Solid and interesting interview of Elon Musk by Lex Fridman


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Sadly you cannot, or ever will get such a comprehensive and non judgmental interview of not just Musk, but anyone - by the main stream media. They are simply unable to interview anyone without trying to push a narrative, accusational or whatever they can do to try and invent controversy.

Some really good stuff here..... thankfully the interviewer put topic markers in the time bar. So if you put your mouse towards the bottom this brings up the time bar and let's you choose a topic you are interested in.

I have to admit, I am not the biggest fan of Lex's questions and interviewing, TBH.

I did just watch this one last night. It had a viral moment that went around the web, I recommend the whole thing. This guy is more probing and challenging to Musk.

He's more confrontational, and a shill of the establishment, more a cog in the system, so he is more like, "who the hell do you think you are Elon?"

Lex is more of a suck up. Ask all the stuff that Elon wants ask, and is basically doing PR.

I have to admit, I am not the biggest fan of Lex's questions and interviewing, TBH.

I did just watch this one last night. It had a viral moment that went around the web, I recommend the whole thing. This guy is more probing and challenging to Musk.

He's more confrontational, and a shill of the establishment, more a cog in the system, so he is more like, "who the hell do you think you are Elon?"

Lex is more of a suck up. Ask all the stuff that Elon wants ask, and is basically doing PR.

I wouldn't say that about Lex as much as you.
I don't think Lex is interested in what is the shiny object of the day as others are.
You got this extraordinary man across from you willing to give you 3 hours of his time.. you want to talk about Disney with him???
Hell no.
The interview with the CNBC guy, who is a bit of a sleazeball, but a good interviewer, I think what he wanted to do with his time with Musk was find that soundbyte, explore some controversy, create a spectacle. And he got it.
I am not interested in Musk to be a opportunity for social media play like the CNBC guy.
He is way more interesting than that.
Perhaps, but he's an innovative pioneer. Those people always seem to be a little weird.
No, he just has the money to hire people who are inventive and wily. He is no more weird than any man who makes his kids live fatherless.
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I wouldn't say that about Lex as much as you.
I don't think Lex is interested in what is the shiny object of the day as others are.
You got this extraordinary man across from you willing to give you 3 hours of his time.. you want to talk about Disney with him???
Hell no.
The interview with the CNBC guy, who is a bit of a sleazeball, but a good interviewer, I think what he wanted to do with his time with Musk was find that soundbyte, explore some controversy, create a spectacle. And he got it.
I am not interested in Musk to be a opportunity for social media play like the CNBC guy.
He is way more interesting than that.

I would not classify it as, "the latest controversy," or "shiny object." New for the sake of being new.
But of course, you are welcome to your perception.

I am not interested in echo chambers, and IMO, that is why most of the folks we have at this site, come here, they want a back and forth, push back. This is where a free flow and exchange of ideas come from. The reason America is great, is the conflict and exchange of ideas, it is the dialectic that generates the BEST results, not echo chambers.

Everyone knows, the news on TEE VEE, and those late night comedy shows aren't real anymore, that is why they are boring. I want to seek out the most authentic exchanges possible. That is all I am getting at.


I would not classify it as, "the latest controversy," or "shiny object." New of the sake of being new.
But of course, you are welcome to your perception.

I am not interested in echo chambers, and IMO, that is why most of the folks we have at this site, come here, they want a back and forth, push back. This is where a free flow and exchange of ideas come from. The reason America is great, is the conflict and exchange of ideas, it is the dialectic that generates the BEST results, not echo chambers.

Everyone knows, the news on TEE VEE, and those late night comedy shows aren't real anymore, that is why they are boring. I want to seek out the most authentic exchanges possible. That is all I am getting at.

View attachment 866568
Just leave out the pics of the dead puppies.
I would not classify it as, "the latest controversy," or "shiny object." New for the sake of being new.
But of course, you are welcome to your perception.

I am not interested in echo chambers, and IMO, that is why most of the folks we have at this site, come here, they want a back and forth, push back. This is where a free flow and exchange of ideas come from. The reason America is great, is the conflict and exchange of ideas, it is the dialectic that generates the BEST results, not echo chambers.

Everyone knows, the news on TEE VEE, and those late night comedy shows aren't real anymore, that is why they are boring. I want to seek out the most authentic exchanges possible. That is all I am getting at.

View attachment 866568
You and me both... It ranges from difficult to impossible to get actual news today.
And that is not just something to say because it is popular to say it - it is actually true.
For myself, I have not watched a single show on Fox news since somewhere around 2010... maybe before that. And nothing on CNN since waaay before that.
It is pretty damn sad that the best way to get actual news about something is "X", Youtube and other podcast. Podcast are great, but no one wants to sit for 3 hours... Jesus. And even podcast themselves are getting taken over by ex-Mass media and doing the same damn thing they did before (Megan Kelley as an example)
You know... newspapers were actually pretty good in comparison.
You and me both... It ranges from difficult to impossible to get actual news today.
And that is not just something to say because it is popular to say it - it is actually true.
For myself, I have not watched a single show on Fox news since somewhere around 2010... maybe before that. And nothing on CNN since waaay before that.
It is pretty damn sad that the best way to get actual news about something is "X", Youtube and other podcast. Podcast are great, but no one wants to sit for 3 hours... Jesus. And even podcast themselves are getting taken over by ex-Mass media and doing the same damn thing they did before (Megan Kelley as an example)
You know... newspapers were actually pretty good in comparison.
I definitely do recommend watching both of these podcasts if you are interested in Musk.

I think you can get something different out of both.
I definitely do recommend watching both of these podcasts if you are interested in Musk.

I think you can get something different out of both.
I have watched about 20 minutes of it... Sorkin is being a typical mass media interviewer. He is constantly trying to find that sound byte. He will ignore 3/4 of what Musk says - to dive in on the 2 second cut from it to leap into a conclusion. They all do that. That is what I tire of.
As for seeing Musk, his attitude in this interview is clearly controversial, if not juvenile about it. He clearly doesn't like Sorkin.
And sometimes I do wonder why he does some of these interviews. Is it ego?
I think he sees himself as a bit of a white knight, and to some degree he has been. I think he sees the irony/corruption/evil/.... bullshit of the world, and isn't handling it real well. I think he wants that to change, and might think he can alleviate that in some way. Sort of the opposite of Soros in that.
Soros is contributing to all of that above, no question, and perhaps Musk wants to fight against that.
Certainly buying Twitter is a strike against Soros, and everything Soros represents.
You and me both... It ranges from difficult to impossible to get actual news today.
And that is not just something to say because it is popular to say it - it is actually true.
For myself, I have not watched a single show on Fox news since somewhere around 2010... maybe before that. And nothing on CNN since waaay before that.
It is pretty damn sad that the best way to get actual news about something is "X", Youtube and other podcast. Podcast are great, but no one wants to sit for 3 hours... Jesus. And even podcast themselves are getting taken over by ex-Mass media and doing the same damn thing they did before (Megan Kelley as an example)
You know... newspapers were actually pretty good in comparison.
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