Soldiers blowing up dogs for fun:

This sort of thing DOES happen. Part of the problem is that there's immense peer pressure to contribute to acts which normally you wouldn't even consider. Then it's a case of keeping the moral courage together.
Yeah that's right. And it happens on both sides, civilian and military. And I'd even go as far to say that since the civilian population is extremely larger than the military population, that it happens more in the civilian population.
Yeah, it's the same concept of guilt by association. It's people with an already biased decision about the military (or anything for that matter) that will generalize.
A very common response indeed. Everyone - military or otherwise - has to pay because of idiots like these.
Boy, you sure told HIM!

It isnt about "showing someone up". That point is wasted in this forum because it ALWAYS disolves into a slap fest.

I was simply stating my opinion and obviously that wasn't enough for you.

I am ok with that.
take a gander at the videos, gunny. Make sure you remind me how we are not supposed to judge an entire population by a stark minority in the threads where you are quick to demonize pals for the actions of their 20% of criminals.

You need to rethink your percentage. The majority of the Palestinian people voted for a known, international terrorist organization to represent 100% of Palestine as its government.

Sorry, I don't feel for Palestinians. When you play with fire, expect to get burned and don't come crying to me when you do. I don't care about any twisted truthes not realtivist, nor backwards arguments.

The Palestinians are the bad guys and it's obvious.
homophobic sexist American troops sexual harass innocent Afghan

You need to rethink your percentage. The majority of the Palestinian people voted for a known, international terrorist organization to represent 100% of Palestine as its government.

Sorry, I don't feel for Palestinians. When you play with fire, expect to get burned and don't come crying to me when you do. I don't care about any twisted truthes not realtivist, nor backwards arguments.

The Palestinians are the bad guys and it's obvious.

the exact same thing happened in iraq.


so, then, are we ready to demonize iraqis who, predictably, didnt' vote for a western puppet? Do they "deserve what they get" because democracy allowed them to let you know what they think of your interaction in their politics? Are their pockets of insurgent violence similarly making you write off the average iraqi as a terrorist enabler just like you are quick to do with pals?

gosh, gunny.. why is it that pals get this special treatment from people like you?
I think the root of it is we need a helpful armageddon like jeezus
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