Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

America will never be a socialist country.

Move to Venezuela if you prefer a country without freedom and optimized for free shit, or at least shit.

Newsflash. We’ve had socialist programs going back over 100 years.

Newsflash: Right wingers only make a distinction between social programs and true socialism when it benefits their argument.

Grown adults who need to be funded by other grown adults will try to spin the promotion of the GENERAL welfare of our nation as set fort by our founders as SOCIALISM. The shameless bastards will stoop to any level to justify their filth.

They will do anything to mooch. The ways of the free shit army.
Americans may vote for creeping socialism, but deep in their gut, they know that they are still free and that America will never be a socialist country!
The Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in a single sentence "to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare". Billion dollar aid packages are what government does to promote the general welfare. Socialism, among other things, makes it easier for government to quietly eliminate those pesky at risk patients to satisfy the elitists and the ignorant.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Socialist programs rely on Capitalist money to keep them running in the black. Keep it straight.
Capitalism is not bad, its good, however it does need boundaries of a social order because we all live together and
trying to confuse that with a socialist system is disingenuous. In time of disaster people come together, it has nothing to do with being Socialist or Capitalist as a society. It makes no sense to allow thousands of small businesses helplessly go out of business because of a National emergency, but at the same time, no one thinks its a good idea to burden small restaurants with even more crippling regulations and price controls. If we lived in the socialist utopia you want, 3/4 of those unique businesses probably wouldnt exist in the first place.
Extreme federal legislation during a national emergency isn't socialism dumbass.
Extreme federal legislation during any other time is socialism. See Argentina.
You worthless leftist traitors are truly stupid.

Free virus test kits for everyone who needs them is socialism, dumb ass.
Wrong dicklick. Read National Emergency.

Right. Another national emergency requiring socialism to bail us out again. Capitalism couldnt and wouldn't do anything to help us even if it could.
Here's another idiot that needs to move to Argentina.
Newsflash. We’ve had socialist programs going back over 100 years.

Newsflash: Right wingers only make a distinction between social programs and true socialism when it benefits their argument.

Newflash, there are no countries without any kind of social programs pr government programs.

I call spade a spade. Socialism is a system with a clear pattern of behavior, driven by envy and tyrants. We don't have it here.

Obviously, you have no idea what socialism is.

Why don't you go and try it out in Venezuela? You seem to really want it.

We could use one less moocher anyway.
You beat me to it.

I'm not going anywhere dumb ass. The worst thing the right wing has done to our country is to convince their followers that stupid is good.
There is no creeping socialism in America. We are pure capitalist. There is no hint of socialism....this rhetoric is getting old.
Extreme federal legislation during a national emergency isn't socialism dumbass.
Extreme federal legislation during any other time is socialism. See Argentina.
You worthless leftist traitors are truly stupid.

Free virus test kits for everyone who needs them is socialism, dumb ass.
Wrong dicklick. Read National Emergency.

Right. Another national emergency requiring socialism to bail us out again. Capitalism couldnt and wouldn't do anything to help us even if it could.
Here's another idiot that needs to move to Argentina.
Newsflash: Right wingers only make a distinction between social programs and true socialism when it benefits their argument.

Newflash, there are no countries without any kind of social programs pr government programs.

I call spade a spade. Socialism is a system with a clear pattern of behavior, driven by envy and tyrants. We don't have it here.

Obviously, you have no idea what socialism is.

Why don't you go and try it out in Venezuela? You seem to really want it.

We could use one less moocher anyway.
You beat me to it.

I'm not going anywhere dumb ass. The worst thing the right wing has done to our country is to convince their followers that stupid is good.
I hardly doubt that you are good - fool.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Maybe you should leave room in your heart for the people who are sick instead of gloating about the situation.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Maybe you should leave room in your heart for the people who are sick instead of gloating about the situation.

Maybe you shouldn’t wait for a pandemic before you care about your fellow Americans.
Americans may vote for creeping socialism, but deep in their gut, they know that they are still free and that America will never be a socialist country!
Deep in your gut you must know you wanna chuck that damned commie mailbox into your garbage can.. but the municipality collective collects your garbage.. so then just wheel that bitch straight over to your neighbors ditch and be done with it.. Free at last, HAA!!
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
How can someone as stupid as you figure out how to tie his own shoes?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!? When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Yeah. And the list of examples is long. The Meltdown -- largely a function of a lack of regulation -- comes to mind.

This is when they lapse into denial and start spinning. And the arguments are always weak and under-informed.
Did ya hear? Trump said the govt's giving away tons of free shit, everything's closing up, and we'll all get paid to just stay home! YIPPEE!
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Statists always turn to state solutions first.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
How can someone as stupid as you figure

out how to tie his own shoes?

Oh insults ! Cause you can’t argue with what I said . Dismissed !
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Although I don't believe that MOST capitalists would lift a finger to save anyone....

embracing the "let them eat cake" attitude that they do.....

there are certainly SOME "capitalists" who have done much and continue to do more....

Jack Ma, has been more presidential than trump...
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing us.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

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