Societal realignment? Are politics driving this new ‘push’ found in ad campaigns?

I can almost entirely agree with Juicin, except these commercials and programs are not only totally over representing blacks and B&W mixed families, but they are portraying an unrealistic image of the average American's lifestyle. And to sell what? That is the question. Certainly what they portray is not the norm to a majority of people in the broadcasting zones of the local stations around here, black, white or what have you.

Juicin has a good point though, big businesses don't produce expensive advertising and place them in expensive time slots if they aren't making money doing it. On the other hand, I have seen some incredibly well produced crappy ass commercials that leave me wondering how the idea got passed the first few meetings, much less into production. Maybe there are under the table deals and kick backs for any advertising firms or production companies that follow the social engineering agenda. They could BS their clients into buying whatever they tell them if they are getting money from other sources to do so.
Last edited:
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?

With all due respect, commercials have long been the vehicle used by advertisers to show the ideal society that we all hope for.

Being 83 years old, I remember the 1960s, when minority ethnicity X was first cautiously put into commercials: they were shown eating in restaurants. They did not have speaking parts at first. The goal was to get people accustomed to accepting minority people as fellow diners. The other minority ethnicities were not included at that time.

The examples that you mentioned are now taken for granted.

The biggest chuckle that I get comes from those security company commercials. The bad guys are ALWAYS portrayed by Caucasians.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?

With all due respect, commercials have long been the vehicle used by advertisers to show the ideal society that we all hope for.

Being 83 years old, I remember the 1960s, when minority ethnicity X was first cautiously put into commercials: they were shown eating in restaurants. They did not have speaking parts at first. The goal was to get people accustomed to accepting minority people as fellow diners. The other minority ethnicities were not included at that time.

The examples that you mentioned are now taken for granted.

The biggest chuckle that I get comes from those security company commercials. The bad guys are ALWAYS portrayed by Caucasians.

I see you support the OP then. The idea that commercials are portraying the "ideal society that we all hope for" might be better stated IMO as the corporate "ideal society to produce the most revenue for the developing Socialist Fascist States of America".
I can almost entirely agree with Juicin, except these commercials and programs are not only totally over representing blacks and B&W mixed families, but they are portraying an unrealistic image of the average American's lifestyle. And to sell what? That is the question. Certainly what they portray is not the norm to a majority of people in the broadcasting zones of the local stations around here, black, white or what have you.

Juicin has a good point though, big businesses don't produce expensive advertising and place them in expensive time slots if they aren't making money doing it. On the other hand, I have seen some incredibly well produced crappy ass commercials that leave me wondering how the idea got passed the first few meetings, much less into production. Maybe there are under the table deals and kick backs for any advertising firms or production companies that follow the social engineering agenda. They could BS their clients into buying whatever they tell them if they are getting money from other sources to do so.

This issue really isn’t all that complex...all one has to do is recognize the timing of it all.
Advertisers had not began pushing this Twilight Zone bullshit until BLM, the Democrat Party, Facebook, Twitter and Google told them to....PERIOD!
Personally. I'm pissed off that more gay Eskimos aren't featured in our culture.

Get ready for Lefties to tell you how much better America would be if we had more gay Eskimos who sometimes identify as salmon.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising. It would also teach you to control your outbursts about irrelevant shit.

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ
You know I'm a leftie I presume.
So essentially you're at a gay bar.
I won't pretend the gay/trans/minority acceptance thing isn't being shoved down our throats to some extent.
That's alcohol being shoved down peoples' throats, as in beer, wine, and hard liquor.
It's particularly annoying when it's present in an otherwise good series or movie that seems to feel the need to make a political statement.
So you're trying to enjoy yourself or do something "fun" while puking your guts out drunk with a nasty hangover coming on.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising.

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up
“Gotten...gen eds”
WTF are you serious?
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising. It would also teach you to control your outbursts about irrelevant shit.

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ

Pull your head from your ass kid. You look stupid right now.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising.

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up
“Gotten...gen eds”
WTF are you serious?

Yea clearly teh internet was not enough for you

You don't understand advertising or marketing like you're some 12 year old rube

"hurr durr numbers are higher they matter more"

No lol
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising. It would also teach you to control your outbursts about irrelevant shit.

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ

Pull your head from your ass kid. You look stupid right now.




I can almost entirely agree with Juicin, except these commercials and programs are not only totally over representing blacks and B&W mixed families, but they are portraying an unrealistic image of the average American's lifestyle. And to sell what? That is the question. Certainly what they portray is not the norm to a majority of people in the broadcasting zones of the local stations around here, black, white or what have you.

Juicin has a good point though, big businesses don't produce expensive advertising and place them in expensive time slots if they aren't making money doing it. On the other hand, I have seen some incredibly well produced crappy ass commercials that leave me wondering how the idea got passed the first few meetings, much less into production. Maybe there are under the table deals and kick backs for any advertising firms or production companies that follow the social engineering agenda. They could BS their clients into buying whatever they tell them if they are getting money from other sources to do so.

This issue really isn’t all that complex...all one has to do is recognize the timing of it all.
Advertisers had not began pushing this Twilight Zone bullshit until BLM, the Democrat Party, Facebook, Twitter and Google told them to....PERIOD!
So in affect, over a few decades, a gender of a race has been blamed for every wrongdoing in human history with the help of the corporate people. The proverbial stabbed in the back propaganda to enrich themselves and the elites they now kneel before.
Lets cut the you still believe Americans should be equally represented in ad campaigns and on television?
Do you believe government should play a role in societal structuring?
The people represented in those commercials are as American as you or me.

Don't play stupid...America is predominantly Caucasian, predominantly heterosexual and predominantly engaged in same race relationships and less than .002% are trannies.

this is not how advertising works

an old customer is much less profitable to advertise to because old people are going to die sooner.

You hook a 20 year old on spending money on your product and you might get him for 80 years. Which is why old people are not per capita worth any money next to young men and women.

Under 30 is not majority "caucasian" (caucasian is almost everyone who isn't black or east asian, you should use white)

Maybe all black or asian families don't make sense. But mixed families certainly do. Whites are now a majority minority

You're asserting that the bulk of State Farm's revenue is generated within the under 30 demographic...think of how silly that sounds.
You have a point to make for hipster cosmetic companies and the like but that's about it...Remember, the people with the cash are over 30 and white...unfortunately...haha

No i'm asserting that it's much more profitable to hook 30 year olds than 70 year olds

By over a factor of two. 70 year olds probably have preferred insurance companies

This is the basics of advertising. Have you never heard them talk about it?

Notice how you can instantly tell when the commercials are for old people? That's cheap ad space per view relative to a younger demo. Always. And the money put into them makes it really obvious.

This is why you are not a marketing executive and they are.

Do they fuck up? Yes

Would having all white commercials be worse? Yes

Are you just pretending that you forgot there are 40 years between 30 and 70 years of age?

I just don't see that it matters....

Average age for white americans is ~50* (58 is the mode)

Most ethnic groups are well under that. By almost a factor of two

I don't think you're understanding what happened here.

We should be at ~500 million total, white boomers just didn't have babies. Not because they're white but because they got rich first. Rich women don't have many babies without religion. Gotta be poor or have a religious imperative to breed in a developed economy at anything higher than replacement rate.

Maybe visualizing the numbers will help you see it. Very different distribution of ages relative to other demographics in America.
You sound awfully certain...I’m about to concede...Based on your confidence level I’m sure you have the data at your fingertips...Show us the consumer spending data by race/ethnicity, show us that Caucasians are being outspent.
Thanks in advance.

Consumer spending means not as much as you think clearly

It's projected consumer spending that matters.

And black america especially loves to spend. I've met kids from the ghetto who have spent more on shoes than me and i'm 30 lol

Walking around with what would have been a whole month of rent on their feet.

Like i said there is a reason you're not an ad exec if you think all white commercials in 2021 are a good idea. That's the reason you're not an ad exec. All of corporate america does this and you doubt their choice?
"It's projected consumer spending that matters."
Hold on, so advertisers don't target their KNOWN current market? They aren't fighting for market share among their current consumers? You believe they target a market that may become?

no because then they'd target the older people who are per capita richer....

most young whites are not put off by this.
Cool theory...just need the data now...Lets go beyond "because I said or think so". Whatta ya say?

I linked you the demographics dude

Whites are in teh demographics marketers care about a majority minority.

Does it make sense to portray all black or asian families/ No

But does it make much more sense to portray all white families? No

I could find something, i'm sure this is a well researched topic. But i'm not in the mood the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all.
"the fact every major marketing firm and large corp is doing this says it all."
They've only been "doing this" since BurnLootMurder hijacked the Democrat Party and got Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots to push their backwards, twisted bullshit...thus, confirming the premise of the thread.

What? they've been doing this since i was a boy

You've never heard of a token black? lol

And why would it matter how long they've been doing it? Demographics were different in the past.

Now you’re just making shit up to win...BurnLootMurder made the rules over summer...Everybody paying attention knows that a crystal clear display of extreme WOKENESS is being demanded by those steering the trends in our nation....Democrats, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots are holding advertisers at gun point and you know it...Why don’t you have the balls to admit it?

You're conflating so much

You're not even taking each brand by it's own ads

You're seeing the commercials on your TV and pretending they all talked with eachother about this.

You're the one who doesn't understand advertising

Stop it, if you wanted to have discussions like this you should have went to college and gotten your gen eds. Then you wouldn't be confused by teh absolute basics of advertising. It would also teach you to control your outbursts about irrelevant shit.

WHat the fuck does looting have to do with these ads/ Nothing. Shut up

"why are they marketing to young people hurrr durr"

Jesus christ

Pull your head from your ass kid. You look stupid right now.





Kid, you haven’t proven any of your bullshit theories...”because I said so” doesn’t really work.
Further, your red dot turban sporting ass is no marketing can’t sell us that sorry bullshit either.
If I can be forced to listen to: "Ha-bleeb-a-da-dee, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo", ya'll can suffer a few POC in the commercials. "Ring around the collar" proved that you're more likely to remember a product when you've been irritated. If POC in the commercials irritate you, they've done their job.




You’re right...we should leave marketing in America up to red dot turban sporting sand ni@@ers huh?
Even Subaru has gone woke....has anyone EVER seen a black person in a Subaru?
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito were both Caucasian, but probably not homosexual or transgender. Look what happened to them.

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