Socialist Obamanomics Is Way Better, Even In Downbeat Reports, e.g. Pricing Power Up!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Apprently the Republicans only partially got their wish of stopping all spending, in all stores, over the summer. Consumer spending has continued, and Philadelphia Fed Index shows inventories down. Orders were down, but prices were up: In the overall Consumer Price Index! The Philadelphia Fed Index went down, but not into a disaster.

Regional factory activity hits 2-1/2 year low | Reuters

Prices tend to plummet in downturns. Social Security recipients already know that no COLA increase has been computed in their checks for two years. The last raise of 6% was two years ago. What had been a downturn, is now a major uptick!

Thanks to Great Socialist Interventions, like from Chairman Ben Bernanke, Hero of Our Revolution--Signing on to Hope and Change: Purchasing power will again increase in January, for the tens of millions with Social Security income. Pelosi-Reid have saved the economy, of the USA! It is recalled that Boehner-Cantor-McConnell-Romney-Bachmann-Pawlenty-Huntsman-Cain-Palin-McCain-Perry-Paul-Paul, et. al.: Tried to take even Social Security away, and just one month ago! The One Act Play of Obama, and the One Act Play of Bernanke, and The Great Interventions of Pelosi-Reid: Compare with the no-acts-at-all of the GOP and RNC: And Nixon-Lincoln-Hoover-Bush-Bush-Nancy Reagan, and the astrologers. The Party of "No!" and of "Hell No!" is not the answer to how the economy, should be run. Astrolgy-in-play is not how it gets done.

Bernanke is famously, data-driven, for example. QE2 is now getting into price inflation, which should then be applied to housing price inflation, which should then be applied to asset and capital valuations generally.

U. S. banks are sound again. Rep. Frank has had his impact. Republicans like Paulson and Bush II, Term II: Went against the ancient prohibitions of even the Old Testament. Banks were rewarded banks with bail-outs, subsequent their failure at usury, levied on the poor.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright, "The Divine," even: Knows how to call the shots, from South Chicago! Many could see that, while others slept(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Final Solution To Presbyterian Question--"Just where is all this money going to come from," now in play in USA. No more mention of laissez-faire, forever(?)--except back then!)
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Odd timing for this rant. Dow is currently down nearly 4%. Might 2011 make a 4th appearance on the top 10 largest point loss days in Dow history?
In August, people go away and do other things. Little kids, mainly, get ready for another dose of wrong things, explained as being right things, by adults doing wrong things.

Like in many an August gone by, Wall Street this year is in on it too! Little kids see what happens after being in school all those years!

Socialist China has recently been critical of the U. S. abandonment of War On Poverty level attempts, of great forerunner, Lyndon Johnson. The unions even tried to kill them off in Vietnam. Osama bin laden tried to kill off some of the killers of the babies on 9/11, and the co-conspirators are still at it, on Wall Street, at this time.

Like so many others, even Jews supported the law in the the German Third Republic, called "The Reich," even at at the time(?). Jews still support the law, even now: Flying in the face of the Old Testament admonitions against usury profits from the poor. U. S. Law supports and supported that attempt, and rewarded the failure with a bail-out. This continues even though the Third German Republic does not.

Wall Street misses a lot, in so many schools. Anyone can see what became of so many. . . .of them(?)!

Clearly, Teaching is not possible at any grade level, without the doctoral degree, unless it is believed that some kids are better than the other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort! Anyone can see the outcome of U. S. National education and wordwide policy on CNBC, CNN, MSNB, FOX-TV, at NBC, CBS, and ABC--and on the Disney Channel! Wherever there is WWE--it easily can even be seen there. It can be seen even on ESPN, and on the various ethnic channels! There it may not be entirely understood. . . . .either(?).

Need any of them say more. . . .ever again? By now they should have at least managed one or two deposits of a check, or two.

Mainly, after now two full years: Grandma's shiny teeth are probably her own, sharpened and ready for the check-bouncing concept of fiscal intervention. The banker's got TARP, and Grandma got no raise for two full years.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Old Women get new stake starting in New Year--Then Come to Lands of Many Nations--Not opposed to spending like all of GOP!?
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Pricing Power isn't up...the dollar has just been devalued due to massive increased in the money supply.
Post-stock-market-corrections there is test-of-maket. Large companies do "test-of-market" analyses to make sure that their own purchasing power is keeping up. Stock market traders test the market to see if a bottom has been reached.

Oil-barrel prices play on the "educated" perceptions of what others think of the the use of oil-barrel products.

An "educated" stock market likely is playing on the "educated" perceptions of what others think that yet even others "educated," will be doing with their investment money.

September will be rife with policy announcements, likely worldwide. Inventories are apparently already too low, going into year-end seasons. The increase of payrolls all year long is creating the increase from the payroll tax holiday. That may be extended, and then there is the Social Security COLA in January.

If a European nation at all does business with Asia, then likely it is now doing less. Economies Two and Three are over there--one licking wounds, and one obese with abundance of empty built and made things that their people can't afford.

Arithmetic is still in play, but ameliorated in the USA. The Payroll Tax holiday is more than Schedule M, the Refundable Make Work Pay tax credit. That makes two pocket-change boosters, or a five percent take-home pay raise for many employed, and households.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many squaws know value when they see it: At lottery jackpot time especially(?)! That is the law!)
Orders were down, but prices were up: In the overall Consumer Price Index!
So the fact that people can afford to buy less because the dollar has been devalued is a good thing?

Teachers disallowed further discussion and analysis of the Total Credit Market, in my case pesonally, 37 years ago. The doctorate was at impasse.

Commodity money gets hoarded and can be used to control entire civlizations. Fiat, legal money gets spread around a lot. Even the leadership in China is concerned about inadequate distribuiton of it, leading to social unrest. Famously, commodity money gets "earned," whereas there are entitlements created to the legal, and fiat currency.

So increase of pricing power is an economic plus since excess income is created. Not just fiat contributions to entitlements, for example, get funded. But excess for investment or profit distribution gets funded. Profits are not a right of private property, but are better the traditional concept of a signal of consumption preferences. Canadian Media Theorist, Marshall McLuhan, recognized money as a medium of mass communication in "Understanding Media," in the middle of the last century.

"Cool Medium" money is evern regarded "participatory" tribal, engaging of the senses. Mostly, Scrooge McDuck is actually characterized as actually bathing in it. The "Poor Man's Credit Card," is about the currency. Accounting is more about money, any more. The accounting, however, is now about consumer preferences: Even in China where a lot more self-expression, is now needed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Signals of Smoke hark to a simpler time, when even Nancy Reagan had enough sense to rely on stars and charts. . . .and probably a lot of stars and bars, forever!)
...the dollar has just been devalued due to massive increased in the money supply.
That's crazy.

OK, so we both lots of people shoot their mouths off saying we've had a huge increase in the money supply that devalued the dollar vs world currencies and that's why we've got terrible inflation. Currency traders don't say that because they actually have to know what what's going on. Same with people earning a living in the financial industry.
...the dollar has just been devalued due to massive increased in the money supply.
That's crazy.

OK, so we both lots of people shoot their mouths off saying we've had a huge increase in the money supply that devalued the dollar vs world currencies and that's why we've got terrible inflation. Currency traders don't say that because they actually have to know what what's going on. Same with people earning a living in the financial industry.
Nobody is saying that the dollar has been devalued vs. world currencies. Sure, against some it has, but that is not the point. They are simply saying it has been devalued. Other world currencies like the Euro have also lost value, but if they are losing value faster than the dollar the dollar will rise in value relative to them. But relative to what the dollar can buy in terms of goods and services, the dollar has much less value. That is what people are saying.

The dollar has value only because it can be exchanged for goods and services. The same is true of other world paper currencies. If all currencies are losing value, they will all buy less goods than before. If the dollar, because it is not losing value as fast, can buy more Euros, it does not mean the dollar has more value in real terms because the Euro (devaluing faster) now buys even fewer goods than the dollar. The dollar may be more valuable than other currencies, but that only means other currencies are less valuable than before, not that the dollar is more valuable. Paper money only has value in so much as it can be exchanged for goods and services. If all currencies in the world can be exchanged for less goods and services, they have all lost value, even though some currencies may be worth more relative to others. In real terms, everything has devalued. Looking solely at the dollar vs. other currencies in relative terms is hugely ignoring the bigger picture.
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This appears on an internet discussion, and also appears above:

"Most economists still believe the U.S. will skirt another recession. That view is based at least in part on historic efforts by the Federal Reserve to pump money into the financial system and drive interest rates to the floor. The policy, which the Fed intends to continue for the next two years, is designed largely to offset losses to banks and households from the ruinous lending binge that brought down the housing market."

Bush caused this, and Paulson and the Banks--and RNC.

"The strategy is working, New York Fed President William Dudley said Friday, who referred to a "slow convalescence" in household finances and banking system help. And a recent Fed survey confirmed that bankers are increasingly willing to lend."

"But cheap, widely available credit hasn't yet produced the expected effect of boosting spending and growth."

In other words, the QE2 type of process takes time. Direct Public Works spending, like in ohter nations, worked quickly. In China, mainly, it left a glut of stuff.

The Obama Schedule M, Refundable Income Tax Make Work Pay Credit: Is more what China needs, and the U. S. Needs Immediately. That was a tax rebate even for people who paid no income taxes at all: To The Federal Government. It is a first-ever-in-history, national COLA. It was $400.00 per adult, for the most part, and even for old people--though that was separate. They got no COLA, so another form happened.

Same thing. Recall Gov. Perry complaining about all the households not paying income tax. They have been thrown off the rolls. They got the $$400.00 per adult, and likely spent--and more could be sent, had it been continued: Including more of it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Squaws welcome on Lands Of Many Nations! Make Work Pay(?)!)

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