Some "conservatives" approve of in vitro fertilization! The Catholic Church does not


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
In vitro fertilization is immoral. The Catholic Church, which is the one Christ founded, has always opposed it for the following reasons (well, 1 or 2 of these may be just my own?)

1) many children created this way are discarded (Church is against murder)
2) many are frozen for who knows how long
3) look what a man has to do to produce sperm-- he has to "do himself" which is a MORTAL sin
4) as the Catholic Church teaches, creating children this way is against nature and against marriage, which is where children should be created--in committed LOVE

But I guess even some so called Catholic commentators at Fox News are in favor of this...

Well, you know how it goes.. not everyone who says Lord Lord is a true Christian..

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Do Islamic based religious sects support IVF? Nobody cares because the Catholic Church is currently the popular target of abortionists.

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