Solar power crushes its own record for cheapest electricity ‘ever, anywhere, by any technology’


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Solar power crushes its own record for cheapest electricity ‘ever, anywhere, by any technology’
The lowest price for solar power last year is the highest price now.
Joe Romm
Oct 20, 2017, 11:24 am
Prices for new solar power projects are falling so fast that the cheapest prices from 2016 have become the ceiling price for solar today.

In April 2016, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) reported that the record low unsubsidized solar energy price was 3.6 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), in a March 2016 contract in Mexico.
This month, every single bid that Saudi Arabia received for its 300-Megawatt (MW) Sakaka solar project was cheaper than that.


wow, solar is kicking major ass!
Solar Power in a country ran by dictators, where everything is owned and controlled by either the ruling party or members of their tribe?

I bet the man responsible is arrested for corruption, at the very least! It seems the Prince responsible for Solar and Wind in Saudi Arabia is now arrested? Another win for renewables, for green and clean energy, it takes a corrupt government to implement the scam.

Just like in Oregon when the governor stepped down for passing laws mandating green energy while having an affair with a lobbyist for green energy.

Future Saudi king tightens grip on power with arrests including Prince Alwaleed
Good. Now all you have to do is end the oil subsidies and stop going to war in order to protect any perceived oil interests. Oil has to be permitted to rise to its natural price if you're going to open up the market incentive. And it would work if the government didn't work against the free market. But this isn't the case. Too many people support government investment without understanding the consequence. Government does not produce anything. And government cannot invest. It can only take and redistribute resources.

Remember biofuels? Congress decided that the best means was ethanol from corn. Now, what happened? Hm? The federal government subsidized corn farmers at the expense of the American people and all it did was crowd out other types of renewables. That's what happened. Now it turns out that corn ethanol is inefficient, and it actually takes more energy to produce fuel than you get when you burn it. On top of that, corn went into gas tanks instead of onto our tables or feeding our livestock. So, what happens because of that? That's right, food prices get driven up.

This is what happens when we allow government to make choices instead of the market. All in all, renewables are the future. But only if people have the sense to get the government out of it and let the market handle it. You still have to end the oil subsidies, though. And stop going to war over the perception of oil. Let oil rise to its natural price so the market incentive grows. And it will.
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Good. Now all you have to do is end the oil subsidies and stop going to war in order to protect any perceived oil interests. Oil has to be permitted to rise to its natural price if you're going to open up the market incentive. And it would work if the government didn't work against the free market. But this isn't the case. Too many people support government investment without understanding the consequence. Government does not produce anything. And government cannot invest. It can only take and redistribute resources.

Remember biofuels? Congress decided that the best means was ethanol from corn. Now, what happened? Hm? The federal government subsidized corn farmers at the expense of the American people and all it did was crowd out other types of renewables. That's what happened. Now it turns out that corn ethanol is inefficient, and it actually takes more energy to produce fuel than you get when you burn it. On top of that, corn went into gas tanks instead of onto our tables or feeding our livestock. So, what happens because of that? That's right, food prices get driven up.

This is what happens when we allow government to make choices instead of the market. All in all, renewables are the future. But only if people have the sense to get the government out of it and let the market handle it. You still have to end the oil subsidies, though. And stop going to war over the perception of oil. Let oil rise to its natural price so the market incentive grows. And it will.
If we follow your logic, then renewables are not the future (which is the right choice). Renewables exist only because of the government. From the research in our universities, to the free land, the exemptions from environment regulations. It is true, that ethanol is ineffiecient, just as renewables are inefficient. Sadly, you could cover the entire united states with solar and wind, and we would still need power so what sense does it make to use a resource that is proven again and again to fail? Trillions of Dollars and Billions of tons of natural resources are required to make "renewables", which have the shortest life of any source of energy. Renewables, Green, Clean, are all fake names for what solar, wind, and geothermal are.
Logic tells me that if renewables were so cheap, everyone and their brother would be installing it... today. Since they aren't any claim like this doesn't pass the smell test.

To the person who started this thread, a simple question. Are you using 100% renewables in your own life, and if not, why not?

I bet the man responsible is arrested for corruption, at the very least!

Corruption in Saudi Arabia is part of the country, all government posts are given to members of the royal family.
Yes, and one of the men in the government that was responsible for Solar, has been arrested! So when people start a post on how cheap solar is in a corrupt government, the responsible thing to do is point out that the cost has everything to do with the corruption, nothing more.
renewables supply less than .5% of the world's energy

Renewables Now Produce 22 Percent of the World's Electricity
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By Janet Fang
29 AUG 2014, 22:38

Last year, renewable power capacity expanded at its fastest pace yet, reaching nearly 22 percent of the global mix. Up from 21 percent in 2012 and 18 percent in 2007, that puts renewable electricity generation—from wind, solar, and hydro—on par with that of natural gas. But with uncertainty over policy support, the expansion of renewable energy will slow over the next five years, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

Renewables Now Produce 22 Percent of the World's Electricity
renewables supply less than .5% of the world's energy

Renewables Now Produce 22 Percent of the World's Electricity
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By Janet Fang
29 AUG 2014, 22:38

Last year, renewable power capacity expanded at its fastest pace yet, reaching nearly 22 percent of the global mix. Up from 21 percent in 2012 and 18 percent in 2007, that puts renewable electricity generation—from wind, solar, and hydro—on par with that of natural gas. But with uncertainty over policy support, the expansion of renewable energy will slow over the next five years, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

Renewables Now Produce 22 Percent of the World's Electricity
Yes, I see you have to include Hydroelectric power in your figure. Renewables also includes burning garbage and geothermal (irony?). It is worth noting that Venezuela's economic crisis began when they ran out of electricity because they relied to much on Renewable power. You see Old Crock, "renewable" power is just that, a source of energy that gets depleted then you must wait for it to renew. In Venezuela's case a drought caused power outages. No rain equaled no power. Venezuela relies on Dams for about 70% of their power.

Yes, to make Renewable power seem viable, the nuts spreading the propaganda must include hydroelectric to make their points.

My statement stands as fact, thanks for trying to engage, but next time, bring your brain.
Last year, renewable power capacity expanded at its fastest pace yet, reaching nearly 22 percent of the global mix

Capacity of renewable energy can be infinite, but really interesting is the real power generation without hydroelectric power. And I'm sure that it will be much less than 22%
Last year, renewable power capacity expanded at its fastest pace yet, reaching nearly 22 percent of the global mix

Capacity of renewable energy can be infinite, but really interesting is the real power generation without hydroelectric power. And I'm sure that it will be much less than 22%

File:Primary production of energy from renewable sources, EU-28, 1990-2015 F2.png - Statistics Explained

from the EU. Looks like about 50% hydro at present. But with the other renewables rapidly increasing.
Last year, renewable power capacity expanded at its fastest pace yet, reaching nearly 22 percent of the global mix

Capacity of renewable energy can be infinite, but really interesting is the real power generation without hydroelectric power. And I'm sure that it will be much less than 22%
without hydro, .5%
Elektra, why don't you ever look anything up instead of just pulling stinky 'facts' out of your ample ass.
Elektra, why don't you ever look anything up instead of just pulling stinky 'facts' out of your ample ass.
Old Crock, I just stopped by this message board for a bit of fun, at your expense. I am happy to see all you have to offer is trolls/flames.

Solar sucks, 100's of square miles of solar panels, the cost in the $trillions? The cost is something Old Crock will never post.

How much has Solar cost the USA to date, Old Crock, why don't you pull that figure out of your ass, just as long as you have your head up there.

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