Societal realignment? Are politics driving this new ‘push’ found in ad campaigns?

Recently it seems like black women either have white husbands or lesbian partners. Rare to see a normal black couple.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
It's pushed by demographics, politics and economics. Black and Brown people are a larger share of each and younger White Americans, being more progressive and socially aware like seeing images of inclusion. They sell.
This issue really isn’t all that complex...all one has to do is recognize the timing of it all.
Advertisers had not began pushing this Twilight Zone bullshit until BLM, the Democrat Party, Facebook, Twitter and Google told them to....PERIOD!
Corporations do what makes them the most money. When they majority of the customers and black, brown and progressive then that's where the money and ads and the ultimately the culture will go. It's really not hard to understand. You're a growing minority. Get used to it.
They make me less interested in their products honestly. This over abundance of forcing blacks, gays, trannies into everything turns me off because honestly I feel like it's fake and forced.

Those are also groups I can't relate to so it makes me less interested in their product.

The whole forcing diversity is a turn off for me also. I've stopped giving some companies my business because their forced and sever diversity pisses me off.
They make me less interested in their products honestly. This over abundance of forcing blacks, gays, trannies into everything turns me off because honestly I feel like it's fake and forced.

Those are also groups I can't relate to so it makes me less interested in their product.

The whole forcing diversity is a turn off for me also. I've stopped giving some companies my business because their forced and sever diversity pisses me off.
Lol. Good.
It's pushed by demographics, politics and economics. Black and Brown people are a larger share of each and younger White Americans, being more progressive and socially aware like seeing images of inclusion. They sell.

Corporations do what makes them the most money. When they majority of the customers and black, brown and progressive then that's where the money and ads and the ultimately the culture will go. It's really not hard to understand. You're a growing minority. Get used to it.

Lol. Good.
What advertisers are doing isn't sustainable. Dark people don't have the money.
ACTUAL consumers like to see the product or service they're interested in being used by those who look and act like they do....FACT
What advertisers are doing isn't sustainable. Dark people don't have the money.
ACTUAL consumers like to see the product or service they're interested in being used by those who look and act like they do....FACT
Well see this is where racism and ignorance stunts your growth and leaves you unable to cope with changing realities. Black Americans continue to lag behind average Americans economically but black and brown immigrants and their families tend to do better than average as do white college educated voters who are increasingly progressive and sympathetic to minority and lgbtq empowerment. The largest demographic of the Republican party other than old people are white males without a college education and then white women without a college education. Black Americans might be lagging behind economically now in general but black women are the largest growing college demographic while conservatives are descending into conspiracy theory fueled ignorance. The real money knows who to bet on and it isn't you.
We need to bring back the old days of wholesome, accurate advertising ...

vintage-sexist-ads (17)[2].jpg
Is Target telling caucasians to go fuck themselves in this commercial?
When will Republican politicians start talking about this blatant discrimination and exclusion?
Hahahaha…this lunacy has become hilarious.
Black folks camping, black women playing electric guitar in rock bands…HOLY SHIT!…...hahahaha
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?

Well see this is where racism and ignorance stunts your growth and leaves you unable to cope with changing realities. Black Americans continue to lag behind average Americans economically but black and brown immigrants and their families tend to do better than average as do white college educated voters who are increasingly progressive and sympathetic to minority and lgbtq empowerment. The largest demographic of the Republican party other than old people are white males without a college education and then white women without a college education. Black Americans might be lagging behind economically now in general but black women are the largest growing college demographic while conservatives are descending into conspiracy theory fueled ignorance. The real money knows who to bet on and it isn't you.
Hahaha…the fact remains…this nations earners aren’t buying Subarus since dark people are depicting driving them….GET WOKE, GO BROKE.


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