Solid proof that not all Democrats belong to the PC Police

from your article...

When Brendan Eich, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, was named CEO of Mozilla in March 2014, he pledged to ensure that the Internet company "will remain a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion." There was one problem: Eich had in 2008 donated $1,000 to the "Yes on 8" campaign, which sought to ban same-sex marriage in California. (It seems so long ago.) A week after his appointment, during which online voices decried Mozilla for letting someone with bigoted views helm its operations, Mozilla announced Eich would be stepping down.

"When people’s lives and careers are subject to litmus tests, and fired if they do not publicly renounce what may well be their sincere conviction, we have crossed a line. This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance." His quote appears among many that draw attention to an intolerant tolerance that Kirsten Powers believes is on the rise. The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech (Regnery) is the Fox News commentator's new book, a journalistic polemic on the many Americans on the cultural and political Left who have forsaken some of their most cherished values, including free speech.

Powers, best known among CT readers for her dramatic Christian testimony, recently spoke with print managing editor Katelyn Beaty about the rise of the "illiberal Left."

Your book criticizes an intolerance among the cultural Left toward those with dissenting viewpoints. You give many examples of how the “illiberal Left,” as you call it, is not just disagreeing with but discriminating against those with different views.
"Solid proof that not all Democrats belong to the PC Police"

The OP has decided to come out of the closet and go full-blown ridiculous.
"discriminating against those with different views"

^say it ain't so! :lol:

"This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors."

I don't care what topic anyone talks about as long as civility is maintained but if there is a hard edge of hatred and scapegoating to it they are going to get called on it. This is the fine distinction many conservatives have a hard time with as it is difficult for them to talk about anything, especially race relations, without sounding like an asshole who sees equality as a loss for their "side".
Everything you post has that hard edge of hatred to it, and this very post here is rife with scapegoating.

Now I'm calling YOU on it. Its all a two way street.
Good for you, Kirsten.

You'll be hated now. These people value their PC as much as conservatives value their religion. We'll see it right here, on this thread.

You'll still be a hottie, though.

Kirsten Powers The Rise of the Intolerant Left Christianity Today

Yes, she is one of the best looking liberals I've ever seen. Nice legs too! :biggrin:
I don't care what topic anyone talks about as long as civility is maintained but if there is a hard edge of hatred and scapegoating to it they are going to get called on it. This is the fine distinction many conservatives have a hard time with as it is difficult for them to talk about anything, especially race relations, without sounding like an asshole who sees equality as a loss for their "side".
Everything you post has that hard edge of hatred to it, and this very post here is rife with scapegoating.

Now I'm calling YOU on it. Its all a two way street.
Last time I checked conservatives are not a race even though they are mostly white, you are just a group of frightened, willfully gullible people. If you want sensitivity from me for your political affiliation you can fucking forget it. You chose to be a political dunce, no one chooses their parentage and race.
I don't care what topic anyone talks about as long as civility is maintained but if there is a hard edge of hatred and scapegoating to it they are going to get called on it. This is the fine distinction many conservatives have a hard time with as it is difficult for them to talk about anything, especially race relations, without sounding like an asshole who sees equality as a loss for their "side".
Everything you post has that hard edge of hatred to it, and this very post here is rife with scapegoating.

Now I'm calling YOU on it. Its all a two way street.
Last time I checked conservatives are not a race even though they are mostly white, you are just a group of frightened, willfully gullible people. If you want sensitivity from me for your political affiliation you can fucking forget it. You chose to be a political dunce, no one chooses their parentage and race.
There is that hard edge of hatred again. Care to name any more groups of people other than the GOP you wish to scapegoat because you lack the mental acumen to form a coherent argument?

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