Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare Statist,

muslim extremist, christian extremist
..hamster petting Buddhists, scientists, capitalist extremists, women, Jews, aborted bus drivers,..
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
Yes and it’s free due to tax dollars attained via capitalism
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
Yes and it’s free due to tax dollars attained via capitalism

Yes because capitalism mixed wh government regulation is the Democrats platform. Gop considers that socialism.
I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
Yes and it’s free due to tax dollars attained via capitalism

Yes because capitalism mixed wh government regulation is the Democrats platform. Gop considers that socialism.
Nationalizing industries is not capitalism.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

You don't even know what socialism is little Timmy
I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
Yes and it’s free due to tax dollars attained via capitalism

Yes because capitalism mixed wh government regulation is the Democrats platform. Gop considers that socialism.
Democratic Fascism?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

I thought you had flown away Timmy. Get over there to socialist Italy. Quit teasing

ITaly is socialists ?
Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Welfare
Statist, all variations of the same theme. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

Enough of your blathering.

Answer me this . Should the gov be funding free testing?
No, free up the market place. They’ll do it faster and cheaper.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Your kind of socialism sucks. Everybody pay 90% of their earnings to the state. And over half the people end up living better fro not working as they play the system. We have that to some degree here in this nation. And it is outright theft from the taxpayer. From everything you can think of....racial, ethnic, cultural, handicapped, gender, gender identification, and the rest. Pure abuses exist. The world survived these things before the high tax state. You see the brittle stock market. Woe to you and us all if that collapses.
America will never be a socialist country.

Move to Venezuela if you prefer a country without freedom and optimized for free shit, or at least shit.

Newsflash. We’ve had socialist programs going back over 100 years.
Massive welfare handouts isn't state ownership of the means of production, nitwit.

They why do y’all keep calling the Dems socialists ?
Dems should not be called socialists when they are really communists.
Duopoly Party supporters really should stop pretending to be at odds. They should instead celebrate their shared love of the corporatocracy and billionaire class. Waste their precious time climaxing together each time a major business improves its govt representation by publicly bribing another of its shameless toadies. Whether it be the Trump Brand, Exxon, DuPont, Visa, or Goldman Sachs,.. I mean.. What's not to love, amirite?
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
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You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, nationalizes the means of production, assumes the power to determine all wages, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?
Social Programs.... rooted in socialism.... are good to support a Capitalist economy for times like these. Not the other way around. Capitalism funds Socialism. Socialism is not a way of life.
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, the means of production, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?

:eusa_shhh: let the fools run on socialism they will never win another election. :auiqs.jpg:
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

More: There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic
It’s our money, it’s temporary,, it’s not a permanent welfare check you democrats desperately want

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