Soldier uses GoPro to prove wife’s domestic abuse: police

I don't care if this guy is a Ranger and she threatened him with lying about him assaulting her. This guy is a fag.

First, they have 2 kids. Surely this bitch's tacky behavior has surfaced before now. To the extent this twat stayed with her after experience abuse he is just as culpable as her.

Second, he is at fault for (1) failing to properly and effectively domesticate his bitch; and (2) enabling her abuse by not doing something to discourage the abuse (eg, taking off his shoe and beating the unholy hell out of her when she pulls some shit like this).

Dudes, I love bitches. But if you are not man enough to break one on your own, then stick to the bitches that have already been broken and obedience trained by another man.

This Ranger obviously fucked up and got in over his head. The first time she pulled some shit on him he should have picked up the phone and called someone like me to fix the problem. First you got to break the bitch. Then you got to make the bitch trust that you are the only one she can trust. Next, you lock her up in a closet for a couple of weeks and feed her only dog food and water in order to drive home the fact that she is inferior to you AND so she knows that she is dependent on you. Next you slap that bitch with the back of your hand a few times so that she will learn that when a man raises his hand it is time for her to shut the fuck up and listen ... To the man. She will love and respect you all the more if she knows her boundaries.

Finally there is positive reinforcement. When the bitch do good and obey you like you want, then give her a treat. Take out your dick and let her suck on it some.

Like I said, I love the bitches. But they are like stray dogs until they are broken in properly. They have got to be taught civility. They do not come knowing it.
I don't care if this guy is a Ranger and she threatened him with lying about him assaulting her. This guy is a fag.

First, they have 2 kids. Surely this bitch's tacky behavior has surfaced before now. To the extent this twat stayed with her after experience abuse he is just as culpable as her.

Second, he is at fault for (1) failing to properly and effectively domesticate his bitch; and (2) enabling her abuse by not doing something to discourage the abuse (eg, taking off his shoe and beating the unholy hell out of her when she pulls some shit like this).

Dudes, I love bitches. But if you are not man enough to break one on your own, then stick to the bitches that have already been broken and obedience trained by another man.

This Ranger obviously fucked up and got in over his head. The first time she pulled some shit on him he should have picked up the phone and called someone like me to fix the problem. First you got to break the bitch. Then you got to make the bitch trust that you are the only one she can trust. Next, you lock her up in a closet for a couple of weeks and feed her only dog food and water in order to drive home the fact that she is inferior to you AND so she knows that she is dependent on you. Next you slap that bitch with the back of your hand a few times so that she will learn that when a man raises his hand it is time for her to shut the fuck up and listen ... To the man. She will love and respect you all the more if she knows her boundaries.

Finally there is positive reinforcement. When the bitch do good and obey you like you want, then give her a treat. Take out your dick and let her suck on it some.

Like I said, I love the bitches. But they are like stray dogs until they are broken in properly. They have got to be taught civility. They do not come knowing it.
Yeah, you are a pretty tough guy behind a keyboard. All the losers are.
There are some women that will respond positively to such treatment. It's not so much that they deserve it, they need it

The difficulty comes when the bitch is a true bitch who treats men in the very same way. In that case, it depends on who falls asleep first.

The word bitch has to be understood. I am a bitch. A bitch is a female dog that has not been spayed. She is autocratic, used to being obeyed without question. The bitch rules. A chihuahua bitch can put a male rottweiler to his belly in a whining mess by the scent of her. Weak women are not bitches by definition.
I don't care if this guy is a Ranger and she threatened him with lying about him assaulting her. This guy is a fag.

First, they have 2 kids. Surely this bitch's tacky behavior has surfaced before now. To the extent this twat stayed with her after experience abuse he is just as culpable as her.

Second, he is at fault for (1) failing to properly and effectively domesticate his bitch; and (2) enabling her abuse by not doing something to discourage the abuse (eg, taking off his shoe and beating the unholy hell out of her when she pulls some shit like this).

Dudes, I love bitches. But if you are not man enough to break one on your own, then stick to the bitches that have already been broken and obedience trained by another man.

This Ranger obviously fucked up and got in over his head. The first time she pulled some shit on him he should have picked up the phone and called someone like me to fix the problem. First you got to break the bitch. Then you got to make the bitch trust that you are the only one she can trust. Next, you lock her up in a closet for a couple of weeks and feed her only dog food and water in order to drive home the fact that she is inferior to you AND so she knows that she is dependent on you. Next you slap that bitch with the back of your hand a few times so that she will learn that when a man raises his hand it is time for her to shut the fuck up and listen ... To the man. She will love and respect you all the more if she knows her boundaries.

Finally there is positive reinforcement. When the bitch do good and obey you like you want, then give her a treat. Take out your dick and let her suck on it some.

Like I said, I love the bitches. But they are like stray dogs until they are broken in properly. They have got to be taught civility. They do not come knowing it.
personally, I have no idea why someone has not come up with a bitch handling class yet.
So many many men fail to properly train them, and to make it worse they allow them to run the neighborhood unsupervised.
I don't care if this guy is a Ranger and she threatened him with lying about him assaulting her. This guy is a fag.

First, they have 2 kids. Surely this bitch's tacky behavior has surfaced before now. To the extent this twat stayed with her after experience abuse he is just as culpable as her.

Second, he is at fault for (1) failing to properly and effectively domesticate his bitch; and (2) enabling her abuse by not doing something to discourage the abuse (eg, taking off his shoe and beating the unholy hell out of her when she pulls some shit like this).

Dudes, I love bitches. But if you are not man enough to break one on your own, then stick to the bitches that have already been broken and obedience trained by another man.

This Ranger obviously fucked up and got in over his head. The first time she pulled some shit on him he should have picked up the phone and called someone like me to fix the problem. First you got to break the bitch. Then you got to make the bitch trust that you are the only one she can trust. Next, you lock her up in a closet for a couple of weeks and feed her only dog food and water in order to drive home the fact that she is inferior to you AND so she knows that she is dependent on you. Next you slap that bitch with the back of your hand a few times so that she will learn that when a man raises his hand it is time for her to shut the fuck up and listen ... To the man. She will love and respect you all the more if she knows her boundaries.

Finally there is positive reinforcement. When the bitch do good and obey you like you want, then give her a treat. Take out your dick and let her suck on it some.

Like I said, I love the bitches. But they are like stray dogs until they are broken in properly. They have got to be taught civility. They do not come knowing it.

Your mother wants her computer back.

DUNEDIN, Fla. – While marketed to surfers, snowboarders and other action sports enthusiasts, a Florida man found a new use for his GoPro — to record his wife’s pattern of abuse, that included her striking him in the testicles.
Soldier uses GoPro to prove wife's domestic abuse: police

That was a smart move.

I prefer to oil wrestle my wife to see who gets to be "chief corporal" for the week.
I don't care if this guy is a Ranger and she threatened him with lying about him assaulting her. This guy is a fag.

First, they have 2 kids. Surely this bitch's tacky behavior has surfaced before now. To the extent this twat stayed with her after experience abuse he is just as culpable as her.

Second, he is at fault for (1) failing to properly and effectively domesticate his bitch; and (2) enabling her abuse by not doing something to discourage the abuse (eg, taking off his shoe and beating the unholy hell out of her when she pulls some shit like this).

Dudes, I love bitches. But if you are not man enough to break one on your own, then stick to the bitches that have already been broken and obedience trained by another man.

This Ranger obviously fucked up and got in over his head. The first time she pulled some shit on him he should have picked up the phone and called someone like me to fix the problem. First you got to break the bitch. Then you got to make the bitch trust that you are the only one she can trust. Next, you lock her up in a closet for a couple of weeks and feed her only dog food and water in order to drive home the fact that she is inferior to you AND so she knows that she is dependent on you. Next you slap that bitch with the back of your hand a few times so that she will learn that when a man raises his hand it is time for her to shut the fuck up and listen ... To the man. She will love and respect you all the more if she knows her boundaries.

Finally there is positive reinforcement. When the bitch do good and obey you like you want, then give her a treat. Take out your dick and let her suck on it some.

Like I said, I love the bitches. But they are like stray dogs until they are broken in properly. They have got to be taught civility. They do not come knowing it.
Yeah, you are a pretty tough guy behind a keyboard. All the losers are.

You ignorant bitch, it has nothing to do with toughness and everything to do with swag and control. Take that white bread sensibility and shove it up yo bitch ass, you **** twat!


"Swag and control"?

Nothing outs a pathetic internet clown like yourself more than using terms like "swag". The only way you could top it is by calling people "alphas" and "betas".

Seriously, grow up. You impress no one, clown.

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