Soleimani Strike Dividends


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014

Others with suspicions they might be next are headed for the hills...…...winning.
Terrorists In Iraq Fearing U.S. Targeting: Are Fleeing and Hiding After Soleimani Killing
U.S. officials have intercepted chatter and received confirmation that terrorist leaders in Iraq have been fleeing the region and have gone into hiding fearing United States intelligence capabilities after the successful airstrike that killed Iranian Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani, according to multiple sources that spoke to
Being martyrs is okay for their followers but not for themselves.
Senator Schumer was quick to condemn President Trump for taking out Soleimani. Why didn't he wait to see the justification (which he has seen) for the attack?
He had already decided that there was no justification for the attack without seeing the evidence.
Senator Schumer was quick to condemn President Trump for taking out Soleimani. Why didn't he wait to see the justification (which he has seen) for the attack?
He had already decided that there was no justification for the attack without seeing the evidence.

That's just the way DemocRats roll when it comes to Trump.
Always have and always will; Party over Country!

Others with suspicions they might be next are headed for the hills...…...winning.
Terrorists In Iraq Fearing U.S. Targeting: Are Fleeing and Hiding After Soleimani Killing
U.S. officials have intercepted chatter and received confirmation that terrorist leaders in Iraq have been fleeing the region and have gone into hiding fearing United States intelligence capabilities after the successful airstrike that killed Iranian Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani, according to multiple sources that spoke to
They aren't confident that Democrats can save them from Trump?

UNEXPECTEDLY: Senate Dems Won’t Support Measure Praising U.S. Military for Soleimani Killing.

“The resolution is structurally identical to the 2011 Senate resolution praising former president Barack Obama for the operation that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. At that time, all 100 Democratic and Republican members of the Senate joined to support that resolution.”​

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