many perfectly false assumptions.
Demand is NOT natural... DESIRE is natural.

dear, people who are starving demand and desire food. Sorry to rock your world.

Sorry... in an economic system, you cannot have "demand" until you have supply. You are talking about DESIRE. You confuse the two then apply some philosophical bullshit to solid free market capitalist principles in an attempt to justify your stupidity and support for crony capitalism.
...people naturally demanded food for 1 million years but didn't get it until Republicans invented or supplied farm equipment very recently.... ~a truly retarded moron.

can you say why you disagree??

Because... IF people demanded food and didn't get it they starved to death, moron.
You just said it's like 1+1=2 and now you don't know why I disagree? :dunno:
Demand is NOT natural... DESIRE is natural.

dear, people who are starving demand and desire food. Sorry to rock your world.

Sorry... in an economic system, you cannot have "demand" until you have supply. You are talking about DESIRE. You confuse the two then apply some philosophical bullshit to solid free market capitalist principles in an attempt to justify your stupidity and support for crony capitalism.

sorry to break your heart but here is wiki quote from page one on supply and demand:

If desire for goods increases while its availability decreases, its price rises. On the other hand, if availability of the good increases and the desire for it decreases, the price comes down. ”
Ibn Taymiyyah, Supply and demand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Dirty Truth is, the establishment GOP cronies LIKE Obamacare and want to keep it!

what you say makes perfect sense except that Republicans voted against it 42 times! Sorry to rock your world. You are are easy to defeat because you rely on so many perfectly false assumptions.

No.. .sorry to rock your world but the one time they had to stand up and deny funding for it, they caved and then set out to crucify Ted Cruz as a radical wack job. They took a bunch of meaningless symbolic votes they knew Harry Reid would kill in the Senate. But they had already capitulated the purse strings and let it be fully funded and rolled out. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee stood firm. The Establishment GOP caved and essentially accepted Obamacare as something we all just have to get used to now.... let's move on.

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