Societal realignment? Are politics driving this new ‘push’ found in ad campaigns?

I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
It’s gotten so bad Jake from State Farm couldn’t even stay white. They didn’t even change anything they just eliminated that fucker and slapped a black guy in his place.
Advertisers target demographics

Young people are majority non white

Still capitalist

Whites don't have babies tho so they've gotta switch customers. Thank feminism for the low birth rate. Only whites left breeding are very religious

If you wanted commercials full of white people you had to breed a new generation of customers....The white boomers barely replaced themselves.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?

This debauching of the American Way of Life has been ongoing since about 2013 and increasing in fervency ever since. It is one hundred percent politically driven. The democrats wish to outright destroy any and all symbols of traditional American family life, and they are succeeding in doing just that by brainwashing young and old Americans alike.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Anyone running commercials wants to make money selling whatever. They must have determined that sells.
Advertising to the minority buyer instead of the majority?
What school of advertising did you graduate from?
Never pass up an opportunity to offend assholes who are easily offended.
I’m offended by not seeing that equal representation you always speak of...aren’t you?
I pay no attention to commercial what so ever. I took out all the ads so I have not noticed either way.
So you never watch live tv?
Next to never. Football thats about it. Even when I watch football I don't pay attention to the commercials. I check this or Facebook.
Oh I do watch tales of wells Fargo on grit channel while I eat breakfast but I am eating and getting ready at same time. I guess I listen more than watch.
Never pass up an opportunity to offend assholes who are easily offended.
I’m offended by not seeing that equal representation you always speak of...aren’t you?
I pay no attention to commercial what so ever. I took out all the ads so I have not noticed either way.
So you never watch live tv?
Next to never. Football thats about it. Even when I watch football I don't pay attention to the commercials. I check this or Facebook.
Oh I do watch tales of wells Fargo on grit channel while I eat breakfast but I am eating and getting ready at same time. I guess I listen more than watch.

Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
Never pass up an opportunity to offend assholes who are easily offended.
I’m offended by not seeing that equal representation you always speak of...aren’t you?
I pay no attention to commercial what so ever. I took out all the ads so I have not noticed either way.
So you never watch live tv?
Next to never. Football thats about it. Even when I watch football I don't pay attention to the commercials. I check this or Facebook.
Oh I do watch tales of wells Fargo on grit channel while I eat breakfast but I am eating and getting ready at same time. I guess I listen more than watch.

Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
I could care fucking less to be honest. Here is the thing money is what controls ads not politics. According to market research the people who spend most the money are 16 to 28 year old females. On prime time those ads are written to appeal to them. I am old what I watch does not appeal to the masses. I see denture and life insurance commercials if I see anything at all. The sponsor have the right to have commercials that appeal to the people who might buy their products. Its called the free market system.
Never pass up an opportunity to offend assholes who are easily offended.
Traditional marriage is desperate. Two people families which are the cheapest to raise a child is in bad shape. Divorces and single parents and same sex parents and the rest is destroying civilized society that had issues to start. The costs are astronomical. And the ghettos have not changed as the costs rise to raise a child in our society.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Anyone running commercials wants to make money selling whatever. They must have determined that sells.

Haha...I seriously doubt that.
The Democrats with the help of Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots have issued the programming...they’ve made the rules crystal clear for companies haven’t they...follow the guidelines OR ELSE! Ain’t that right?
Sounds like you have quite an imagination.
Here is the thing money is what controls ads not politics.

Is it entirely coincidental timing that since the Democrat induced BurnLootMurder movement ad campaigns have moved to fit within the guidelines set forth by Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots?
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Anyone running commercials wants to make money selling whatever. They must have determined that sells.
Advertising to the minority buyer instead of the majority?
What school of advertising did you graduate from?
I’m not running the ads. Companies aren’t forced to run ads. But when they do they try to make them effective obviously.
they are only 13% of the population but you would never guess that from the commercials.
The big three networks make it so you don't get away from these misconceptions too. Prime time is full of the same shit. I quit watching any of the big three. Plenty of great offerings on other channels. Let the people that believe that garbage pay for it.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.
Here is the thing money is what controls ads not politics.

Is it entirely coincidental timing that since the Democrat induced BurnLootMurder movement ad campaigns have moved to fit within the guidelines set forth by Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots?
Again ads are about making money. They are either effective at doing that or they will not be around long. Ads cost real fucking money. You sell no product you have no money for adds. Sorry not every thing is a conspiracy unless the conspiracy is to make money.
Here is the thing money is what controls ads not politics.

Is it entirely coincidental timing that since the Democrat induced BurnLootMurder movement ad campaigns have moved to fit within the guidelines set forth by Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots?
Again ads are about making money. They are either effective at doing that or they will not be around long. Ads cost real fucking money. You sell no product you have no money for adds. Sorry not every thing is a conspiracy unless the conspiracy is to make money.

You're confusing yourself and overthinking this...the point of this thread is to discuss American politics steering and driving our social composition.
I'm pretty sure we both know advertisers are scared shitless right now...they wouldn't dare break the code, the programming handed down from Democrats, from Zuckerberg, from Dorsey and from the Google faggots...They are in charge right now, they get to decide and set guidelines...they get to destroy anyone and any company that doesn't follow the guidelines. You know this...don't dumb yourself down.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

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