Socialism: Precursor to Communitst Takeover


May 23, 2014
What Americans Must Know About Socialism
Marx always said socialism would come first...then the communist revolution. Our college campuses are full of mindless automatons and lazy crybabies that somehow never conceived that life would be hard and nobody really gives a fuck about your rights or hurt feelings.
Liberal college professors like to teach that socialism, communism, and democratic socialism are all different from one another. No they are not...they are all pure evil. I would like to quote Father Merrin from the novel/movie The Exorcist. Father Karras tried to dissect the different demons afflicting the young girl...Fathet Merrin corrected him...same is true of far left ideologies.
Karras: I think it might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, I'd say there seem to be three. She's convinced...
Merrin: There is only one.
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