society is doomed when nut cases become stars


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
An obviously nut case homeless hitchhiker became a celebrity on you tube for confessing in graphic detail to killing of a person who gave him a ride, with a hatchet in order to allegedly protect the life of a fellow woman hitchhiker. That's bad enough but the ever vigilant pop-culture media out to make a buck saw the video and next thing you know the guy was on Jimmy Kimmel's late nite show. The kicker is that the guy has been arrested for murder in N.J.
Society is pretty much doomed when that society finds existence so worthless that it will seize on any distraction. When they can't find a distraction, they will drug themselves into stupification.
The saying "15 minutes of fame" originated from Andy Warhol who said "in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. I guess he was right. Thanks to you-tube and all the other internet junk including instant videos on cell phones it seems to be coming true. The astounding thing is that established entertainment venues are cashing in on thieves and murderers and every other form of degradation including bad dancers.
Celebrity is a weird human event , no doubt.

One can celebrated for being something truly good and fine, or one can be celebrated for being especially bad.
I noticed what you might call welfare for old degenerate former child stars and 3rd rate comics. They get a bunch of amateur videos and have the "guests" make scripted comments about the poor shleps who put their lives in danger. I hate it but the MTV generation apparently can't get enough.

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