Society is constantly getting better and better. So why are conservatives all gloom and doom?


Active Member
Oct 6, 2016
2015: The Best Year in History for the Average Human Being

Why the World Is Not Falling Apart

Why Now Is The Best Time To Be Alive, Ever

Disease, hunger, and poverty are shrinking rapidly

Deaths by warfare and human violence are declining significantly. yes, terrorism is DECREASING, and decreasing rapidly

Women are gaining more and more rights all around the world

And let's not forget that here in the USA, the economy is unbelievably great shape compared to the way it was in 2008

So why do conservatives keep playing the fear card over and over again. From the way Trump spoke in this debate, it would sound like we were living in hell, and only the right wing could save us.

Tell me, righties, why you think the world is so bad, when it is in the best shape it's ever been in. 2016 is the best year EVER to be a human being living on this earth. Just because old white men are dying out in this country (source: America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?) doesn't mean that the economy isn't great, or that deaths from disease and war are down, and that terrorists are losing. The world is in the best shape it's ever been, and under the expert leadership of socialist leaders such as Xi Jinping, Fidel Castro,Tran Dai Quang (the leader of a up and rising Vietnam), Hage Geingob (the president of Namibia, Africa's least corrupt country), Evo Morales (the best president Bolivia has ever seen), and so many others.
2015: The Best Year in History for the Average Human Being

Why the World Is Not Falling Apart

Why Now Is The Best Time To Be Alive, Ever

Disease, hunger, and poverty are shrinking rapidly

Deaths by warfare and human violence are declining significantly. yes, terrorism is DECREASING, and decreasing rapidly

Women are gaining more and more rights all around the world

And let's not forget that here in the USA, the economy is unbelievably great shape compared to the way it was in 2008

So why do conservatives keep playing the fear card over and over again. From the way Trump spoke in this debate, it would sound like we were living in hell, and only the right wing could save us.

Tell me, righties, why you think the world is so bad, when it is in the best shape it's ever been in. 2016 is the best year EVER to be a human being living on this earth. Just because old white men are dying out in this country (source: America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?) doesn't mean that the economy isn't great, or that deaths from disease and war are down, and that terrorists are losing. The world is in the best shape it's ever been, and under the expert leadership of socialist leaders such as Xi Jinping, Fidel Castro,Tran Dai Quang (the leader of a up and rising Vietnam), Hage Geingob (the president of Namibia, Africa's least corrupt country), Evo Morales (the best president Bolivia has ever seen), and so many others.

They're miserable because they don't have complete control of the government, which they claim to hate. So if you take them at their word, that they hate the government, then when they control the government they hate themselves.

This is who they are.
"Society is constantly getting better and better. So why are conservatives all gloom and doom?"

It’s all they have.

Conservative dogma and the Republican agenda have nothing positive or of value to offer the American people, all most on the right can do is snipe, lie, misrepresent, and attempt to contrive a false narrative about how ‘bad’ everything is, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
This is one of the things I can't stand about Trump. His entire message is "America sucks and everything about it is a total disaster. I alone can fix every problem". And I talk to people who actually buy this bullshit.
I don't know why you people are kissing up to this commie MF. Yeah I do, you share his commie values and hold two bit dictators in high esteem.
2015: The Best Year in History for the Average Human Being

Why the World Is Not Falling Apart

Why Now Is The Best Time To Be Alive, Ever

Disease, hunger, and poverty are shrinking rapidly

Deaths by warfare and human violence are declining significantly. yes, terrorism is DECREASING, and decreasing rapidly

Women are gaining more and more rights all around the world

And let's not forget that here in the USA, the economy is unbelievably great shape compared to the way it was in 2008

So why do conservatives keep playing the fear card over and over again. From the way Trump spoke in this debate, it would sound like we were living in hell, and only the right wing could save us.

Tell me, righties, why you think the world is so bad, when it is in the best shape it's ever been in. 2016 is the best year EVER to be a human being living on this earth. Just because old white men are dying out in this country (source: America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?) doesn't mean that the economy isn't great, or that deaths from disease and war are down, and that terrorists are losing. The world is in the best shape it's ever been, and under the expert leadership of socialist leaders such as Xi Jinping, Fidel Castro,Tran Dai Quang (the leader of a up and rising Vietnam), Hage Geingob (the president of Namibia, Africa's least corrupt country), Evo Morales (the best president Bolivia has ever seen), and so many others.
I think you make some compelling points, but because of climate change and other issues being mostly ignored, our best days are behind us.

If something isn't done NOW to mitigate the effects of climate change, the human race is going to enter a dark period that we won't recover from. It's bad enough that the human race isn't expect to survive 150 years from now.

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