Social Security: Sen. Simpson Offends Almost Everyone with "Cow" Quip Everyone

Social Security: Alan Simpson offends almost everyone with 'cow' quip -

In an e-mail this week to Ashley Carson, executive director of the National Older Women's League (OWL), Simpson compared Social Security to "a milk cow with 310 million tits".

A wee bit vulgar, but how innaccurate? It would be more fair to say it is for milk from a cow you pay a bit for, but can't line up to the teat (think that is a better word on a cow) until you are 67.
But Wednesday, a quip made by the man who is now a co-chair of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission was no laughing matter – at least to liberal activists and bloggers now calling for his head.


"This demeaning attitude toward Social Security is consistent with factually incorrect statements made by Senator Simpson in the past which show a complete misunderstanding of the true financial condition of Social Security," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) of Vermont and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D) or Oregon wrote to President Obama Wednesday. (They might have noted that Simpson once referred to Social Security recipients as "greedy geezers.")

"In order for your commission's recommendations to have credibility with Congress," the two liberal lawmakers wrote, "we respectfully urge you to remove Senator Simpson from the commission."

National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill said "Simpson's rant is a nasty reminder of how ageist and sexist some of our leaders still are." (NOW is asking members and supporters to send $5 for the organization to send baby bottle nipples to the White House as part of its campaign to oust Simpson.)

Advocates for seniors were not delighted, either.
Socialist activists, bloggers and the usual suspect leftloon politicians and pressure groups are hardly "almost everyone". :lol::lol::lol:
I doubt it.

Boyking needs someone on his stupid blue ribbon panels with an (R) by their name, to give them cover for the goofy recommendations they're certain to float.

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