Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

Socialism has worked for the majority of the worlds major nations. Capitalism has failed here on numerous occasions and it has been the government that saved it from a complete death.
American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.
American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
There is no Christian west.

You arent part of it. Your heritage is savagery and handouts.
So the proposal to give every adult some $$$ is socialism? I totally disagree. Not even close...under these circumstances.
American capitalism can't survive without democratic socialism!

Said Joseph Stalin.
What the socialism loving a**holes, like the OP of this thread, don't seem to understand is that socialism has NEVER worked at any time in the history of civilization. Look at the wonders it's done for Venezuela and the wonderful results they're having in Canada right now. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. That's ALL you need to know. Thank you.

What makes you think they care if it works? Of course it obviously doesn’t work. It’s about power and barbarism and a hatred of the Christian West.
Correct. It's about submission and control.
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.

Are you saying that capitalism will do the heavy lifting? If so - I disagree.
Capitalism always does the heavy lifting. Billions of people around the world are enjoying prosperity thanks to capitalism.
I would also like to point out their reliance and special thanks to “libertarians”. The left would seize up and cease to function completely without libertarians, a philosophy created by the same people who created communism and imported into this country, running interference for them.
So the proposal to give every adult some $$$ is socialism? I totally disagree. Not even close...under these circumstances.

Who's paying for those checks? It's certainly not capitalists. In fact, capitalists are holding their hands out for government welfare.
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Social Programs.... rooted in socialism.... are good to support a Capitalist economy for times like these. Not the other way around. Capitalism funds Socialism. Socialism is not a way of life.

Social programs and social-democratic policies are always needed, not just "to support a capitalist economy for times like these," but to counter-act modern capitalism's tendencies to concentrate wealth. I am tired of old arguments for socialism, and of pro-capitalist red-baiting of progressives, as also of "socialism for giant corporations, banks and the wealthy."
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Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Not really, small private companies came up with test kits while our soviet socialist bureaucratic monopolistic CDC was sleeping. Do you understand?
modern capitalism's tendencies to concentrate wealth.

You have learned 22 times that there is no tendency to concentrate wealth. We have the most capitalism and our poor live on $70k a year while many of the world's poor live on less than $1000 a year.

Shall we go for 23???
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, the means of production, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?

:eusa_shhh: let the fools run on socialism they will never win another election. :auiqs.jpg:

Trump is becoming a reluctant socialist.

If you believe that then he'll carry Bernie's supporters when the DNC screws Bernie.
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times

Yet another "All government is socialism! If you don't want anarchy, then you like socialism . . . because I'm too fucking stupid to understand the difference!" thread.
Social Programs.... rooted in socialism.... are good to support a Capitalist economy for times like these. Not the other way around. Capitalism funds Socialism. Socialism is not a way of life.

Really? Looks to me like most of the real benefits showing up so far are coming without the government.

Let's look at LaCooter's second article, detailing all the supposed ways that the pandemic is "Turning us into Denmark".

"Uber and Lyft — which are currently fighting state efforts to force them to pay benefits to drivers and other “gig” workers — announced that, actually, a form of paid sick leave wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Drivers who contract the new virus or who are placed in quarantine will get paid for up to two weeks, Uber said. Lyft offered a similar promise of compensation. "

Uber and Lyft . . . both private companies making a completely private, voluntary decision.

"Trader Joe’s also says it will cover for time off for the virus."

Trader Joe's . . . also a private company making a private, voluntary business decision.

"Several tech giants said they would continue to pay their hourly employees who cannot work during the outbreak, and Amazon said it won’t dock warehouse workers for missing shifts."

Tech giants = private companies. Amazon = ditto.

"Darden Restaurants, which runs several restaurant chains, including Olive Garden, said that its 170,000 hourly workers would now get paid sick leave."

Olive Garden . . . I think you get the idea now.

I didn't notice anywhere in the article that the government had anything to do with any of this, so perhaps you could point out the "socialism" involved here.

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