Social conservative, king-makers to meet in Texas...

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
7,883 discuss "anyone but romney" strategy. Whats the matter? Why don't they want him to win the nomination?!!! :dunno:

Social conservative leaders to assess GOP candidates - Politics Wires -
AUSTIN, Texas -- Social conservative leaders from across the nation will gather at a Texas ranch this weekend to discuss their choice of candidates in the Republican presidential race, including the possibility of uniting behind a candidate other than frontrunner Mitt Romney.

I know for me he is just like obama . He will not get my vote in the primary but if he makes it to the election I guess he lesser of the two evils
CONZ are going to nominate the guy who legislated the precedent for what they hate the most about Obama.

THAT makes sense.
Romney is the inevitable nominee because he's GOT THE MONEY and ORGANIZATION to run for President.

Even so, he's fatally flawed. Running a corporate raider during the biggest economic downturn in the last 80 years? SMART CONZ!
CONZ are going to nominate the guy who legislated the precedent for what they hate the most about Obama.

THAT makes sense.
Romney is the inevitable nominee because he's GOT THE MONEY and ORGANIZATION to run for President.

Even so, he's fatally flawed. Running a corporate raider during the biggest economic downturn in the last 80 years? SMART CONZ!

There's one thing you overlooked that irk's the social conservatives, he aint in a mainstream religion not that any of them meet that threshold ;) discuss "anyone but romney" strategy. Whats the matter? Why don't they want him to win the nomination?!!! :dunno:

Social conservative leaders to assess GOP candidates - Politics Wires -
AUSTIN, Texas -- Social conservative leaders from across the nation will gather at a Texas ranch this weekend to discuss their choice of candidates in the Republican presidential race, including the possibility of uniting behind a candidate other than frontrunner Mitt Romney.


Because a vote for him would be like reelecting obama back in, he is just as big of a socialist as obama is.
Romneys got the one thing Randians (free-market types) value over all else, MONEY!!! :)
Looks like they anointed (pun intended) Santorum. Will he get any traction?
They can push whomever they wish, but Romney is the man. He will easily win the nomination and the majority of them will hold their collective noses on election in November and vote for him. That is the way is will be...
Santorum is considered "establishment" isn't he? If so, Dr. Paul has more support
Looks like they anointed (pun intended) Santorum. Will he get any traction?

I thought that was the dumbest thing they could have done. Gingrich is second in the last poll I saw to Romney in SC... Santorum is fourth. Why would you endorse the guy in fourth place after Ron Paul to try to beat Romney?

It almost makes me question the authenticity of these "social conservatives" that met this weekend. What may come out of what they just did is Gingrich will slip to third place and Santorum will take some of his votes. If that happens neither one will break 20% and it will be a Paul vs Romney race for first place. Hopefully Santorum will pull enough votes from Romney for Paul to pull this out. That'd be a great blow to the establishment of the party for presenting us with this horrific line of candidates we're forced to vote for.
The fundies should love Romney...

Separated at birth:



Romney has televangelist charlatan down to a 't'.
What a huge waste of time. They should take the money for travel and motels and meals and give it to a charity. Romney has an iron lock on the nomination.

Yes GOP, a Mormon will be leading you to the promise land!...a moderate Mormon at that! :lol::lol:


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