Social security to run out of money in 21 years.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
So let's create a nationwide insurance plan....
The administration last year said it would run dry in they said more like year they will say?

Did I mention we will soon be $20 Trillion in debt?
The trustees said the Social Security fund for retirees will become insolvent in 2033. But it said the Medicare funds will run out in 2024, the same forecast as last year.

The trustees said a key factor in revising the Social Security estimate was the view that Americans' average real earnings were likely to grow more slowly than previously thought, thus crimping revenues from taxes that finance the fund.

Read more: Social Security Fund to Run Dry Sooner Than Expected | Fox Business
I'll be long dead and gone. Hope you get it worked out. In the meanwhile, have a banana and relax. I guess the government shouldn't have spent all the money people have paid into social security over the years in such a foolish way.
Social Security is already broke, Obama said so himself

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3 if we haven't resolved this"

There's no assets to sell in the "trust fund"

See that? There was nothing to sell! We had to borrow to make the current payment
So let's create a nationwide insurance plan....
The administration last year said it would run dry in they said more like year they will say?

Did I mention we will soon be $20 Trillion in debt?
The trustees said the Social Security fund for retirees will become insolvent in 2033. But it said the Medicare funds will run out in 2024, the same forecast as last year.

The trustees said a key factor in revising the Social Security estimate was the view that Americans' average real earnings were likely to grow more slowly than previously thought, thus crimping revenues from taxes that finance the fund.

Read more: Social Security Fund to Run Dry Sooner Than Expected | Fox Business

Yup, we just need to borrow until that date to keep it solvent. Is this when they wont let us borrow anymore?
We have problems this big folks...and this President is desperate to create and even bigger social program.
The cluelessness is almost surreal.
So let's create a nationwide insurance plan....
The administration last year said it would run dry in they said more like year they will say?

SS already pays out more than it collects each month so its broke now. No worries though, 10,000 baby boomers are retiring a day, and the liberal government that owes us the money is only $16 trillion in debt.

When folks who owe you money are dead broke and deep in dept don't worry, be happy.
So let's create a nationwide insurance plan....
The administration last year said it would run dry in they said more like year they will say?

Did I mention we will soon be $20 Trillion in debt?
The trustees said the Social Security fund for retirees will become insolvent in 2033. But it said the Medicare funds will run out in 2024, the same forecast as last year.

The trustees said a key factor in revising the Social Security estimate was the view that Americans' average real earnings were likely to grow more slowly than previously thought, thus crimping revenues from taxes that finance the fund.

Read more: Social Security Fund to Run Dry Sooner Than Expected | Fox Business
Here's another Republican pushing the idea of killing social security.
We have been seeing these "Oh noes SS is going to die" for 40 years or more.

The fixes are very simple, but it requires both parties to sign on.
Here's another Republican pushing the idea of killing social security.

you mean killing the idea of stealing $1.4 million from every working American. Thats a good thing. A liberal cant do math so has no idea how badly he is getting ripped off by liberal govt.
Eddy, SS is safe from you guys. Get over it. Get used to it. That will never change.
Social Security is important for all seniors. SS should be for seniors and temporary for those seriously ill. It is time to clean up the dependency from addicts on SS.
Remove the earnings cap.

Problem solved.

I think Reagan was the last President to assault the math like he couldn't see the future.

But yeah, remove the earnings cap. I'm up for fixing the retirement age to 90% of life expectancy or something also if that helps.
Oh please...the system is already broke

Everything is stealing from peter to pay Paul
Social Security is a dressed up welfare program for seniors, financed by middle class wage earners. It inordinately rewards low income earners while it gives the rich a huge tax exemption. To be fair, all income should be subject to Social Security taxes.
Remove the earnings cap.

Problem solved.

I think Reagan was the last President to assault the math like he couldn't see the future.

But yeah, remove the earnings cap. I'm up for fixing the retirement age to 90% of life expectancy or something also if that helps.
best fix is to privatize so libcommie govt cant steal a huge chunk of everyone's life time income!!!

would you rather retire with $1.4 million in your private account or a monthly dog food allowance from our genius libsoviets???????
Remove the earnings cap.

Problem solved.

I think Reagan was the last President to assault the math like he couldn't see the future.

But yeah, remove the earnings cap. I'm up for fixing the retirement age to 90% of life expectancy or something also if that helps.
best fix is to privatize so libcommie govt cant steal a huge chunk of everyone's life time income!!!

would you rather retire with $1.4 million in your private account or a monthly dog food allowance from our genius libsoviets???????

Edward, in a kind of hippie / Star Trek idealistic world that would be great.

But thanks to the reality of human behavior Socialism doesn't work.

Thanks to the reality of human behavior its best we have some mandated Social Security.

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