Somali pirates seize Danish-owned ship: US Navy

This just in, don't ever, EVER ask Obama about pirates that have an American Captain held hostage when he's talking about HOUSING ! .......
This just in, don't ever, EVER ask Obama about pirates that have an American Captain held hostage when he's talking about HOUSING ! .......
Obama's apparently going to refuse to run around like a chicken with his head cut off, doing only one thing at a time, and living in a state of constant reaction and response to whatever is the latest reporter or pundit blabbering. How Dare He !!
If he was asked about the First puppy, he'd have said the same thing.
Anyone who has ever in their life conducted or attended managerial meetings will tell you,
the person running the meeting sets the agenda and decides topics of discussion. They should keep it on track and not allow it to stray. Housing was the topic of that meeting.
Obama is trying to being a little more discipline to his relations with that cluster of ADD kindergarten called the WH press corps.
Who's in charge at the White House ? Who is responsible for getting things done ?
Not the reporters. They are responsible only for asking inane questions.
This just in, don't ever, EVER ask Obama about pirates that have an American Captain held hostage when he's talking about HOUSING ! .......
Obama's apparently going to refuse to run around like a chicken with his head cut off, doing only one thing at a time, and living in a state of constant reaction and response to whatever is the latest reporter or pundit blabbering. How Dare He !!
If he was asked about the First puppy, he'd have said the same thing.
Anyone who has ever in their life conducted or attended managerial meetings will tell you,
the person running the meeting sets the agenda and decides topics of discussion. They should keep it on track and not allow it to stray. Housing was the topic of that meeting.
Obama is trying to being a little more discipline to his relations with that cluster of ADD kindergarten called the WH press corps.
Who's in charge at the White House ? Who is responsible for getting things done ?
Not the reporters. They are responsible only for asking inane questions.

I guess he's not the sooper dooper multi-tasker that the left clowns claim he is. Or was the teleprompter not to that subject yet ? Does the word "enbaler" mean anything to you? I swear this guy could come out and say "most economists agree that 2+2=3" and you asshats would believe him........:eusa_whistle:
I love to read the posts of armchair wimp do gooders...pleading for "an international effort " to do something. The international community has not the will nor the capability to do anything...stop dreaming.

I agree... WE do not need an international effort.

Where I grew up family and friends took care of each other, taking government help was all but unheard of. There was no need with the kind of bond we had.

In this situation this "family" of ours can take care of things, we don't need the international community to come give it's nod of approval. Now if our friends the Brits or Israelis want to come over and help I'm sure we'd welcome them warmly.
The patrolling has been performed by a mix of nations' vessels. USA, Britain, France, India, Russia, Japan, China, others. Even Iran sent a ship. All loosely organized with the senior American acting as commodore. It needs to be a better organized force, and it needs to be international.
That area is international waters, with ships form many nations transitting. It is not where the US has unilateral authority.
BBC NEWS | Africa | Somali pirate patrol: Day one
Somali pirates hijack ship with 21 Americans on board

I was talking about ending THIS situation, with THIS hostage. And thanks for the "stupid kid" line, I almost missed it. :lol:
They weren't pirates before Somalia fishing waters were targeted by industrial fishing vessels.

I'm also told that Somolia has become Europes toxic ewaste dump of choice.

I suspect that part of what has changed is that former fishmen can no longer make a living because they're no completeing with Europe's industrialized fishing industry.

Anyone have a more fleshed out story about this?

I'm sort of curious what makes a people suddenly gpo rogue like this and I do not think we're getting the whole story here.

I'm sorry, you're defending the pirates?

No, just wondering why they've suddenly become pirates.

Based on the idea that mean ol' Europeans' better fishing methods forced them to do this?


If they weren't black, they'd all be dead yesterday. Can you imagine Western nations tolerating Russian pirates doing this, or Australian pirates?

I doubt it.

We the world tolerates (if by tolerate you mean can't seem to find the resources to get rid of) pirates in the SE asia even today.
Another tough guy. Which unit would you suggest be sent in to kill all the women and children ?
You want them to film the bloodbath so you and your family can buy the DVD and watch it while you eat popcorn ? And how would you like to break the news to the family of the hostage that dies ?
Idiot. Go back to playing with your John Wayne Gacy blowup doll.

I said nothing about video taping anything. That's your sick weirdo interpretation. You probably get off on watching these Islamo thugs saw off someones head. Please note, I did say harsh but extremely effective. However, you seem to want this to go on and on. You probably feel we should apologize to them and offer them money. You also no doubt, would have been in favor of invading Japan with thousands of American lives lost, as opposed to dropping two very lethal bombs.
Sure am glad the FBI negotiators and the Navy who are on scene and are highly trained to do this sort of thing aren't contemplating for one second doing ANYTHING you suggest. They have strict orders on those navy ships to NOT make threatening moves, to negotiate, to get the hostage out alive. That is all. No shoot 'em ups, no empty gestures. Results.
If it means those 4 pirates get money, they will do that. The hostage's employer has a policy to pay ransom, and will do so to end this standoff without loss of life. And the FBI and navy wants the pirates in custody, not dead.
This is a hostage situation. Once that is over, hopefully peacefully, the pirates overall will be dealt with. These 4 pirates are small fry. They are not important, even for making a macho statement.

Your comments on my supposed love of murderous terrorists and not invading Japan just show how goofy you are. You have no idea what I think of terrorists or World War II, or what I have done in the service of this country.

I'm sure you are correct about your assumption the Navy is instructed to stand down. With this appeasement Socialist cabal in charge, how could anything other be the answer. After all, these are not criminal terrorists. They are misguided freedom fighters simply trying to make a living. They will get their money regardless the safety of the hostage.

Yes, my comments about your misguided affection for these thugs is justified. However, my comment about Japan was thrown just for salsa. I don't want to hear what you may or may not have done in the service of your country. It is irrelevant and in all probability untrue.

If my suggestion in dealing with these terrorist had been followed, this affair would have ended safely for the hostage hours ago. With the extreme threat I suggested, these criminals couldn't surrender, wanting to get into jail fast enough.
Anyone hear anything new? I haven't been near a TV all day.
This just in, don't ever, EVER ask Obama about pirates that have an American Captain held hostage when he's talking about HOUSING ! .......
I heard about that. An American is being held at gunpoint by a bunch of thugs and he doesn't have a comment? Nice to see you care Obama.
This just in, don't ever, EVER ask Obama about pirates that have an American Captain held hostage when he's talking about HOUSING ! .......
I heard about that. An American is being held at gunpoint by a bunch of thugs and he doesn't have a comment? Nice to see you care Obama.

Is there a workable website that shows Obama, aka POS giving this speech about housing?
This is turning into a Jimmy (the snake) Carter hostage episode all over again. Obama, aka POS will eventually pay the ransom and let the freedom fighters go free.
This is turning into a Jimmy (the snake) Carter hostage episode all over again. Obama, aka POS will eventually pay the ransom and let the freedom fighters go free.
oh man, not even close
come on, man this is an extreme exageration
One shoot to kill order would have solved this. We do not negotiate so there is no other alternative.
actually, ive heard the lifeboat is a covered one, so they wouldnt have a clear shot

They are out of gas and floating in the ocean eventually they will die either starvation or led poisoning.
maybe so
but wouldnt the hostage face that same situation?
i wouldnt be surprised to see a Navy Seal team dispatched

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