Soledad O'Brien gets talking points from...


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
... Talking Points Memo. :D

Can CNN's Soledad O'Brien make her sources any more apparent than she did Monday night?

While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock (video at link):

Read more: Soledad O'Brien Caught Reading Liberal Blog During Heated Debate With Romney Adviser |

You just can't make this stuff up.
No question...Political commentary, read straight off the release from Talking Points Memo.

And those nitwits wonder why it is they're barely drawing 100,000 viewers a night. :lol:
... Talking Points Memo. :D

Can CNN's Soledad O'Brien make her sources any more apparent than she did Monday night?

While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock (video at link):

Read more: Soledad O'Brien Caught Reading Liberal Blog During Heated Debate With Romney Adviser |

You just can't make this stuff up.

I hope she cited the place where she got her information from. Since none of it was an origional thought or based on common knowlege gained over a perioud of time, I would say thats plagiarism. Not that TPM would care though. It seems that she just goes to a liberal blog, prints out the page, and pretends that she is a serious journalist who came up with her own questions via her own research from the perspectives of both sides. Only one side/perspective represented there. It's one thing to play devils advocate. It's yet another to be the devil. Did you see how she scrambled, almost as if she was desperate to get the liberal point across, as if she could have her interview pinned if she could juuuust find something in the work of others in an interview she didn't prepare herself. That type of dedication goes beyond bias and journalistic malpractice. Thats advocasy and she might as well be paid for it. She knows theres an election on the line and she might as well be working for the White House. I guess we all know why CNN has it's lowest ratings in over 10 years.
Last edited: is CNN so no surprise they're without any serious professional journalists on staff.

Wonder how the "there's no liberal bias in the media" crowd will spin this?
I heard the clips of Sunnunu reaming her out. They had this shouting match over medicare. I swear he tore her several new orifices. It was priceless.

At one point he actually screamed "why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"


And it's about time conservative guests go for the throat of liberal douche bags like Soledad who's sole purpose in life is to keep Obama in the White House.
... Talking Points Memo. :D

Can CNN's Soledad O'Brien make her sources any more apparent than she did Monday night?

While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock (video at link):

Read more: Soledad O'Brien Caught Reading Liberal Blog During Heated Debate With Romney Adviser |

You just can't make this stuff up.

O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article

what a dolt, too funny. :lol:
I heard the clips of Sunnunu reaming her out. They had this shouting match over medicare. I swear he tore her several new orifices. It was priceless.

At one point he actually screamed "why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"


And it's about time conservative guests go for the throat of liberal douche bags like Soledad who's sole purpose in life is to keep Obama in the White House.

"why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"

friggin classic....:lol:
I heard the clips of Sunnunu reaming her out. They had this shouting match over medicare. I swear he tore her several new orifices. It was priceless.

At one point he actually screamed "why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"


And it's about time conservative guests go for the throat of liberal douche bags like Soledad who's sole purpose in life is to keep Obama in the White House.

"why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"

friggin classic....:lol:

I put up a thread with a link to the video. We heard the clips on Gallagher and just died laughing.

Sununu completely loses it on her.

I heard the clips of Sunnunu reaming her out. They had this shouting match over medicare. I swear he tore her several new orifices. It was priceless.

At one point he actually screamed "why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"


And it's about time conservative guests go for the throat of liberal douche bags like Soledad who's sole purpose in life is to keep Obama in the White House.

Sunnunu is perfect for this.He was on Chris Mathews show and Mathews could not bully this guy like he does the other RW guests.
Embarrassing for her, though not the 1st time "journalists" have gotten caught reading talking points on air.
I heard the clips of Sunnunu reaming her out. They had this shouting match over medicare. I swear he tore her several new orifices. It was priceless.

At one point he actually screamed "why don't you just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead?"


And it's about time conservative guests go for the throat of liberal douche bags like Soledad who's sole purpose in life is to keep Obama in the White House.

Sunnunu is perfect for this.He was on Chris Mathews show and Mathews could not bully this guy like he does the other RW guests.

I'll take Sununu or Gingrich to be White House Press Secretary. :D You could turn briefings into "pay per views".
Hmmm...Wonder where all the usual suspect lolberal fluffers are on this one? :lol:

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Seriously, what the fuck kind of name is "Soledad O'Brien"? It's like she's damn lucky she got the Hispanic FIRST name, since Susie O'Brien would not have yielded much affirmative action.

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