Socialism - A lesson for Republicans

Free enterprise means you have ample opportunity to conduct business and commerce free of undue official barriers or unfair competition. Capitalism is a system where wealth may be used to generate more wealth. Very few people directly participate in capitalism. Even our retirement investment accounts are products sold by real capitalists.

You just described Fair Market. Free Market never makes it past the 3rd trade.
Vrenn babble shit from you......some cultures are lazy/more criminals/stupid/etc
you didn't post any evidence for your babble crap
For someone with a limited understanding of history, only learning that the Founding Fathers were white Christian nationalists racists who should be stricken from the annals of history, let me try to spalin something.

The move AWAY from England was an attempt to distance from a tyrannical centralized unfeeling behemoth. In stead, they opted for a representative and limited government. In fact, many were wary of the Constitution because they felt it gave too much control to the Federal government, something we see that has occurred over the years. For you see, Socialism is all about centralized power and control, not Federalism, which is divided control between local and state and federal powers. But we see this erode away every day. Now the CDC controls evictions. LOL.

Did you even know that the Father of the Constitution, James Madison, believed in limited government and not a populace led by the nose by a centralized group of elitists? News to you I'm sure, or if you do know, he was just a racist slave owner and so you don't care, so which is it?

But the part of the Constitution that communists like yourself point to that allows government to blow up exponentially with unlimited spending and an end to such limited government is the General Welfare clause. You kids use this to justify the path that has been taken today by saying that it is all justified to secure the general welfare of society. However, Madison wrote about this as well, and clearly told us this is NOT how it should be used.

But as usual, the Left either is ignorant of this fact or they simply don't care and will begin to attack Madison personally, thus making anything he ever thought or said unimportant.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”​

So what is next? Are you going to tell me that the source is fake, or will you begin to assault the character of Madison, or will you launch into a diatribe of how what he had said is not really how it reads?

One thing is for certain, socialism owns you, it consumes you, you are its tool, so you must choose one of the three of the following to continue your little lesson on socialism to conservatives like me.

If it's okay to call me a communist who murdered tens of millions of people then I reserve the right to call you a terrorists that are in the process off murdering millions across the globe today, Adolf.

Here is a question for you. What is the difference between Slavery in the United States and Nazi Germany? I think the biggest difference is, Germans are more honest about Nazi Germany than you are about Slavery America. And part of Nazi Germany still exists in Germany but it's kept trodden down to never take over again and not allowed to rewrite history to make it look like a dozen roses. But you KKK (Terrorists by every definition) are allowed to resell your own brand of history to clean up your own terrorist acts and to keep parts of it going year after year.

The Germans ceased to be Nazis but you have never ceased to be Terrorist.
You just described Fair Market. Free Market never makes it past the 3rd trade.
As long as greed exists no economic system alone can truly serve the people. The ruthless are always going to come out on top when wealth and power is involved. Socialism is the reaction societies have to the failures of an economy to serve the needs of the people.
I asked you a question. You used the word commie, and suggested that someone didn't know what Capitalism means.

So, you must have a clear and solid definition of communism. What is it?
The communism I saw and what you seem to agree with is where if the commies in charge don't like what you say/think/do, they shoot you in the face. Got it yet?
Vrenn babble shit from you......some cultures are lazy/more criminals/stupid/etc
you didn't post any evidence for your babble crap

Oh, did I say some4hting that differs from your own bs story? This is the difference between local right wing leaning news versus Rumpster Trash National News like you use. It's up to YOU to prove that all those people are not taking jobs because they are being paid to stay home. But common sense says that economically, that has long since run it's course and it's either find decent income or an empty street corner. And there just aren't enough street corners out there.
If it's okay to call me a communist who murdered tens of millions of people then I reserve the right to call you a terrorists that are in the process off murdering millions across the globe today, Adolf.

Here is a question for you. What is the difference between Slavery in the United States and Nazi Germany? I think the biggest difference is, Germans are more honest about Nazi Germany than you are about Slavery America. And part of Nazi Germany still exists in Germany but it's kept trodden down to never take over again and not allowed to rewrite history to make it look like a dozen roses. But you KKK (Terrorists by every definition) are allowed to resell your own brand of history to clean up your own terrorist acts and to keep parts of it going year after year.

The Germans ceased to be Nazis but you have never ceased to be Terrorist.
I figured you were out of your element and could not offer a rebuttal to what I said.

Until you do, you will be on ignore. What you wrote is just garbage. I will simply assume you have no reasoning ability and are simply an indoctrinated fool.

I will concede that calling you a communist was a hit below the belt, but I thought it might be a badge of honor for you. At least you understand that communism is evil, so maybe there is some hope for you after all

Now would you like to rebut what I had said or ignore it and try to divert to other things like the mindless racism talking points?

After all, I thought you were schooling people like me on socialism, not racism.
I figured you were out of your element and could not offer a rebuttal to what I said.

Until you do, you will be on ignore. What you wrote is just garbage. I will simply assume you have no reasoning ability and are simply an indoctrinated fool.

I will concede that calling you a communist was a hit below the belt, but I thought it might be a badge of honor for you. At least you understand that communism is evil, so maybe there is some hope for you after all

Now would you like to rebut what I had said or ignore it and try to divert to other things like the mindless racism talking points?

After all, I thought you were schooling people like me on socialism, not racism.

Oh, did I hit it right on the head? Are you now going to grab your football and run home? Works for me, terrorist.
you are a BootCamper
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--[ be careful of your response---you do not want to reveal that you did not graduate from 4th grade math ]

blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa

etc etc
Thank you for verifying that you are a Wanabe BLM Terrorist.

Ah, let's lump anyone that sees you for what you are as a Black BLM
Terrorist. Of course, you also list the Latinos in that same category. Anyone NOT WHITE goes on that list. Ah, yes, the old Aryan List. Jesse Owens made a mockery of that in 1936.
They also get capitalism mixed up with free enterprise.
This is actually very true. Though free-markets is the correct language.

But once proper relevance is understood, the op get blown out of the water.

Quite easily, in fact. Because in that regard, the constitution is very clear.

Anyway. Putting that aside, let me ask you something.

Can you explain to the group how communism will actually arise after 'capitalism' is destroyed? Furthermore, how will the state 'wither away' after the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' has commenced?

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you are a BootCamper
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--[ be careful of your response---you do not want to reveal that you did not graduate from 4th grade math ]

blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa

etc etc

Since you like to do research, check out the percentage of unemployment of Blacks V Whites and see how that compares. Funny how not having a steady living income affects the crime rate and anger management of a population.

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