Socialist China S&P AA- Even Better Than Salt Water. . . .Cult(s)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hong Kong is of course more credit worthy than is the U. S. A., all due to the 64 Tea Party Fantasies that prevent all the other U. S. districts in the House of Representatives to have a say in U. S. Law and Policy. The 64 Fantasies followed up "No!' from Boehner and Cantor, with a "Don't pay what we owe," kind of intended, national policy.

Previous to that, S&P had noted that Socialist China was more likely to take the timely measures necesaary to prevent any such kind of nonsense, on its part.

S&P Raises China's Credit Ratings To 'AA-'

Austerity famously is not working well in England or in Greece. Greece has a massive tax increase agenda becoming approved. Mostly, the world understands those types of measues in coming to grips with deficit reduction. The spoiled generations of the United States are paying no attention to the concept of "voting in the mid-terms," which possibly they now oppose(?).

It is actually difficult to call that, "belatedly(?)!" The Republican winners in the mid-terms took away the Make Work Pay Refundable Tax Credit. The 64 Fantasies in the House of Representatives, uncontrolled by the GOP concept of "leadership!" Took away the credit rating. Tippy-Toe-Through-The-Tulips actually has never had really a falsetto, approaching the leadership at GOP!

And So the Occupation Marchers need to pay some attention to the fact that Wall Street should also have been supported, when it was not.

Socialists likely are amused by it all, unless they are Chinese bankers: Especially ones with non-negro dialects(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Chinese Centraal Government does now know about oil billionaires, however: Now recently on former Commanche lands, in Texas!)
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Did you just type that into a translator or are you learning English as you go?

Who cares what S&P says of course China can do something about their economic issues... They are centralized and they devalue their currency on purpose, two luxuries that the U.S. thankfully can not do to that extreme.
So the Chinese are admitted to the world of reason, even as the U. S. of A(?). is bowing out. The 64 Tea Fantasies that run the U. S. House of Representatives: Refuse to let the other districts have any say in U. S. Law or Policy. The Tippy-Toe-Through-The-Tulips Falsetto is now the mantra at GOP!

All the world over knows how to create credit-worthiness, and in comparison and contrast there is the Tea Party GOP!

Then CT9 pops up and explains that it's, "A-Wunnaful, A-Wunnaful!" Like attempting profiteering from usury charged to the poor in the ARM's crisis.

People kept the money in the Third Reich, while it was all going on. People kept the money in Bush II, Terms I & II, while it was all going on.

Now they are all complaining(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(How Now, Brown Cow?. . . .On the likely unfounded assumption that anyone can still say that without being sued!)

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