Solar Powered Toilets

Sanitation is one of the basic improvements that gave us a much lower death rate, and made the large cities of today possible. To make fun of an attempt to bring sanitation and resource recovery all in one package to the poverty stricken areas of the world demonstrates an outlook completely lacking in humanity.

Sanitation: Flushed with pride | The Economist

“IF Thomas Crapper were around today, he would find our toilets quite familiar,” says Bill Gates, referring to the Victorian manufacturer of sanitary ware whose name has become attached to one of the body’s most fundamental functions. “They haven’t seen many advances apart from handles and paper toilet rolls.” In fact, with the exception of S-traps to contain odours, flush toilets have changed little since Sir John Harington installed one in Richmond Palace for Queen Elizabeth I.

Mr Gates considers it time for a change. On August 14th his charitable institution, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced the gold-, silver- and bronze-medal winners in its Reinvent The Toilet Challenge, which aims to bring safe, affordable and “sustainable” loos to the 40% of the world’s population who lack access to basic sanitation, thus preventing many of the 1.5m childhood deaths from diarrhoea that now occur each year.

The Challenge is nothing if not ambitious. It seeks a toilet that costs less than five cents per user per day to operate, that requires neither a supply of clean water nor sewerage infrastructure to take the waste away, and that will generate energy and recover salts, water and other nutrients. Remarkably, despite the challenge being little more than a year old, the award winners claim to be on track to achieve all of these goals.
Hmm making fun of one of the richest innovators of all times support for a new device which is needed badly in the third world and corners of America as well.

You can make fun of Gates supporting something when you have made a couple of billion on your own.
poop fAiL.....

They should be real popular at almost $700 a pop.:eusa_dance: ( remember what skooks always says...........the far left guy NEVER factors "costs" into any discussion)

I'll stick with my $200 American Standard thank will 90% of the rest of the world!!!:D
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poop fAiL.....

They should be real popular at almost $700 a pop.:eusa_dance: ( remember what skooks always says...........the far left guy NEVER factors "costs" into any discussion)

I'll stick with my $200 American Standard thank will 90% of the rest of the world!!!:D

Did you even read the article?
Why not let the piss stream wind up a little fan motor? There are a hundred useless stories in the naked city.
I always cringe when our Modern Age Imperialists go off "helping" the 3rd world..

You know -- it's Mugabe and his ilk that are the HUGE problem blocking their way.. NOT -- the plumbing..

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