Socialism’s Dry Rot


Sep 23, 2010

Serpula lacrymans​

Dry rot in wood is caused by certain species of fungi. Political dry rot is Socialist fungi. Just as dry rot can eventually sink a ship made of wood so can socialism’s fungi sink a country made of free people. The tax on income is socialism’s fungi at work.

In 1895 the SCOTUS found the income tax unconstitutional.

That decision was basically a ‘lesser of the evils’ ruling in that there was no great moral objection to a tax on income. Indeed, that’s true of the income tax in every instance when the government speaks. Note that one of America’s most famous jurists, Learned Hand (1872 - 1961), does not object to a tax on income although he does address the moral implications of a tax on income:

Over and over again courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant. Learned Hand – Commissioner v. Newman, 159 F2d 848 (1947)

Commissioner v. Newman was adjudicated in 1947. Judge Hand died in 1961. One hopes that before he passed away he came to see that the income tax forces universal subservience to the tax collector’s morality. And, by extension, using the income tax to fund Socialist proselytizing in education, in law by forcing cultural changes most consider immoral, in welfare state programs, etc.

After Hand’s death the pretense that said personal income taxes were needed to fund necessary government in peace and war was dropped. At long last the income tax came out of the morality closet to fight LBJ’s ONGOING war on poverty.

Parenthetically, more Americans were killed in LBJ’s war on poverty than in all of the wars fought in the past one thousand years if you count the tens of millions of abortions as casualties of war; i.e., income taxes paid for most of those deaths.

Everything Democrats did to spend income tax revenues after LBJ left office was founded on a moral obligation as Democrats define it.

Note that Hussein is still trying to pass himself off as a spiritual salesman selling socialism’s morality because he recently proved he knows nothing about governing:


Here’s the problem with the income tax before the XVI Amendment (1913) and after it was implemented:

Nineteenth century jurists and political thinkers never saw a Socialist priesthood on the horizon; so they could not imagine them administering the taxes collected on income in order to fund and advance socialism’s ideology. Bottom line: If demanding more in the name of morals is mere cant it must follow that demanding anything in the name of morals is far worse than cant.

One dictionary definition of cant tells us:

Whining speech, such as that used by beggars.

With all due respect to Learned Hand —— parasites don’t beg they demand. Hence, the parasite class’ very existence should trigger a moral objection to the income tax right alongside a moral objection to being forced to work for strangers.

Over the years, I’ve put the knock on the XVI Amendment every way from Sunday; the IRS scandal adds a new item to a long list of objections. Not one public voice pontificating on IRS abuses has called for repealing the tax on personal income.

Now, let’s go to Pat Buchanan’s column from last Friday dealing with corporate income taxes. Pat tells us that Apple did exactly the thing Learned Hand suggested:

It is no more immoral for Apple to move its headquarters for foreign sales to Ireland than for Big Apple residents to move to Florida to escape the 12 percent combined state and city income tax.

To me, this next excerpt has far-reaching consequences:

The problem here is not with Apple, it is with Sen. Levin & Co.

In a press release, “Avoiding Their Fair Share of Taxes,” the AFL-CIO hails Levin and bewails the fact that though the U.S. corporate tax rate is 35 percent, highest in the world, corporate income tax revenue has fallen to well below 10 percent of federal tax revenue.

“Cash tax payments by non-financial companies in the S&P 500 Index fell … to $222 billion in 2010,” moaned the AFL-CIO.

AFL-CIO leadership objects to the amount the government collects from corporations —— at the same time private sector unions belonging to the AFL-CIO are objecting to Obamacare:

The issue is that the multi-employer unions, those for construction workers, food and commercial workers and others who negotiate contracts with many different employers believe they were misled by this pledge to unions from President Obama.

Big Labor Revolting Against Obamacare
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:40 PM EST
By Joe Gullo

Big Labor Revolting Against Obamacare - FOX44 - Burlington / Plattsburgh News, Weather & Sports

On the one hand you have union leaders promoting the same old organized labor crapola. On the other hand you see private sector unions finally getting wise to union members who live on the tax dollars paid by private sector wealth creators. Obamacare will add a minimum of 4 million tax dollar jobs to the burden union, and non-union, American workers must pay. In addition, rank & file private sector workers are beginning to realize that government and private sector unions are mortal enemies; more so than private sector unions and corporations.

Consider this: The next best thing to repealing the tax on personal income is not allowing government employees to unionize as it used to be.

Finally, I’ve heard a lot of talk about a flat tax, a valued added tax, a national sales tax, and every variation of taxation. Buchanan would abolish corporate income taxes. He says nothing about repealing the Income Tax Amendment, but he does say this:

From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them.

Abolish Corporate Income Tax!
By: Patrick J. Buchanan
5/31/2013 09:47 AM

Abolish Corporate Income Tax! | Human Events

Bottom line: Irrespective of where the money originates, not one tax dollar should go to funding the Socialist religion, or any religion for that matter.
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