Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.

You arent part of it. Your heritage is savagery and handouts.

Actually when you look at real documented history instead of your make believe one, YOUR heritage is savagery and handouts.
Social Programs.... rooted in socialism.... are good to support a Capitalist economy for times like these. Not the other way around. Capitalism funds Socialism. Socialism is not a way of life.

Really? Looks to me like most of the real benefits showing up so far are coming without the government.

Let's look at LaCooter's second article, detailing all the supposed ways that the pandemic is "Turning us into Denmark".

"Uber and Lyft — which are currently fighting state efforts to force them to pay benefits to drivers and other “gig” workers — announced that, actually, a form of paid sick leave wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Drivers who contract the new virus or who are placed in quarantine will get paid for up to two weeks, Uber said. Lyft offered a similar promise of compensation. "

Uber and Lyft . . . both private companies making a completely private, voluntary decision.

"Trader Joe’s also says it will cover for time off for the virus."

Trader Joe's . . . also a private company making a private, voluntary business decision.

"Several tech giants said they would continue to pay their hourly employees who cannot work during the outbreak, and Amazon said it won’t dock warehouse workers for missing shifts."

Tech giants = private companies. Amazon = ditto.

"Darden Restaurants, which runs several restaurant chains, including Olive Garden, said that its 170,000 hourly workers would now get paid sick leave."

Olive Garden . . . I think you get the idea now.

I didn't notice anywhere in the article that the government had anything to do with any of this, so perhaps you could point out the "socialism" involved here.

Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.

Are you saying that capitalism will do the heavy lifting? If so - I disagree.
Capitalism always does the heavy lifting. Billions of people around the world are enjoying prosperity thanks to capitalism.
Not really.
I know that it's often mocked but in these times of fear and uncertainty relying on our faith in God and the trust we have in Him as our refuge is more reliable and impactful than relying on capitalism or socialism. Praying for all of those people who are sick, praying for the safety of the healthcare workers, for the wisdom of our government officials, and praying that people find solace and comfort in Jesus during these times is something we all can do in my opinion. We all may be facing physical isolation as we stay inside and limit our time around other but we certainly don't need to have spiritual isolation. The best we can do on our end is check on our family, friends, and neighbors, and help them as best we can. Whether it's through prayer, getting them groceries, watching their kids, or loaning them money. Government can help on their end, but we as a society, as a community can help each other too in my personal opinion.
I would also like to point out their reliance and special thanks to “libertarians”. The left would seize up and cease to function completely without libertarians, a philosophy created by the same people who created communism and imported into this country, running interference for them.
You really should not listen to flunk outs like Limbaugh.
Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.

You arent part of it. Your heritage is savagery and handouts.

Actually when you look at real documented history instead of your make believe one, YOUR heritage is savagery and handouts.

No yours is. And your present.

slum dog.jpg
I know that it's often mocked but in these times of fear and uncertainty relying on our faith in God and the trust we have in Him as our refuge is more reliable and impactful than relying on capitalism or socialism. Praying for all of those people who are sick, praying for the safety of the healthcare workers, for the wisdom of our government officials, and praying that people find solace and comfort in Jesus during these times is something we all can do in my opinion. We all may be facing physical isolation as we stay inside and limit our time around other but we certainly don't need to have spiritual isolation. The best we can do on our end is check on our family, friends, and neighbors, and help them as best we can. Whether it's through prayer, getting them groceries, watching their kids, or loaning them money. Government can help on their end, but we as a society, as a community can help each other too in my personal opinion.
Thank you for your wonderful post. When I pray to God, it gives me strength and makes feel better about life.
Trump is becoming a reluctant socialist.

yes he is relying on soviet CDC when private companies were first to develop test kits for Corona while CDC was sleeping.

Who is relying on the "Soviet CDC"? Trump? He should rely on their expertise, and the expertise of all those who used to work for the CDC, too. And of course we must also co-ordinate with private companies who have relevant experience. We should co-ordinate with all the other experts working in many other countries as well.

"Soviet" CDC? Ha! There is your problem -- illustrated clear as day!
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.

You arent part of it. Your heritage is savagery and handouts.

Actually when you look at real documented history instead of your make believe one, YOUR heritage is savagery and handouts.

No yours is. And your present.

View attachment 313083

We all can find a picture, but the history of this nation is documented.

One of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in American history happened in two days of American history beginning on May 31st, 1921 in Tulsa Oklahoma. The Tulsa Massacre. One may as well say this was an act of war waged on the black citizens of Tulsa Oklahoma by white citizens. I say this because not only were blacks attacked on the ground they were attacked by air. Whites in private planes flew over the black community shooting down on blacks and firebombing black homes and businesses.

“I could see planes circling in mid-air. They grew in number and hummed, darted and dipped low. I could hear something like hail falling upon the top of my office building. Down East Archer, I saw the old Mid-Way hotel on fire, burning from its top, and then another and another and another building began to burn from their top,”

B.C. Franklin

The excuse by city law enforcement officials was that the planes were reconnaissance used to protect against a Negro uprising. Still today, an accurate accounting of the number of dead varies. More than 6,000 people were either admitted to hospitals or sent to other large facilities to stay for care. The bombings and ground attacks destroyed 35 city blocks of Tulsa, resulting in damages that equal over 32 million dollars in today’s money. More than 10,000 blacks were left homeless.

This act of terrorism has gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and long-lasting effects of these acts upon blacks in America to this very moment. For years prosperous blacks were terrorized, and black communities destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. Some of these communities were not rebuilt. Ignored was the fact that blacks worked hard to get what they had, but that didn’t matter because blacks were to always be lesser than whites and that was to be accomplished by any means necessary. This has been a consistent attitude by a portion of the white community throughout American history and that includes right now.

1921 Tulsa Race Massacre - Tulsa Historical Society & Museum
A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine

White savagery.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites.

FOR WHITES ONLY - A Long History of Affirmative Action

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What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.

You arent part of it. Your heritage is savagery and handouts.

Actually when you look at real documented history instead of your make believe one, YOUR heritage is savagery and handouts.

No yours is. And your present.

View attachment 313083

We all can find a picture, but the history of this nation is documented.

One of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in American history happened in two days of American history beginning on May 31st, 1921 in Tulsa Oklahoma. The Tulsa Massacre. One may as well say this was an act of war waged on the black citizens of Tulsa Oklahoma by white citizens. I say this because not only were blacks attacked on the ground they were attacked by air. Whites in private planes flew over the black community shooting down on blacks and firebombing black homes and businesses.

“I could see planes circling in mid-air. They grew in number and hummed, darted and dipped low. I could hear something like hail falling upon the top of my office building. Down East Archer, I saw the old Mid-Way hotel on fire, burning from its top, and then another and another and another building began to burn from their top,”

B.C. Franklin

The excuse by city law enforcement officials was that the planes were reconnaissance used to protect against a Negro uprising. Still today, an accurate accounting of the number of dead varies. More than 6,000 people were either admitted to hospitals or sent to other large facilities to stay for care. The bombings and ground attacks destroyed 35 city blocks of Tulsa, resulting in damages that equal over 32 million dollars in today’s money. More than 10,000 blacks were left homeless.

This act of terrorism has gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and long-lasting effects of these acts upon blacks in America to this very moment. For years prosperous blacks were terrorized, and black communities destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. Some of these communities were not rebuilt. Ignored was the fact that blacks worked hard to get what they had, but that didn’t matter because blacks were to always be lesser than whites and that was to be accomplished by any means necessary. This has been a consistent attitude by a portion of the white community throughout American history and that includes right now.

1921 Tulsa Race Massacre - Tulsa Historical Society & Museum
A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine

White savagery.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites.

FOR WHITES ONLY - A Long History of Affirmative Action


Yeah we can all find picture...because its hard to hide black areas of the world these days.
So the proposal to give every adult some $$$ is socialism? I totally disagree. Not even close...under these circumstances.

Who's paying for those checks? It's certainly not capitalists. In fact, capitalists are holding their hands out for government welfare.
Are you going to return your check?

Why should I? Are you? Maybe I'll donate mine to the Biden campaign or some poor people.
Do you know what a pandemic is OP? :itsok:
So socialism is ok when the orange sociopath does it.

Got it

Listen you dumbmotherfuckers...lets do this one more time..Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litter of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?
So the proposal to give every adult some $$$ is socialism? I totally disagree. Not even close...under these circumstances.

Who's paying for those checks? It's certainly not capitalists. In fact, capitalists are holding their hands out for government welfare.
Are you going to return your check?

Why should I? Are you? Maybe I'll donate mine to the Biden campaign or some poor people.
You do that.
Do you know what a pandemic is OP? :itsok:

I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts. Soon, as has been reported, the government will also be sending out checks of $1,000.00 or more to each individual.

The government returning money it stole in the first place is not socialism, brainlet.
Do you know what a pandemic is OP? :itsok:

I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts. Soon, as has been reported, the government will also be sending out checks of $1,000.00 or more to each individual.

The government returning money it stole in the first place is not socialism, brainlet.

Funny. What would you call it? Capitalism?
Do you know what a pandemic is OP? :itsok:

I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts. Soon, as has been reported, the government will also be sending out checks of $1,000.00 or more to each individual.

The government returning money it stole in the first place is not socialism, brainlet.
Lakhota and jillian say it's their "human right" to force other humans to pay for their healthcare.
The beggars have a "human right" to your do not have the same right to your own cash.
Do you know what a pandemic is OP? :itsok:

I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts. Soon, as has been reported, the government will also be sending out checks of $1,000.00 or more to each individual.

The government returning money it stole in the first place is not socialism, brainlet.

Funny. What would you call it? Capitalism?


I know that's a big word, you might have to Google it.

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