Solid proof that not all Democrats belong to the PC Police


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Good for you, Kirsten.

You'll be hated now. These people value their PC as much as conservatives value their religion. We'll see it right here, on this thread.

You'll still be a hottie, though.

Kirsten Powers The Rise of the Intolerant Left Christianity Today

so you neeeded this sort of 'solid proof' that not all Democrats fit into your bullshit fantasies..

ok! :uhoh3:
This and the blind protection of black criminals is a serious weakness for the left.
Ooh, good stuff from the interview:

"Our conception of free speech in this country comes directly, indisputably, from liberals. We would not understand free speech the way we do today if not for—and I’m sorry to say, conservatives who don’t want to hear it—the American Civil Liberties Union, and liberal Supreme Court justices who charted the course of expanding the view of the First Amendment, and activists during the Vietnam War. So this is a core part of American liberalism. So we have people who call themselves liberals on the Left of the political spectrum, acting in complete contradiction of their values and the arguments that underlie them.

"In the book I reference Steven Pinker, a psychologist at Harvard and somewhat of a libertarian. He says that you can’t have knowledge where disagreement and dissent are not possible. That should be intuitively obvious; otherwise you get groupthink. But the illiberal Left is circumventing that process: "We’ve already decided what’s true, and if you dissent from that, we’re going to treat you as someone who deserves to be punished and lose their job or be expelled or get a bad grade." The loss is that we all lose information and knowledge. Research doesn’t get done because people are afraid of reaching the wrong conclusions, or they’re never there in the first place because they can’t even get hired."

The American Left has somehow gone from being open-minded, curious, free thinking flower child to the nasty, intolerant, hateful old curmudgeon.


SO wasn't mozilla FREE to disassociate from that anti-gay marriage guy?

why do you want to force your opinions onto THEM..?
mac said:
You'll be hated now.

i had never heard of her before but after reading your article it looks like she's already being widely scoffed at.

Christina Hoff Sommers has been on campuses lecturing about feminism for the past 20 years, and she’s a critic of gender feminism and talks instead about equity feminism. In April, at two different events, one at Georgetown and one at Oberlin, she had to have campus security protection because the students were posting things that had the administration so alarmed for her safety. She has been a critic of the rape statistics that are cited to show there’s an epidemic of rape on campuses, so she’s been deemed a "rape apologist," even though she’s obviously not denying rape; she’s talking about statistics.
she sounds like an idiot trying to blame a boogeyman for her own failures...
I don't care what topic anyone talks about as long as civility is maintained but if there is a hard edge of hatred and scapegoating to it they are going to get called on it. This is the fine distinction many conservatives have a hard time with as it is difficult for them to talk about anything, especially race relations, without sounding like an asshole who sees equality as a loss for their "side".
I think pc is illogical....Nothing liberal about it....

Funding infrastructure, science, r&d, education, our police, minimum wage and demanding a high standard of living is logical. I don't understand how the two could possible =.

The truth is blacks commit 5 times the crime and yet these people want them to get away with it.

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