Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
What do you believe would happen if there was a total stock market collapse?
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
What do you believe would happen if there was a total stock market collapse?

It would be bad - which is why Trump is using SOCIALISM to bail it out. Comprende...? You know that old NaziCon capitalism game: "Privatize the gains and socialize the loses".
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Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

More: There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic

Promoting the "GENERAL WELFARE" of the Republic as intended by the framers should not be mistaken for socialism by beggars.

Oh, so now that little phrase means something to Trump supporters. Interesting...

It's always meant something...Beggars can't seem to understand the definition of "GENERAL" in the context.
Go back to Wuhan you non ass washing, dirt under your fingernails, wiping your nose with your sleeve scumbag.

Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times

There is no excuse for anyone not seeing the truth now. Along with the thrill they get from pandemics and stock crashed is this excited gibbering over the coming of socialism.

and what enemy wouldnā€™t be excited about damage to America and the teetering of its economic system? They think we have been weakened enough to move in for the kill now. And it has them excited and panting.
If this isnā€™t an example of begging for a helicopter ride.
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.

Are you saying that capitalism will do the heavy lifting? If so - I disagree.

Of course you do. You are a communist. And when a vaccine is invented you wonā€™t pay for it. Youā€™ll say ā€œgimmeā€.

This is what comes from feeding and supporting the non-productive for a lifetime.
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, nationalizes the means of production, assumes the power to determine all wages, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?

The most sucessful business in America is the military. That's run by the government. Think about this as you talk crazy about socialism.
American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.

Are you saying that capitalism will do the heavy lifting? If so - I disagree.

Of course you do. You are a communist. And when a vaccine is invented you wonā€™t pay for it. Youā€™ll say ā€œgimmeā€.

This is what comes from feeding and supporting the non-productive for a lifetime.

Fool, we pay taxes.
American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.

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