Socialism gains popularity as the populous becomes more dependent...Thirdworlders play a key role.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
Third worlders play the key role?

I don't think that's correct. They play every role in this play, which is called the invasion of America.
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
There's no doubt that Mexico is still salty about the ass whipping we Texans laid on them. They're probably even more salty about the ass whipping the US government laid on them shortly there after.

This is an invasion by Mexico, sanctioned by the Mexican government. They are trying to retake territories that they believe they own it.

We need to remind those sons of bitches that we own them, not the other way around.

I support a full-blown assault on Mexico.

Muck Fexico!!!!

We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
To democrats it is all about population replacement. Replace independent Americans with a more obedient people. That means third world.
I believe the fuel for this fire comes from the better indoctrinated 20somethings. They go to college and receive their "education" on how to change the country for the "better". I can't prove it, but it is my opinion. Hell, my youngest son is one of them (which is one reason for why we haven't spoken to each other since 2008, and probably shouldn't ever again).
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.

Postmodernism is the Devil in the details and the Devil in the "room" of American Politics. Postmodernism as the embraced core ideology of the modern American Left promises many boons to many different satellite factions currently enjoying the shade provided by the umbrella of the Democratic Party. Illegal/undocumented immigrants are but one of many such aforementioned satellite factions. The postmodernists, under the guise of political correctness and social justice, have promised human wave immigrants a shot at extra freedom at the expense of generational American Citizens, and in the case of undocumented Mexican immigrants, have painted some grand bullshit narrative destiny where they will get to take back their so-called ancestral lands such as California from the evil Europeans who stole it in exchange for votes and soldiers to form an army of sedition.

We see this in every satellite faction the postmodernists pander to. Blacks are promised reparations and equality of outcome and forgiveness for "justified" criminal behavior because: slavery. Gays are promised special constitutional protections and enablement of their mental disorders. The trans community is promised official government denial of scientific fact by the passage of radical leftist laws. Atheists are promised an end to Christianity. Muslims are promised a loud voice in American Politics and forgiveness for their fundamental acts of terror. And all of them are promised they will become the new normal over generational American nuclear families. All they have to do is vote Democrat and goose-step the Party line. So if you want to hate something; want to put a face on the enemy within the enemy within the enemy who is destroying our civilization, postmodernism is your huckleberry.
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I am in my early 60's. Do any of you believe that the social security act with medicare eventually added helped to cause people as they age and get more experience in life to not speak up as other programs were added. Even though people paid/pay a separate tax for S.S. and medicare. Perhaps thinking that if I get mine maybe they should get theirs.
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.

Hahaha...Enlighten us, “show us how” would you do it?
(this should be good)
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.

Hahaha...Enlighten us, “show us how” would you do it?
(this should be good)
I've tried this multiple times with you folks, and it was a complete waste of time.

Good luck. Keep screaming MAGA, keep the talk radio insults going, keep making silly veiled threats about a civil war.

I'm sure things will go your way.
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
come up with better solutions at lower cost not nothing but repeal.
Why are republicans so inept at getting anything done?
I don't know that the GOP is any more inept than the Dems are. It isn't like they were all that great when they had the WH, the Senate, and the House. Tain't easy when the other side fights against everything you do, whether it's good for the country or not. In the GOP's case, it tougher when the MSM, Academia, Hollywood, Colin Kaepernick, and Megan Rapinoe are all over your ass.

come up with better solutions at lower cost not nothing but repeal.
Yeah sure, easier said than done. The problem is that there are no better solutions at a lower cost. If you want healthcare for all, it's gonna cost you big time. If you want to cover pre-existing conditions, it's gonna cost you big time. If you want $15/hr minimum wage, it's going to cost you jobs and a $15 hamburger that used to be $8. So, do you raise taxes, on everybody? Yeah, that'll be real popular. That's how they do it in those great European social democracies, EVERYBODY pays taxes rather than only the top 50%.

So, if you don't raise taxes, then what? Cut benefits? Not much appetite in either party for that, right? Only one other option, and that's to increase the debt and deficits. Is everybody cool will paying a humongous debt on future generations? I'm not.

As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.
I think the GOP already knows that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, the question is how much regulation and which controls. The Dems want as much gov't regulation and control as they can get, and the GOP wants less so that the private sector is more successful, and creates more wealth and jobs.

Maybe we should start a thread on the perils of bigger gov't vs a more limited gov't. The truth is, smaller gov't can't hand out as much in the way of benefits and freebies, and for that reason the GOP is hard-pressed to push for less spending cuz it gets you thrown out of office in the next election. Which is why the Dems ALWAYS push for more spending, and Trump is doing the same thing except his priorities are different.
As long as the GOP refuses to recognize that effective capitalism requires proper regulation and controls, socialism will continue to become more and more popular.

Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.

And especially since he is 100% correct.
I am in my early 60's. Do any of you believe that the social security act with medicare eventually added helped to cause people as they age and get more experience in life to not speak up as other programs were added. Even though people paid/pay a separate tax for S.S. and medicare. Perhaps thinking that if I get mine maybe they should get theirs.
You better believe they speak up-and don't worry about getting "yours"-both will be there for you. You should see the math behind these programs, pretty slick.
Mac1958 you seem well versed on the issue...your thoughts?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.

Hahaha...Enlighten us, “show us how” would you do it?
(this should be good)
I've tried this multiple times with you folks, and it was a complete waste of time.

Good luck. Keep screaming MAGA, keep the talk radio insults going, keep making silly veiled threats about a civil war.

I'm sure things will go your way.

That’s weird....I don’t recall you ever suggesting that that the support for socialism grows with the population of thirdworlders.

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