Some basic differences between republicans and democrats

Have you noticed that both parties tend to have the property that

crap floats to the top

I mean, look at the Dem candidates

Hillary - hyper corrupt complete fraud
Obama - ditto
Kerry - add in REALLY STUPID too

Why does the CRAP in the Dem Party float to the top?

What happens to decent people like Russ Feingold??

A: they get DE-FUNDED and lose
Republicans think about war, killing and controlling people. It is all about fear and imposing such on other people(Gays, trans, people of color, etc). They use religion to control people.

Democrats think about the good, helping people(the poor, sick and old) and investing in the people of our nation(education, etc). They accept that people are different and don't wish to limit them.
yeah that's why you guys got involved in Syria and lybia, let our ambassador get killed, and you guys love increasing the debt even more than we do.

On education, you guys want to teach sex to 5 year olds, want to tell people 2+2 doesn't have to equal 4, that the main thing to know about Jefferson is he had slaves and fucked them........I mean you education is total bullshit.
And talk about imposing, you guys are the ones forcing shit on people. Like who you can and can not bake a cake for. and holy shit if someone says ******, you guys are the boycotts, and righteous shut the fuck up.

being a commie doesn't make you morally superior.
Republicans think about war, killing and controlling people. It is all about fear and imposing such on other people(Gays, trans, people of color, etc). They use religion to control people.

Democrats think about the good, helping people(the poor, sick and old) and investing in the people of our nation(education, etc). They accept that people are different and don't wish to limit them.
And yet Democrats are responsible for more Americans dying in war than Republicans, The country hasn't devolved into a theocracy with republicans in charge, and after all the time and money Democrats supposedly spent fighting against poverty why do we still experience the phenomenon ?
Conservatives are fact based. Liberals react based on emotions. This is why they make claims that cannot substantiated, so they talk in circles.

Conservatives want stability and security. Liberals prove otherwise. Immigration is a FINE example. So is the race war their elite constantly pushes on us.

Conservatives believe every reaction is caused by an action. Liberals skip the action and jump right into the reaction. Entitlements are a good example, and so is the gun issue.

Conservatives comprehend nature's intent. Liberals believe men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

Conservatives understand the differences between men and women. Liberals try to adjust the differences using narrative and discrimination.

Conservatives understand the concept of survival of the fittest. Liberals try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator.

Liberals preach they're more charitable. Conservatives are more charitable.

Liberals preach how our money is spent. In most cases it's not their money, so they're eager to liberally spend other people's money.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Liberals shift that responsibility to the government.

Conservatives are more family oriented than liberals.

Conservative women are generally better in bed than liberal women. Liberal women are too concerned with their own selfishness and/or insecurity.

Conservatives appreciate the normal more than liberals, while liberals appreciate the abnormal more than the normal.

Conservatives believe in America first. Liberals prefer open doors without culture or tradition, and one world order.

Liberals are more likely to commit a crime.

Conservatives don't like drugs. Somehow they often conclude that alcohol and prescriptions aren't drugs. Meanwhile, liberals want drugs legalized, but strict gun ownership. Figure that one out.

Conservatives are more capable of solving problems. Liberals are more capable of creating new ones. Liberals are better musicians and artists.
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Conservatives absolutely hate lower middle class and lower class working folk. Their aim is to make them hurt. Democrats want to give everything away. I was born in America to 2 Swedes so that makes me first and foremost a swede in mess.
Republicans think about war, killing and controlling people. It is all about fear and imposing such on other people(Gays, trans, people of color, etc). They use religion to control people.

Democrats think about the good, helping people(the poor, sick and old) and investing in the people of our nation(education, etc). They accept that people are different and don't wish to limit them.

That is so full of shit, it’s actually funny!

Who knew crazy people in institutions had internet.

They just borrow Hillary's lap top.
Republicans think about war, killing and controlling people. It is all about fear and imposing such on other people(Gays, trans, people of color, etc). They use religion to control people.

Democrats think about the good, helping people(the poor, sick and old) and investing in the people of our nation(education, etc). They accept that people are different and don't wish to limit them.

Wow, another mind reader. Tell me, do you wear the XB29-X or the KZ31-Y foil helmet when you do your readings? And how tight do you make it?
Conservatives absolutely hate lower middle class and lower class working folk. Their aim is to make them hurt. Democrats want to give everything away. I was born in America to 2 Swedes so that makes me first and foremost a swede in mess.

Conservatives don't "hate lower middle class" or "lower class working folk". Conservatives simply have an expectation of American citizens and expect better of humans...PERIOD.
Conservatives hate criminals and unproductive, filthy, lowlife human beings.
These humans I speak of are often times rich, wealthy or part of our middle class....but nearly all of this countries disgusting human liabilities lie within the lowest class therefore it appears that Conservatives "hate the low class".

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