Nuclear Power Lowers Electricity Price 75%, Destroying Wind and Solar Power


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75%

Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives with. We could be exporting and building nuclear power plants for foreign countries, providing high paying jobs for Americans. Instead, our companies are sold, our technologies are sold, our factories are dismantled and the equipment shipped overseas to foreign countries, our heavy industry destroyed so we can not build for others or for ourselves.

Our politicians have sold us out for their power and riches.

The Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) nuclear power plant in Finland has only been fully operational since last month, and it is already having a significant impact on electricity prices in the country. According to physical electricity exchange Nord Pool, electricity prices have fallen by 75% since the plant began operating.

OL3 nuclear plant is a 1,600-megawatt (MW) reactor, it is the largest, most powerful nuclear power plant in Europe, and the third in the world. It is also the first nuclear power plant to be built in Europe in over 15 years.
Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75%

Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives with. We could be exporting and building nuclear power plants for foreign countries, providing high paying jobs for Americans. Instead, our companies are sold, our technologies are sold, our factories are dismantled and the equipment shipped overseas to foreign countries, our heavy industry destroyed so we can not build for others or for ourselves.

Our politicians have sold us out for their power and riches.

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I thought it was the anti-nuclear nut balls.
About 53% of the power generated by TVA between 2015 and 2021 was nuclear generated and the only thing that glows in the dark are our street lights.
I thought it was the anti-nuclear nut balls.
About 53% of the power generated by TVA between 2015 and 2021 was nuclear generated and the only thing that glows in the dark are our street lights.
I love TVA, made a bit of money working for Watts Bar, which is one of our "newest" nuclear reactors, Watts Bar 2? Came online a few years back.
Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75%

Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives with. We could be exporting and building nuclear power plants for foreign countries, providing high paying jobs for Americans. Instead, our companies are sold, our technologies are sold, our factories are dismantled and the equipment shipped overseas to foreign countries, our heavy industry destroyed so we can not build for others or for ourselves.

Our politicians have sold us out for their power and riches.

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The typical Lib/Democrat response: B-B-B-BUT CHERNOBYL!!!!
Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75%

Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives with. We could be exporting and building nuclear power plants for foreign countries, providing high paying jobs for Americans. Instead, our companies are sold, our technologies are sold, our factories are dismantled and the equipment shipped overseas to foreign countries, our heavy industry destroyed so we can not build for others or for ourselves.

Our politicians have sold us out for their power and riches.

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A new nuclear plant opened in the USA Vogtle nuclear reactor Unit 3
Yes, I see a thread on it. The largest increase in elecricity production in 30 years, dwarfing all solar and wind sources
I should hope so what with the concentration of energy mass, yet the dangers are greater with nuclear power
I should hope so what with the concentration of energy mass, yet the dangers are greater with nuclear power
we have not seen any accidents in the USA that have killed or injured anyone

It is the proper management, and design that makes our nuclear fleet, safe.

The newer designs, are even safer, having learned by past accidents.
A new nuclear plant opened in the USA Vogtle nuclear reactor Unit 3
As you know, it is not a new nuclear plant, it is an expansion.

China learned from us decades ago that the secret to a strong economy is cheap, plentiful energy. Ever since they have been on a tear to produce energy by every means possible. At the same time, we are on a tear to increase the cost of our energy to outrageous prices.

Finland, just brought online their newest nuclear reactor which immediately caused the price of electricity to fall 75%

Nuclear power is being built across the world, with the USA's technology, by other countries. Another of our great innovations, we are denied the right to improve our lives with. We could be exporting and building nuclear power plants for foreign countries, providing high paying jobs for Americans. Instead, our companies are sold, our technologies are sold, our factories are dismantled and the equipment shipped overseas to foreign countries, our heavy industry destroyed so we can not build for others or for ourselves.

Our politicians have sold us out for their power and riches.

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Why does it have smokestacks?
I should hope so what with the concentration of energy mass, yet the dangers are greater with nuclear power
WHAT proven dangers in the USA or Western Europe or even China, in the past 70 years?
That e.g. Russia is a danger due to "lacking control standards" is not the USA's problem. That building Nuclear power-stations in earthquake and tsunami prone areas isn't a brilliant idea is also understood.
The lefty&Lib Greens have wasted 45 years to deter Hydrogen based power technology and it's development, same goes for modern nuclear processes - whilst encouraging/forcing, governments spending billions if not trillions on Wind etc. illusions.

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