Soldiers and PTSD

The problem is that you have no faintest clue what you are talking about. There are no pensions awarded for PTSD. PTSD can be a disabling service connected condition that is handled the same as other disabling service connected injuries with compensation being awarded.
And a person most certainly does have to prove that his claim is genuine just in order to begin the process that can literally years.

We can split hairs if you want to but personally I think it is offensive to real Veterans to put PSTD in the same category as Purple Heart combat disabilities. Apparently you don't even have to relate an incident or submit evidence of injury to justify a PSTD claim. All you need is a good act and a motivated staff.

And as I said before I find your slander of disabled vets highly offensive and shameful.

"Apparently you don't even have to relate an incident or submit evidence of injury to justify a PSTD claim."

I have already told you this is untrue. I'm beginning to think that you are so determined to slander people that you are spouting bullshit lies just to be an asshole. If so it's working.

I have the utmost respect for disabled Vets. I draw the line when pseudo-professionals try to lump fakers with Purple Hearts.
We can split hairs if you want to but personally I think it is offensive to real Veterans to put PSTD in the same category as Purple Heart combat disabilities. Apparently you don't even have to relate an incident or submit evidence of injury to justify a PSTD claim. All you need is a good act and a motivated staff.

And as I said before I find your slander of disabled vets highly offensive and shameful.

"Apparently you don't even have to relate an incident or submit evidence of injury to justify a PSTD claim."

I have already told you this is untrue. I'm beginning to think that you are so determined to slander people that you are spouting bullshit lies just to be an asshole. If so it's working.

I have the utmost respect for disabled Vets. I draw the line when pseudo-professionals try to lump fakers with Purple Hearts.

You lie. There is nothing respectful about calling people "fakers".
Purple Heart Veterans are the best of the best. It is insulting when (left wing activist) people try to compare combat Veterans to mentally ill (street?) people in order to try to get pensions for nut case drug addicts.
Purple Heart Veterans are the best of the best. It is insulting when (left wing activist) people try to compare combat Veterans to mentally ill (street?) people in order to try to get pensions for nut case drug addicts.

You just keep sinking lower and lower and showing how clueless you are.
"I have nothing to learn from the likes of you.
Really? I am constantly being amazed at just how little most loud mouth know-it-alls actually do know."
PTSD has no diagnostic tool, am I correct?
"There are no key symptoms."
I don't know of any one symptom that always indicates PTSD. Or that is present in every case. Nor does it follow that PTSD is the only problem a person has. But once you have some experience with the disorder it is rarely hard to recognize
It is called a mental illness.
Is it? It is named a "disorder". Post Traumatic Stress DISORDER.
So a veteran can be declared mentally ill with no full diagnostic method being employed.
That is untrue anywhere I know about personally. "Mental illness" is an opinion. "Incompetent" or "insane" are legal rulings that require a judge.
"Once it's on record, it cannot be taken off."[/I]
What record? Medical records are to be kept private and by law cannot be shared except in certain cases. The same is true of legal records." I have nothing to learn from the likes of you".
Of course not. Silly me. I had forgotten that most Grunts were also seriously interested in psychology and studied psychiatry whenever they got a break from filling sandbags.
It's a gun grab.
You are correct that there are some that would love to have a gun grab just as you describe and are trying to get one going through changes in state and local law that would allow just that. It remains to be seen whether such laws would prove to be Constitutional. The majority of Americas are just not that stupid and I see zero chance of that happening anywhere near where I live.
"I could teach you a thing or two, doc."
Don't try to teach an old dog to suck eggs, son. I have the highest respect for Combat Infantry (right alongside Combat Medics of course) but I was probably walking the walk about the time you were born.

I just walked a longer and harder walk.
You claim to respect combat infanteers yet a paragraph or two you insult them?
Concurrent to my service as a professional combat infanteer I also studied and qualified as a Registered Mental Nurse.
I worked on Bank( per diem ) at a secure forensic psychiatric unit in the British NHS.
For schizophrenia the Ericsson tool is preferred for assisting in diagnostics.
Which diagnostic tool is used to diagnose PTSD?
What are the symptoms of PTSD, can it ever be diagnosed organically?

You are full of shit.
You were never a medic, never served.
You are probably an obese 50 year old who still lives in his parents home and insists the paperboy calls him Doctor.
I'm no gambling man.
I would put money on that though !!

Hey, great! I'll be proud to take your money!
How much are ready to lose? 10K? 20K? your call.
For the record I will prove that I am as pictured (except older) and described in the bio. here
: Harold E. Keim: Remember
And I'm willing to make a 5K side bet that you were never awarded a CIB.
When you are ready we find a mutually acceptable judge in Reno or elsewhere where such bets are legal/

Just for grins and giggles this is a link to my old unit's website:


Few fake photos won't do it.
You are lying
Some bullshit give away medal?
I got a us medal for shooting straight!!

I was in a true infantry unit of the type unknown to American troops since 1918.
You read a couple of books , that's all.
Is your name Walter by any chance?
Surname Mitty?
Big hero!!
Lets lay our cards on the table shall we lefties. It's no secret that homeless activists and radical left wing activists have been using fake Veterans and alcoholic and drug addicted real Veternas to promote some sort of social vendetta against the war. Do PTSD activists get paid by the head? Don't feel bad, better people than you were fooled by stories from alleged Vets. Burkett's book "Stolen Valor" illustrates accounts of News sources interviewing a wild haired lost soul at the Vietnam Wall who would cry and carry on for the cameras. It turned out, much to the embarrassment of the media, that the guy never served in the Military but he looked so good. Awarding drug addicts and degenerate alcoholics a pension for PSTD might be a short cut to their drug addicted deaths rather than helping them. It's a shame that the PSTD activists ignore real heroes who were awarded a Purple Heart in favor of stories from the homeless.
Some bullshit give away medal?
I got a us medal for shooting straight!!

Right. You claim to have been Combat Infantry but you don't know what a Combat Infantryman's Badge is. You have obviously never been in the US Army. You haven't forgotten our bets have you? Need odds? 3-to-1?
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Lets lay our cards on the table shall we lefties. It's no secret that homeless activists and radical left wing activists have been using fake Veterans and alcoholic and drug addicted real Veternas to promote some sort of social vendetta against the war. Do PTSD activists get paid by the head? Don't feel bad, better people than you were fooled by stories from alleged Vets. Burkett's book "Stolen Valor" illustrates accounts of News sources interviewing a wild haired lost soul at the Vietnam Wall who would cry and carry on for the cameras. It turned out, much to the embarrassment of the media, that the guy never served in the Military but he looked so good. Awarding drug addicts and degenerate alcoholics a pension for PSTD might be a short cut to their drug addicted deaths rather than helping them. It's a shame that the PSTD activists ignore real heroes who were awarded a Purple Heart in favor of stories from the homeless.

Wait. Let me guess. That guy's name was Pauli! Right?
The truth is that a high percentage of people that receive the purple heart for wounds also suffer from, and may receive compensation for PTSD. In your eminent wisdom do you consider these people faker heroes? Hero fakers? Or what? Inquiring minds want to know.
Yes, I am an adult survivor with PTSD, which I'm sure plays a part in why my heart goes out to this soldier.

I went looking for soldier support groups - maybe be a pen pal. I don't know. Whatever. Anybody have any recommendations?

Charity Navigator Rating - AdoptAPlatoon Soldier Support Effort

Several organizations are listed here....

While there's an 'advisory' on adopt-a-platoon, I've been matched with several pen pals through them.
Some bullshit give away medal?
I got a us medal for shooting straight!!

Right. You claim to have been Combat Infantry but you don't know what a Combat Infantryman's Badge is. You have obviously never been in the US Army. You haven't forgotten our bets have you? Need odds? 3-to-1?

I was British Army.
We don't get badges and medals for doing what we are paid to do.
We were soldiers not bit scouts.
I do have a us marksmanship medal.
Again, we got no such thing, we were expected to hit our targets!
Some bullshit give away medal?
I got a us medal for shooting straight!!

Right. You claim to have been Combat Infantry but you don't know what a Combat Infantryman's Badge is. You have obviously never been in the US Army. You haven't forgotten our bets have you? Need odds? 3-to-1?

I was British Army.
We don't get badges and medals for doing what we are paid to do.
We were soldiers not bit scouts.
I do have a us marksmanship medal.
Again, we got no such thing, we were expected to hit our targets!

British Army? Queen of England I might believe...

It's obvious that the doctorate dropouts that the government hires to diagnose PTSD wouldn't know a schitzo from a alcoholic so they take the word of the degenerate and call it PSTD and everyone is happy. Cite the incident that caused the alleged mental illness. If he received a Purple Heart he might have a case. If he wished he was in combat and hurt his brain drinking bad wine and reading dirty magazines kick him out the freaking door, Veteran or not.
Incident? You slander thousands of honorable veterans including thousands who also received the PH (sometimes more than one) and you think anybody would be interested in your judgment of a single incident? You have definitely lost it. Seriously.
It's obvious that the doctorate dropouts that the government hires to diagnose PTSD wouldn't know a schitzo from a alcoholic so they take the word of the degenerate and call it PSTD and everyone is happy. Cite the incident that caused the alleged mental illness. If he received a Purple Heart he might have a case. If he wished he was in combat and hurt his brain drinking bad wine and reading dirty magazines kick him out the freaking door, Veteran or not.

This is patently incorrect. I sit on an advisory board at a VA hospital in the department which deals with PTSD. The doctors and mental health practitioners are second to none and the psychiatric field relies heavily on the work and research conducted at this location.
It's obvious that the doctorate dropouts that the government hires to diagnose PTSD wouldn't know a schitzo from a alcoholic so they take the word of the degenerate and call it PSTD and everyone is happy. Cite the incident that caused the alleged mental illness. If he received a Purple Heart he might have a case. If he wished he was in combat and hurt his brain drinking bad wine and reading dirty magazines kick him out the freaking door, Veteran or not.

This is patently incorrect. I sit on an advisory board at a VA hospital in the department which deals with PTSD. The doctors and mental health practitioners are second to none and the psychiatric field relies heavily on the work and research conducted at this location.

There is something to be said for a system that doesn't have to make a profit. I worked at the VA twice in my career with enough total years to have one more pension and my insurance. Every year I worked there I got extensive training in my field. When I worked community mental health keeping up was your own problem. The VA is a leading researcher for PTSD and schizophrenia. It is a good place for schizophrenia research because the patients are mostly all voluntary, thereby removing that particular ethical barrier. I crossed paths with some very notable people in the field. One in particular Herbert Melzer probably did more for schizophrenics in America than any other person.

The VA has its issues, lack of expertise is NOT one of them. I always felt like the patients appreciated my efforts on their behalf. Sure, there are drug seekers, garden variety nut cases, and more than a few pains in the ass. But those people are everywhere. If a veteran with PTSD wants help he/she will find it in the VA. Bullshit such as is posted on this thread only serves to prevent those who need help from getting it. There is no reason why a person with PTSD can't own a gun and hunt the woods of KY just like anyone else. I had many PTSD patients both in the VA and other places. None of them ever harmed anyone else. There is no reason they can't be responsible gun owners. But they won't seek help if they think they will lose their Second Amendment rights. If I felt better, I would start a little cash business working with them. But my days of working that kind of schedule are over.
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"I have nothing to learn from the likes of you.
Really? I am constantly being amazed at just how little most loud mouth know-it-alls actually do know."
PTSD has no diagnostic tool, am I correct?
"There are no key symptoms."
I don't know of any one symptom that always indicates PTSD. Or that is present in every case. Nor does it follow that PTSD is the only problem a person has. But once you have some experience with the disorder it is rarely hard to recognize
It is called a mental illness.
Is it? It is named a "disorder". Post Traumatic Stress DISORDER.
So a veteran can be declared mentally ill with no full diagnostic method being employed.
That is untrue anywhere I know about personally. "Mental illness" is an opinion. "Incompetent" or "insane" are legal rulings that require a judge.
"Once it's on record, it cannot be taken off."[/I]
What record? Medical records are to be kept private and by law cannot be shared except in certain cases. The same is true of legal records." I have nothing to learn from the likes of you".
Of course not. Silly me. I had forgotten that most Grunts were also seriously interested in psychology and studied psychiatry whenever they got a break from filling sandbags.
It's a gun grab.
You are correct that there are some that would love to have a gun grab just as you describe and are trying to get one going through changes in state and local law that would allow just that. It remains to be seen whether such laws would prove to be Constitutional. The majority of Americas are just not that stupid and I see zero chance of that happening anywhere near where I live.
"I could teach you a thing or two, doc."
Don't try to teach an old dog to suck eggs, son. I have the highest respect for Combat Infantry (right alongside Combat Medics of course) but I was probably walking the walk about the time you were born.

I just walked a longer and harder walk.
You claim to respect combat infanteers yet a paragraph or two you insult them?
Concurrent to my service as a professional combat infanteer I also studied and qualified as a Registered Mental Nurse.
I worked on Bank( per diem ) at a secure forensic psychiatric unit in the British NHS.
For schizophrenia the Ericsson tool is preferred for assisting in diagnostics.
Which diagnostic tool is used to diagnose PTSD?
What are the symptoms of PTSD, can it ever be diagnosed organically?

You are full of shit.
You were never a medic, never served.
You are probably an obese 50 year old who still lives in his parents home and insists the paperboy calls him Doctor.
I'm no gambling man.
I would put money on that though !!

Hey, great! I'll be proud to take your money!
How much are ready to lose? 10K? 20K? your call.
For the record I will prove that I am as pictured (except older) and described in the bio. here
: Harold E. Keim: Remember
And I'm willing to make a 5K side bet that you were never awarded a CIB.
When you are ready we find a mutually acceptable judge in Reno or elsewhere where such bets are legal/

Just for grins and giggles this is a link to my old unit's website:


great site doc...hey, page 15 Bravo 2/47, bottom row far right, that a Kit Carson? :eusa_eh:
Some bullshit give away medal?
I got a us medal for shooting straight!!

Right. You claim to have been Combat Infantry but you don't know what a Combat Infantryman's Badge is. You have obviously never been in the US Army. You haven't forgotten our bets have you? Need odds? 3-to-1?

I was British Army.
We don't get badges and medals for doing what we are paid to do.
We were soldiers not bit scouts.
I do have a us marksmanship medal.
Again, we got no such thing, we were expected to hit our targets!

British Army? Queen of England I might believe...


Mmmm feel the same way about the hundreds of British soldiers who died fighting Americas wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ?
100% commitment to the USA and you, scumbag , mock them.
You have class!!
Not .
And as I said before I find your slander of disabled vets highly offensive and shameful.

"Apparently you don't even have to relate an incident or submit evidence of injury to justify a PSTD claim."

I have already told you this is untrue. I'm beginning to think that you are so determined to slander people that you are spouting bullshit lies just to be an asshole. If so it's working.

I have the utmost respect for disabled Vets. I draw the line when pseudo-professionals try to lump fakers with Purple Hearts.

You lie. There is nothing respectful about calling people "fakers".
Nothing respectfully in abusing the memory of those who died for your country( British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan).
It's not their war!!!

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